jude2021God continually works in our hearts by His Holy Spirit. However, there are some things that He wants us to work on ourselves:

1) KEEP YOURSELF UNSPOTTED FROM THE WORLD (James 1:27 and 1 John 5:18).

2) BUILD UP YOURSELF IN YOUR MOST HOLY FAITH (Jude 1:20). We must daily build up ourselves and teach our children how to build up themselves. How do you do this? By fuelling ourselves with God's Word and "praying in the Holy Ghost." The Amplified Version translates it: "Build yourselves up (founded) on your most holy faith (make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher.)" Are you, and your family, growing more in the Lord each day?

3) KEEP YOURSELF IN THE LOVE OF GOD (Jude 1:21). God relentlessly wants to pour out His love upon us, but if we walk out from His covering (choosing our own way instead of His way) we move away from the Fountain where we can receive His blessing. The commentator, Alexander MacLaren talks about "conscious sunning ourselves in the love of God." Consciously do this as you mother in your home. Consciously keep in His love even when you go through sorrows and difficulties.

You will also keep in His love as you constantly look "for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Jude 1:21) instead of looking at your circumstances and to your own resources.

4) WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING (Philippians 2:12). We cannot take the grace of God in vain. We must continuously walk in the fear of the Lord.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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