Dear Ladies, You may have missed some of the testimonies on the thread of the post, DARE WE ARGUE WITH GOD. Therefore, I will post some of them here for you to encourage you. You will love Donna's testimony of conceiving AFTER WAITING FOR 18 YEARS! Nancy

Donna Marsingale: I got pregnant shortly after I got married. Listened to everyone around me and went on the pill shortly after he was born. A couple of years later, God convicted us to leave it in His hands. I came off the pill and expected to get pregnant right away. A year went by, two, five, ten, fifteen. Every month, the heartache of watching others get pregnant so easily and then listen to them complain about their one or two children. I wanted a houseful! I took test after test, crying out to God. I spoke to family and friends that stopped having children after 1 or 2 because they were a burden, trying to get them to seek God in this matter. After trying almost 18 years, I finally just told God that I was giving it to Him. If He wanted me to only have one, then I would accept His decision. I am due any day now with my second child. God is so good. My family thinks I'm crazy, having a child at 40. But, I've told them that we will still let God decide. If He wants to send more, my heart will rejoice and gladly welcome them. If this is it, then I thank Him for allowing me this honor.

Melissa Horton: I stand in a position of having had the tubal, and living in regret ever since. If only we had the funds to reverse it, we would! I'd rather have had FOUR more babies in the past four years than to deal with the complications in my body from the procedure taking away the opportunity for blessings from the Lord. I have prayed MANY times for the Lord to work a miracle and "undo" the tubal. If the Lord had said, "One thousand dollar bills are a blessing from the Lord", would we so easily say, "nah, I'll pass on another." or "I have one already, and that is ENOUGH." Or would we cry over being blessed with our 7th one-thousand dollar bill? No. But children have been turned into a burden by society, and even obstetricians who make a living from us having reproductive health and more babies encourage cesareans, which, in the long-run, mean fewer children due to complications (such as scar tissue build up) that arise from having them. Oh, how I wish I could reverse my tubal while I'm still young.

Rachel Kate Parish: We had a vasectomy after 2 babies & thought it was 100% the right choice! I'm now looking at our little miracle vasectomy reversal baby sleeping next to me. Hard to explain, but a few years after the vasectomy I became somewhat depressed & didn't really know what my purpose was anymore. Long story short I feel like this baby has healed me in a way! I try to tell people out story but they don't really get it. I didn't either at one time. Not until I realized what a terrible mistake we made (my husband too!) We were just lucky enough that the reversal worked... life without this new little guy seems unimaginable!

Tania Marie: I've had a tubal reversal this summer. I regretted my ligation within 1 year. The guilt I felt taking something into my own hands was unbearable. This helped me realize all forms of birth control is not God's will. I realized that I have no right taking control of something that is not mine. My body is not my own. I was bought at a price and I needed to ask God's permission prior to altering my body, which is really His body. This is something I thought I had God's ok on, but how could He ever be ok with something that limits His power? Birth control should be leaving it up to God's control. When I came to Jesus, I surrendered to Him* (the * is there because I surrendered every part of my life except one--my womb). True obedience requires no asterisks. Now I surrender all to Him. Please keep us in prayer that we would be able to conceive a healthy baby.

Chris Beth Biggerstaff: I am the oldest child of 11. I love having my wonderful siblings and I can't hardly remember life without any one of them. A couple of years ago my mom had a miscarriage around 12 weeks. When the placenta didn't detach she almost bled out. After rushing to the ER, an emergency DNC was done. She came home the next day! But it really scared my parents. They began to re-evaluate where they stood and through it all we have all come away more convinced that preventing life is wrong! God is trustworthy in all areas of life! Even though it was a hard time in our lives I'm thankful for the deep conviction it brought to my life. I said that's what I believed but now I know it is. I look forward to seeing what God does in my life and the lives of my family!


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