SideBySideWe have been enjoying a great 4th July week with visiting families staying with us on our hilltop. Thursday night we had a potluck meal together followed by a Trivia Quiz and then Improv for everyone--84 of us all together. But that was small compared to all the families that joined with us for our barbecue and fireworks July 4th. We put in a volley ball court just before everyone arrived. They've played competition volley ball from morning 'til night! Now we look forward to a wonderful Sunday together.

One of the lovely young people staying with us shared this poem/prose with us that God inspired her to write. She has been on many mission trips across the world. She shared how that when she is on mission trips she makes sure she is at church at least half and hour to an hour before time to pray and prepare the way for God to move. But when she gets back to USA she said she became guilty of arriving at church late. God convicted her and she wrote this poem.

It's a good day to share it this Sunday and I trust it will be a blessing to you as you prepare to meet with believers wherever you live today.
~ Nancy

By Becky Graham

Persecution! We know its coming for prophets have heard the drum.
Christians, be prepared.
You may become impaired
For simply following Jesus.
Persecution! It happens around the world.
In 52 countries it is illegal to declare the name of Jesus
Or gather with other believers.
This persecution is trying to make its way in America
Through deceivers.
Many have already fallen, their ears deaf to the calling.
But when it comes, will you stay strong?
Don’t tell me if persecution comes you won’t fall
If on Sunday mornings, you can’t get up and go to church to stand tall.

“It’s personal, my relationship with God is between me and God.
It’s my right, my freedom to stay at home.”
You’re right. It is your freedom to stay at home.
But when you enjoy your freedom to stay home Sunday mornings,
Pray for your brothers and sisters
Who walk miles through the jungle with feet covered in blisters
To join a group of other believers.
And when you remind others of your “right” to stay home,
Don’t forget the fight our fathers fought for your freedom to go.

In China, my sisters are willing to be arrested, beaten, and even killed
For the opportunity to stand in a church and hear the Scriptures read.
My brothers are murdered for the chance to sing a hymn with other believers.
What amazing value they have for the bride.
They are willing to risk their lives to stand side by side.

When you are hidden in your room, isolated from the body,
Remember to pray for your brothers and sisters lined up in a courtroom,
Ready to be judged for worshipping in a public place.
When you state your opinions and make your case
For why you don’t have to be involved in a local church,
Remember the hundreds being marched away, disappearing without a trace
For embracing their home church.

I pray we see this through God’s eyes.
His love for His church, His love for His bride.
This is more than you—it is worldwide.

While we sit in the comforts of our homes in America,
I pray we will remember how many in other nations wake up early
For a chance to be around fellow believers,
To sneak into a church, to hear God’s Word, even if persecution follows.
They are wiling to take the chance
Because they see the value of not being alone,
They will not conform and become the world’s clone.

Here in America, I pray our blinders will fall,
That we’ll leave our comfort places to answer the call—
The call to follow Jesus!
The call to be with His people.
The call to be part of the bride.
I pray we will not run away and hide.

You have the freedom to stay home and be alone.
You can isolate yourself from the body of Christ and have “church” on your phone.
But please, please remember your sisters and brothers
Who travel great distances to worship with others,
Please remember on Sunday mornings the little children
Singing a hymn in a forbidden home.
Their parents’ willing to risk everything
To bring them to unite with other believers.

As you sit in your room, don’t forget those risking their lives
As they eagerly await the return of the Groom.
United as the bride, they stand side by side.


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