GodAlwaysMakesWayIsn’t it so wonderful that our God is the One who MAKES A WAY? Yes, in every situation. The Bible tells us He makes way through:

1. TEMPTATIONS (1 Corinthians 10:13).

God promises us that in whatever temptation or trial we face that He will make a way for us. There is no situation too hard for God.

2. MOUNTAINS (Isaiah 49:11).

Does the situation you face seem like a mountain? How can you ever get over it or through it? It’s not too hard for God. He can make a way through for you.

I love the words of the song:
Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
Got any mountains, you cannot tunnel through?
God specializes in things thought impossible
And He can do what no other power can do

3. THE SEA (Psalm 106:9; Isaiah 43:16; 51:10; and 63:13).

Do you feel you are drowning in despair? Don’t look at the “pounding waves.” Look to the Lord. Trust in Him. Believe in Him. He will not let you drown.

4. THE WILDERNESS (Deuteronomy 8:15, 16; Song of Songs Isaiah 35:6b; and 43:19).

Do you feel dry and thirsty? Do you feel as though you are wandering around and around in the
wilderness? Do not despair. God has promised to MAKE A WAY for you even in the wilderness. He will bring you forth from the wilderness triumphant! Believe His promises.

5. THE BIRTH OF A BABY (Psalm 22:9; 71:6; and Isaiah 46:3).

God also makes a way every time a little baby is born. It is a seemingly impossible situation for the baby's head to come through such a tiny opening. But God does it. He makes a way. It is God who brings the baby safely forth from the mother’s womb. Every birth is a mighty miracle. Put your trust in God, not man.

What a wonderful God we have. When we look to Him and trust Him, He ALWAYS MAKES A WAY!

Love and blessings blessings,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Please take a moment to look up the Scriptures. They are the most important part of this post to read and will bless and encourage your heart.


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