PligrimagesI know you are aware that this world is not your home and you are a stranger and pilgrim on this earth (1 Peter 2:11). But did you know that you are not a sojourner on your own? God Himself sojourns with you. God says in Leviticus 25:23: "For you are strangers and sojourners WITH ME.”

We do not walk alone; God walks with us. When we feel like an outcast because we don’t fit in with the culture of this world, God is an outcast with us. When we suffer pain and persecution, God suffers with us. What wonderful comfort to know that God pilgrims with us through this time of exile.

God uses His word to guide us (Psalm 119:19, 54 and Hebrews 11:13). As exiles of eternity we must keep His words in our hearts and mouths. The people who belong to earth live by a different mindset than the God-fearing sojourner. They belong to a different kingdom with different values and worldview. Therefore, if we don’t continually hold on to God’s words we can easily be dragged into the mindset of this world system instead of living by heavenly rules and principles.

It is also important to teach your children that they are only temporary residents and foreigners on this earth and have a greater destiny than this world.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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