IfWePrayI love the words of the following poem, written by a dear friend of mine who is a missionary to the native Indians up in the mountains of Panama.

Often we try every other answer before we pray. If only we could realize the power of prayer. We face a huge challenge in our family at the present. So what are we doing? The family members who all live around us on the hilltop here gather together nightly (EVERY NIGHT--we are committed to storm the gates of heaven) at 7.30 pm to all cry out to God. We know God is our answer and it is to Him we go. Sometimes we have up to forty of us. Oh what power there is in corporate family prayer.

The amazing thing is that as we cry out to God for Him to show forth His mighty power in the situation, God is working in us. He is doing wondrous things in all of us, and in all the children’s lives, as we pray. How wonderful to see the children, even down to the youngest, pressing into God and crying out to Him.

If we will pray
God will move mountains
He will move nations
He will do the impossible

If we will pray
The skies will open
With glorious sunshine
Or much-needed rain

If we will pray
God promises to hear us
How gloriously He'll answer
And the world will be changed
If we will pray ...

~ Patricia Holmes

What desperate situation are you facing in your life, or your family? Cry out to God. Yes, many times we have to do more than pray a little prayer. We have to cry out to God with all our hearts.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell


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