Rod of GodConcerning my post below, a mother asks, “What does this rod mean?” Moses’ rod was a shepherd’s staff. It was only a dead stick, nothing very significant, but he used it to direct the sheep in the direction they should go, to steer them from danger, and even to beat off wild animals as he protected his flock. It helped him as he climbed up and down the steep rocky paths.

God used his insignificant staff to wield mighty miracles and deliver a nation. You may feel that your task as a mother is insignificant, but motherhood in God’s hand is a mighty force. Moses’ lifted up his rod to bring plagues upon the Egyptians, to part the Red Sea for millions of people to pass through on dry land and to command the sea to go back destroying the Egyptian army. He used it to bring water out of the rock and to defeat the enemy.

You may not think you are accomplishing great things. But dear mother, to steer a life in the right direction--to teach them the ways of God and prepare them for God’s service is a powerful thing. But you are most probably not only guiding the life of one child, but two, or even ten! You are determining the course of your nation. You are preparing children to change communities and even nations. You are influencing generations to come.

You won’t accomplish much in your own strength, but only eternity will reveal the power of your career as you trust in God. Moses’ rod became the “rod of God” (Exodus 4:2). Embrace your motherhood, the rod God has put into your hand. Yield yourself to the sovereignty of God. Don’t do it in your own strength, but trust in God’s miraculous power. Believe God to do miracles in your children’s lives as you daily pray for them and impart God’s Word and ways richly into their lives. Trust in God’s provision. Trust in His strength and wisdom and discernment.

Your rod of motherhood is your “rod of God.” He has given it to you and He wants you to experience it in His strength. He wants you to use it with His power, anointing, and authority. He wants you to know that you are walking in the perfect will of God. He wants you to walk in faith, believing God to do miracles in your marriage, your home, and your children each new day.

Take up your rod. Hold it high. Don't let the enemy bring it down to the dust.

In His love, Nancy Campbell


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