HomenessHomeness is in every one of us. God put it there as He as designed us to love home which is also family. The words for home in the Hebrew and Greek are also used for family. We understand the power of homeness when we see the opposite, homeless. No one is meant to be homeless. God intends every person to live in a family. He sets the solitary in families.

When a child leaves their home to stay with friends it is common for them to be homesick. In fact, homesickness can be debilitating and can be painful for some children, even as they get older. We’ve all felt the sickening feeling of homesickness and understand that it is a vey real thing.

Sometimes we can feel homesick even when we are at home! I think that’s a homesickness for our eternal home. Home is very much tied to our lives.

Once again, because it is a God breathed thing, the devil hates it. The devil hates everything that is of God. He hates life, family, the home, the womb, and babies. The devil is having a heyday as he has successfully wooed thousands of women out of their homes, away from the God-ordained post, away from their children, and away from the nest where God wants to give them sanctuary and rest.

In Psalm 68:11, 12 God talks about the army of women in the home, but they have gone AWOL!

I believe it is time for women to come back to the home. It’s not coming back to nothingness. It’s coming back to the highest career in the nation.

It’s coming back to pour our lives into our children to teach and train them to be mighty for God. It is coming back to the home to have time to prepare meals where we can sit around the table together and fellowship as families. It’s coming back to the home to have time to establish a family meeting with God morning and evening. It’s coming back to the home where we have the opportunity to use all the gifts God has given to us to build godly families and create and make and sew and paint and write and accomplish all the artistic gifts God has put within us.

Creating a home is revealing the likeness of God. He already has a home, but He is still creating. Jesus told us He is preparing a place for us (John 14:1-3). His ultimate plan is to welcome us into His eternal home. When we turn away from home, thinking it is insignificant, we are turning away from God’s ultimate plan. Everything we do in this life is a type and a preparation for our eternal home.

It is time for mothers to make their homes a home, a place where everyone wants to be, and they are homesick when they are not there. He wants us to make delightful homes. The first home was called the Garden of Eden. Eden means “delight” which was the prototype for all homes to come.

The more time we spend away from home, the more we weaken the home. The more we build into our home and family, the more we strengthen it. In fact, it is a good idea when making decisions for your family to have this goal: whatever weakens the family, don’t do it; whatever strengthens the family, go for it.

Let’s get back to homeness, dear mothers. Strong homes make a strong nation.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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