After my post, "God has not Forgotten You," some mothers shared the pain of continual miscarriages. One dear mother has lost over a dozen babies to miscarriage.

It is so grieving to lose a baby at any stage, whether it is a few weeks in the womb or many years older. No matter what stage it is grief because a life has been lost. Yes, this precious life has been lost to us, and yet it hasn't really been lost. Every baby that is born is an eternal soul that will live forever. Dear mother, you will one day enjoy this precious life for eternity. It was not a waste to conceive this child. You have brought forth a child for the eternal realm, which is the real world. In your loss and in your pain, please be encouraged as you look forward to the FOREVER. This is your hope. This is your joy.

Many folks are now receiving their new magazine, Above Rubies # 88. In this issue you will read a testimony, SEVEN TINY BOXES where a mother shares the pain of losing seven babies to miscarriage in the last seven years.

May you be encouraged, Nancy Campbell

"Baby's Secret"

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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
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Phone : 931-729-9861
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