LetUsOutdoIsn't it the most boring thing in the world to get into a rut? You're stuck. You're going nowhere. This often happens in our marriage relationship. We go from day to day in the same old fashion. We are quite happy with one another and there are no problems. But there's no spice.

Sometimes we need to stir ourselves out of the rut. The good thing is that you don't have to stay in the same old routine. Nothing ever happens without making it happen, but you can start to make it happen. Hebrews 10:24 (TLB) says: “LET US OUTDO each other in being helpful and kind to each other.”

I am sure you tell your husband every day that you love him. Even this can be a rut. Can you think of more exciting ways to remind him that you love him? Don't say it once a day--perhaps ten times a day and in all different ways. Prepare his favorite meals. Do and say loving and kind things to him that you never have before.

OUTDO ONE ANOTHER. If he is especially loving to you, find a way to be even more loving back to him.

Begin this fun stimulating one another to love and good deeds among your whole family. Encourage the children to be competitive in showing love and doing nice things to their brothers and sisters.

Can you imagine the change of attitude in your marriage and family life?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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