TimeWakeUpDid you watch the video below by the two doctors? If not, you missed out as it is now taken down. Dear ladies, we are losing our freedoms by the minute. We must wake up. This video was not a hype or a conspiracy. It was factual, up-to-date data by two doctors who have been testing big communities in California. It was quite mainstream. They believe in testing (whereas I don’t think it is necessary). They believe in vaccines (whereas I don’t—well, especially the one they are preparing for this current virus). But their video was taken down with a message from YouTube that it violates their guidelines. It was only the factual numbers of their testing but the powers that be didn’t like it because it exposes the lies of the media.

Dear ladies, we no longer live in “the land of the free.” There is no longer free speech. As people are waking up to the truth of what is happening and are beginning to expose the truth, the videos are being taken down.

“those behind the scenes” want to deceive us with their lies. It is now common knowledge with the current numbers and testing that there have been no more deaths with this particular corona virus than with the seasonal flu. In fact, the number of deaths for the virus are less than they were for the flu in the past two years.

They want you to believe this virus is deadly whereas most people who have tested positive hardly know they are sick. Those who have died are mostly those who have had one, two, or sometimes three existing conditions. Doctors are being commanded to list COVID-19 as the cause of death even if they patient died from something else.

Dear ladies, this whole scenario is not so much about a virus but the controlling of our lives. They have successfully shut down the world through fear! And they did it without hardly a murmur from anyone. Even God’s people! Even stopped them gathering together for church.

Government, governors of states, mayors, and police are violating the Frist Amendment. Let’s read it again:

“The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution PREVENTS (my capitals) the government from making laws which regulate an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.”

In some states people are being arrested for walking outside their home or in a park. They are not allowed to work. The world has believed their lies and submitted. What has happened to America, the land of the free? The land of strong men and women who stand up for what is right and their freedoms? Who do not cave into deception and lies?

It reveals the power of fear. Fear is not a reality. It is what we think might happen because of the noise of fear.

Did you know that fear has sound waves? Job 15:21 says: “The sound of fear is in his ears.” It’s not a reality but the sound is in his ears. We have been hearing the “sound of fears” from the media and governments. Satan knows that fear is his greatest weapon.

Isaiah 24:18: (HCSB): “Whoever flees at the sound of panic will fall into a pit.” We must not listen to the deceptive lies of fear. We must not panic. And we must not flee. We do not have to hide in our houses and do all the other crazy things that they are wanting to make the “new norm” of our society! We are a free people

Did you know that unless you are a dentist, or a doctor or nurse caring for sick and infectious patients, wearing a mask will not do much for you. You are only breathing in your own carbon dioxide and it’s not truly effective. I’d rather breathe in the beautiful fresh air and also maybe pick up some immunity to the virus. By doing this I will have a stronger immune system. Hiding away weakens your immune system.

Psalm 53:5: “There they were in great fear, where no fear was.” This is the picture of the world right now. "There they are in GREAT FEAR, where there is no fear!” Except what we are brainwashed to think. The margin of my Bible says: “They feared a fear.” Why do we fear a fear? Why do we fear lies and deceptions? Why do we give up our freedoms and succumb to those who want to rule our lives?

Shouldn’t we fear God rather than man?

And did you know that the hospitals are half empty? Doctors are only working half days. Many doctors are laid off or working only part time as there are so few patients. Everything is the opposite of what you are told.

I will post some more videos which I believe everyone should see. They are certainly not so mainstream as the one taken down, but the facts can all be confirmed. Watch them before they are taken down. Watch them for the sake of your future and the future of your children.

Dear mothers, I write this to you because we have a great responsibility. We are not only mothering for today but for the coming generations—for our grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and posterity to come. Do you care about them? Do you care about the world they will live in. I shudder to think of what they will face unless we stand up now and take back our freedoms. I don’t want them to live in fear and servitude. I want them to LIVE.

We must understand that the whole purpose of this “panic” is to rule over us and take our freedoms.

My prayer is that we will be like the children of Issachar who “had understanding of the times, to KNOW what Israel ought to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). May we understand what is really going on and know what we should do.

In His love,

Nancy Campbell


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