BeStrongLordThe above words go together. If we are untaught in the ways of God, we will be unstable. This is a challenge to us as mothers. Are we raising our children to be stable or unstable? To be strong and knowledgeable in the things of God or ignorant?

The answer depends on our motivation. Our children don’t become strong in God by hoping it will happen. We must be faithful to implant God’s word into their hearts and mouths—little by little, morning and evening. The great way to do this is to establish family Bible time in your home.

I know you hear me exhorting you about this so many times. Please don’t get tired of me. Did you know that a faithful teacher recaps, repeats, and reminds?

The above Scripture is found in 2 Peter 3:16 which reminds us that the untaught and unstable twist the Scriptures to their own destruction. Peter continues in verses 17, 18: “Ye therefore, beloved . . . beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Isn’t that a great challenge? We can think we are solid and steadfast in the Lord, but unless we keep in the Word and seeking God, we can fall from our own stability! What about our children? Let’s get them to that place of stability in God’s truth. And let’s keep them there, day by day, and constantly feeding them with the anointing and living truth of the Scriptures.

Truly, I am constantly amazed at how little most young people know of the Scriptures, even those who are raised in homeschooling families. They don’t know the Word! Do their parents not read the Word to them morning and evening? Are they not encouraged to have their own daily time in God’s Word also? If they are unlearned and untaught, they will not be stable.

Let’s raise stable children who will stand fast no matter what deception or calamity comes against them.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell


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