WeNotParentsWhat an amazing privilege, and yet enormous responsibility we have to prepare our children for their destiny. Ultimately, it is the moving of the Holy Spirit in their lives that brings this to pass. However, God has chosen us as parents to be His vessels to teach, train, pray, and prepare their hearts for God's service.

We are not parents for a joke! We are not parents just to have the name of mother or father. God has chosen us for a job. A massive undertaking. A divine mission. A biblical mandate. We cannot take it lightly.

It's not enough to diligently teach and train our children. We must live our God-fearing, God-loving, daily God-experiencing lives before them. More than anything else, they will emulate our lifestyle.

Why did God choose Timothy to be a vessel to impact many lives? Of course, we know that Paul chose him, but God was behind that choice. We find the reason in 2 Timothy 1:5, 6 (ESV) when Paul writes to Timothy: "I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that DWELT first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well."

Timothy grew up seeing faith first hand. Yes, his mother and grandmother taught him the Holy Scriptures from the time he was a babe (2 Timothy 3:14, 15), but he also saw it revealed in their lives. It wasn't a faith that was only in their head. It DWELT in them and therefore affected every word and deed of their lives.

The New Living Translation says: "The faith that first FILLED your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice." He couldn't help but notice it filling their lives. Do your children see your faith FILLING you and overflowing into everything you say and do? This is what will impact their lives more than anything else. And think of how many lives were reached for Christ through Timothy.

Are you raising children ready for God to use? God cannot use everyone. Only those who are trained and ready! What a God-anointed task we have as mothers.

Blessings to you today as you fulfill your divine mission,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: Moeder en dochter, Léon Augustin Lhermitte.


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