Hebrews 12:14, "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.”

Men, we are called to be examples of holiness, first of all, to our wives and families, and then to all men. In order to evaluate our state of holiness, we need to personally ask ourselves the following questions?

Am I a good example of holiness before my wife and children?
Am I actively seeking holiness in heart and life?
Do I pray daily that God, by His Holy Spirit, will work His holiness in me?
Am I involved in any activity that is in any way questionable, corrupt, or suspect?
Are any of my financial gains or profits carrying any soil or stain of sin?
Is God prospering my business or employment because of my lifestyle of purity and righteousness?
Am I known to be totally honest?
Do people whom I am closely associated with observe my purity of heart by my honest and pure manner of speaking?
Are my business principles the same as my religious principles?
Does my family observe hypocrisy in me?
Am I in any way compromising moral values?
Do I lie when under pressure, or to get my way in a lawsuit or tax exemption?
Do I have an appetite to be entertained by the world?
Do I have a healthy discipline to daily read God’s Word and pray?

We must not mistake religious activity for holiness. True holiness is having a pure heart.

Be encouraged. Colin

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