AUDYpart(A message from my husband, Colin Campbell. Keep reading down to see what God told him to do about Trump.)
We are fast approaching the time of our next presidential election, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. The far left strongly advocates Marxism and the liberal policies of wholesale abortion, same-sex marriage, transgenderism, sex trafficking, all manner of moral perversion, and the extreme over-reach of global warming. Let alone planning the invasion of our country with foreigners and terrorists. They have already allowed 10 million illegal immigrants into our nation. And communists flying their red flags are marching the streets of our cities.
Without any compunction they malign the righteous with all manner of hate speech through propaganda and the liberal media. They are quick to condemn the righteous for a so-called insurrection when their protest marches turned over police cars, burnt American flags, looted shops, smashed down windows, taking over whole sections of cities—and got away with it.
Those on the right are condemned if they dare to pray inside the capitol building or even dare to stand up and speak against the 2020 election being stolen, which it was without doubt. There is ample evidence to prove it. The liberal agenda has weaponized the FBI to crack down on anyone who dares to stand up and exercise their God-given and constitutional rights.
Sad to say, there are good people on the right who are being persuaded by some conservative talk show hosts to not vote for Donald Trump because he is not as strong as they think he should be on certain aspects of abortion. Nevertheless, we should not underestimate the national benefit of his appointing supreme court judges who were able to bring about the massive demise of Roe v. Wade. We can thank Donald Trump for that.
He stated these words on January 17, 2021: “Every human life is a gift to the world. Whether born or unborn, young or old, healthy or sick, every person is made in the holy image of God. The Almighty Creator gives unique talents, beautiful dreams, and a great purpose to every person. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we celebrate the wonder of human existence and renew our resolve to build a culture of life where every person of every age is protected, valued, and cherished.” He shows a respect for life and needs to be reminded of these words.
I was very disappointed to hear him say during the debate with Biden that he believed in the exceptions for abortion, namely, rape, incest, and the health of the mother. At the same time he denounced later term abortions. However, when you open the door to exceptions, it soon becomes a landslide.
There can be no exceptions when it comes to life. If it’s life and there is a heartbeat, you cannot kill the baby. It is murder. I personally know people who were conceived through incest, and they are living a beautiful life today. I personally know people who were conceived through rape and yet are living a happy life today. There are mothers who are happily married and now giving life to their own children who were conceived through rape. There is never an excuse to kill an innocent baby.
What do we do about Donald Trump? We must pray for him, that God will speak to his heart, and he will have ears to hear what God says about life.
We must not reject him but continue to vote for him. We have no alternative. The democrat stance on abortion is horrific. They want babies to be killed up to the third trimester, even just before they are born. And even after they are born! They hate innocent life. Plus, they are destroying this country with their Marxist ideologies. And if you don’t vote, you are adding a vote for extreme socialism. It is far better to have an imperfect Trump (as we are all imperfect) rather than a fully-fledged Marxist for a president.
We will fail our country if we fail to exercise our constitutional right to vote for the one who is the most righteous and who stands by our constitution.
I’d like to share an encounter I had with God while driving my car on the day of the 2020 election. I was very burdened about the elections as it looked like Hilary Clinton was well ahead in the early polls.
I lifted my burdened heart to the Lord with a sigh and said, “Lord, we can’t have Hilary Clinton for president.” Immediately, I heard a voice speaking to my spirit saying, “If I give you Donald Trump, will you pray for him?” I dismissed the voice thinking it was my own mind playing tricks with me. However, a few minutes later I heard God’s voice, stronger than ever, saying exactly the same thing, “If I give you Donald Trump, will you pray for him?”
This time I knew deep down that this was God speaking to me. I did not want to respond light-heartedly, thinking of what happened to Annanias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11). I did not want to make a promise to God I could not keep, and I responded, “Lord, by Your grace I will” and I have continued to pray for him daily.
If we lose this next election, I fear this country will slide deeply into Marxism and there may never be another fair and square constitutional election again. There is no doubt in my mind that the left is not in any way holding back on any of their extreme leftist agendas. Not at all!
The dangers of the new decimal government controlled (Central Bank Digital Currency) are serious. This is not an asset backed currency and will have strict governmental oversight on what, where, and how you spend your money. If it does not fit their approval, your money will be penalized.
Make no mistake about it, Marxism promises delusional freedom. You will not be free to own anything—your home, your children, your business, your own money, or even your religion. They want zero class distinction. Everyone will have an equal share in the wealth of the nation, but in all truth, the only people that will live as kings will be those who are the political leaders. They will keep everyone else poor and dependent on government handouts to subjugate them to their extreme communist agenda. These elitists will have all the power, not “We the People,” as our constitution grants us. This is why they want to destroy our constitution.
Take a good, strong look at all the countries that have been taken over by communism. Look at Venezuela. It was once the richest country in Latin America and is now the poorest! The people have just won their recent election by 70 percent! Instead of conceding the government sent their military into the streets to shoot their citizens. Why would anyone want to live under communism?
The only churches that remain open in these countries are government controlled. Even sermons are subject to Marxist approval. They call this freedom when in all reality it is tyranny.
We are strongly exhorted in the Scriptures to expose all evil. Ephesians 5:11 says: “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” This word in the Greek NT means “to convict, correct, reprehend severely, admonish, rebuke.”
Our constitution is set up to enable the constituents of this nation to have a solid input into the running of this country by who they vote for. We will never have a perfect government until the coming of Jesus Christ himself. However, the alternative to Donald Trump is unthinkable Marxism. If Trump does not win, then it will be the right-wing Christians who will suffer the most.
Remember, Karl Marx, the father of communism and who wrote the Communist Manifesto (along with Friedrich Engels) said: “My object is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.”
Will you join me in obeying God’s injunction to me to pray for Trump?
1. WE MUST PRAY that God will strengthen him in the ways of righteousness and that he will not compromise on anything that is morally wrong.
2. WE MUST PRAY that God will prepare him for his next term of presidency.
3. WE MUST PRAY that he will love righteousness and hate all evil (Psalm 45:7; 97:10; Amos 5:15; and Romans 12:9).
4. WE MUST PRAY that God will protect him from all those who would try to trap him in their devious plans.
5. WE MUST PRAY that all his enemies will be brought down, and they will fall into their own traps (Psalm 31:4; 35:7, 8; 57:6; 140:9-11; and 141:10).
6. WE MUST PRAY that God will protect him (and his wife and family) at all times. We know the opposition will stop at nothing to eradicate him. I believe it was only God’s mighty power and protection answering the prayers of His people that saved Donald Trump on J13 and S15.
7. WE MUST PRAY earnestly for God’s supernatural and divine protection upon him. Our warfare is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5 and Ephesians 6:11, 12).
8. WE MUST PRAY against all further assassination attempts.
9. WE MUST PRAY that he will always give God the glory in everything and in every way (1 Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17).
10. WE MUST PRAY that God will keep him in excellent health and that he will have overflowing strength and wisdom to perform all the tasks that lie before him each day.
As you gather your families each day at your family devotions, pray together for this coming election. I believe God has blessed this nation with the most amazing constitution, giving “We the People” much influence in how this country is governed. When we do not vote we negate the God-inspired privilege we have inherited.
IT WAS A SCAM! (Part 2)

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