The ark kept Noah and his family safe from flood. But, although they were safe, they had to go through the storm. We will never be able to avoid the storms and tempests of this life. Consequently, we have to learn how to navigate them. God shows the way through the example of Noah who built a strong home, a home that could withstand the biggest tempest that ever hit this earth.

Each one of has faced our different storms. We may face bigger storms ahead. The most important thing we can do is to continue strengthening our marriage and our home. Ask God to show you any leaks where the destroying enemy can enter in. Our homes constantly need repair. I am glad I married a “Mr. Fix It” as I call my husband. But more than physical wear and tear is spiritual wear and tear.

Constantly check what is going on in your home, what is being watched and read in your home, and what is coming into your home. The enemy hates godly homes and he looks for openings in the walls where he can enter in. He looks for broken down walls. Close up all holes. Take authority over compromise, worldliness and all evil. Plead for God’s protection and cover your home with the power of the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Become such a diligent watchwoman that you scare the devil!

Love from Nancy

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ