IfThenI am sure you are praying for our land. We desperately want healing for our land and an annihilation to this virus. Thousands are praying for it to come to a halt by the end of this month and I am joining them in prayer. I don’t believe this is too much to ask. We pray to a miracle-working God who does signs and wonders.

Don’t give up praying as you gather your family each morning and evening to cry out to God. Make sure all the children are with you because God hears and answers their prayers too. Remember, where “two or three” are gathered in His name, He will be with you. And when “two agree together “God will answer their prayers. What about more gathered together? Read Matthew 18:18-20 again.

But we need more than healing for our land. We need healing and forgiveness from the sin which fills our land. Abortion, murdering precious life in the womb, continues. The Abortion Clock states that up today there have already been 261, 950 babies murdered. The COVID-19 is insignificant compared to this number, and yet most people are oblivious to it.

This is only the beginning of the sin that fills this nation. Let’s take hold of 2 Chronicles 7:14 which says that IF we . . .
Humble ourselves
Seek God’s face, and
Turn from our wicked ways . . .
THEN He will hear from Heaven, and forgive our sin, and heal our land.

God is faithful. He will heal us and heal our land too if we do our part.

Could we increase our prayers to three times a day? This was the habit of David’s life and yet he was a great king and with many responsibilities (Psalm 55:17). It was the habit of Daniels’s life and yet He was high up in the Babylonian kingdom with many responsibilities. (Daniel 6:5). e also have lots of things to do but we can do it too.

I guess it depends how much we want God to heal our land.

Love to you today from Nancy Campbell
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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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