PlayFairWhy are homosexuals are allowed to be militant, and yet Christians brow-beaten to tolerance? If conservatives raise one tiny voice of protest, they are pounced upon immediately. The homosexuals freely express their agenda, but Christians must not say one word about same-sex marriage. Are we supposed to be talking about tolerance?

Do we bow down to such distortion of truth such as words by Michael Swift from the Gay Manifesto: “The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence--will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.” It would be too embarrassing to print all of this article, but it can be read at: http://www.blessedcause.org/protest/Gay%20Manifesto.htm

Homosexuals have freedom to stand up for their lifestyle and yet Christians face unbelievable fines, court costs, and maybe prison if they refuse to give business to a homosexual. Where is the tolerance in this?

I believe in free speech. I believe in a free country. The alternatives can say what they like, but Bible believers should also be prepared to speak truth with freedom.

The Bible is not allowed in schools, but we now have state-mandated standards on middle school social studies implemented during 2014-2015. Parents complained in my state of Tennessee of their children having to recite out loud, and do projects on the Shahada, or Five Pillars of Faith in Islam. They also had to write: "Allah is the only God." Reports are also coming from parents in many states saying their children are being asked to learn the Five Pillars. Are they asked to learn Bible Scriptures?

Let’s play fair! And most of all, let’s not be deceived. And even more, let’s make sure our children are not deceived, brainwashed, propagandized, and programmed by leftist ideology. What are you doing to prepare your children against this militant agenda?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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