IT WAS A SCAM! (Part 2)

Scam2IT WAS A SCAM! (Part 2)
(From Meadow Hall)
It made me start thinking of the gospel. The craftiest scammer is Satan. And the reason why his scams are so effective and believable is not because they are simply lies, but because they are lies made to have the appearance of truth. We are all made to yearn for a sense of justice and morality. We have a deep need in our souls to be redeemed, to have a purpose and a reason for being. We are made for love. The gospel of Christ is the only true gospel that satisfies these deep longings in our souls. We cannot earn it, we could never afford it ourselves. It was given to us, but to accept it still comes with a cost—the cost is to lay down our lives and follow Him.
For some people, that cost is too high. So they go looking for an alternative and they fall for a counterfeit gospel. We know there are counterfeit gospels, because with every truth there is a lie, and the most compelling lies are the ones mixed with truth.
I started thinking about a couple of recent counterfeit gospels some of us are falling for them. There is the gospel of critical race theory. If you’re a white person, you will have to continually shame your whiteness (and other people’s whiteness) and strive to redeem yourself from the sin of white supremacy and racism. You’ll never fully be redeemed because you’ll always be white, but it will give you a sense of justice and maybe even superiority to your other white peers.
There is truth in the gospel of CRT in the fact that racism is a sin, and we all need redemption from sin, but the lie contradicts the gospel of Christianity which tells us there is neither Jew or Greek, all have sinned and fallen short, and all can be redeemed through Christ. Many who have fallen for CRT are waking up to realize that the product they received was only more self-loathing, hatred, division, and more of a consciousness towards race than they had before. IT WAS A SCAM.
are celebrating and evangelizing the gospel of transgenderism in which your old self (your biological sex) dies, and you become a new person by acting as your own god and claiming your own identity as having a new gender. The truth in this lie is that we must all die to our old selves and be born again, but in the true gospel, (instead of striving to change our sex which God chose for us), we die to our old sin nature and become new creations of God. Our identity is determined by the finished work on the cross.
Some, who have fallen for transgenderism are starting to see that calling themselves a new gender does not fill the empty void in their souls or lessen their depression. Others are waking up to have to accept that even though they went as far as to mutilate their genitalia, it hasn’t changed their biology. Sometimes they face lifelong complications from their surgeries and hormonal treatments and realize once again, IT WAS ALL A SCAM.
Most of us have been scammed at some point or another. And once we’ve been through a scam, it is morally just that we would seek to warn others not to fall for the same scam we went through, or any scam that we have identified for that matter. Just as I would urge someone to check the web address when they’re shopping on a new website, I recognize that the most detrimental scams are not the ones that steal our money, but rather the ones that steal our identity, our health, our livelihood, or worse yet, our souls.
It’s worth considering that if a so-called gospel allows us to pick and choose what we want to believe, if it gives us a sense of morality but comes with no compromise on our lifestyle, or if the end results leave us in a worse state than we were before, IT’S PROBABLY A SCAM.
Because the real gospel will never be sold for cheap.
- Meadow Hall
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IT WAS A SCAM! (Part 1)

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