CallEnduranceHave you read the book of Revelation recently? If I need to be inspired in the fear of God, I read Revelation again. It puts the fear of God into my heart, which is good, because we are to daily walk in the fear of the Lord.

The other day I read Revelation 14:12 (ESV): “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus Christ.”

This Scripture comes right in the middle of the warning to not take the mark of the beast upon your forehead or hand. Please read Revelation 13:14-18 and 14:9-13. They tell us that if we don’t take the mark we will not be able to buy or sell and could be killed.

This means hardship, hunger, starvation, and martyrdom. However, what is worse? To receive the wrath of God?

Why am I writing about such things on a Facebook to encourage wives and mothers? Because as mothers we must inform our children. That’s why it is written for us. We don’t know when this time will come, but we know it is coming. Will it be in our generation? Or will it be during our children’s lives? Or will it be in our grandchildren’s lives?

However, we must all be ready for when this time comes. We must prepare our children. Even if it is not in their time, we must prepare them to tell their children. We must warn them to never take the mark of the beast which aligns with Satan and his kingdom.

And so, God sends out the call. The call is for endurance. If we face this time, we will have to endure much suffering and even martyrdom.

The message I receive from this call is that we must learn to be faithful NOW! We must learn to endure in our trials and tribulations NOW! We must learn to persevere NOW! We must teach our children how to endure NOW. As we learn to have patience and perseverance in our sufferings now, we will be ready to face greater trials.

We have a responsibility to prepare our children and future generations. We must teach them how to trust Christ in their difficulties and endure them patiently and cheerfully, even the little ones they face, so they are in the habit of doing this in their lives. So that it will be their habit for bigger trials. And theyu will be ready if they are the generation that face this greatest of all tests that will come upon the earth.

We must teach them to stand for truth and for their biblical convictions, even in the face of ridicule and hostility NOW! How will they say No to the mark of the beast if they can’t stand up for truth now?

This call comes to those who “keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus Christ.” The word keep is hereo and means “to guard from loss or injury, to keep custody, a fortress of full military strength.” We and our children will keep custody of God’s truth. We will not let go the commandments of God even if we can’t buy or sell and suffer persecution or death.

Many Bible versions translate this Scripture: “This is when perseverance is needed on the part of God’s people.”

The Knox translation says: “This is the test which the saints endure, keeping true to God’s commandments and the faith of Jesus.”

We must keep passing on this message and preparing each new generation.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

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