OutOfBoxWhen Pearl and Evangeline or I have a birthday, our favorite gift is to receive a surprise from Serene. No, it’s not something from the shop! We love it when she makes one of her great concoctions--something that no one has ever tasted before.
Serene creates new recipes every day. What will it be this time? We can't wait to try. Of course, it won't be anything you'll ever see in Trim Healthy Mama. A lot of Serene's recipes don't get past our family--they are too "way out" for most people, but they are always amazing, and of course always in the super food realm!
I’ll let you have a peep behind the scenes. On one of Evangeline's birthdays Serene came up with a new recipe along with a poem to go with it:
To VangiBabe
What can you give a girl with golden hair
Who thinks "out of the box" and makes every head stare?
Can you go to Walmart and buy her some socks,
Or something normal that fits in a box?
Shop at the Mall for apparel with prices steep?
She could make better herself from the back of a sheep!
Buy her some shoes? She likes bare feet in the soil!
Soaps, trinkets, or hankies? She'll shudder and recoil!
What about a book? The best one in the store?
She'll have read it already, it will be a bore!
I could get spicy sausages and fermented butter,
But I did that last year for her birthday supper!
So I'll make her some "out of the box" chocolate truffles,
She'll like them better than store-bought skirts with ruffles,
I'll fill them with ginger, hot peppers, and Oolong tea,
Grass-fed gelatin and vanilla; and she'll scream with glee.
She'll eat them for breakfast, even at midnight,
This is what I'll do to fill her face with delight,
I'll send them along with a prayer in my heart
For her best years yet, to unfold and now start.
Love from Sereniebean.
I got to taste one before she went over to Vange's. They were DELECTABLE! Melt in your mouth!
Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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