Is God proving us? Oh, yes, He is.

Exodus 16:4 says: “That I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.”

Exodus 20;20: “And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.”

Read also Deuteronomy 8:2, 3, and 16.

Trials and difficult times are designed by God to mature us. What is the point of going through trials if we are not teachable enough to learn the valuable lessons that come with each trial?

The only way out of the wilderness of testings and trials is to trust and lean.

Song of Songs 8:5: “Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, LEANING upon her beloved?”

It is true that one side does not fit all. There are often many variables that need to be considered in order of priority. Here in the USA there are people who want to use COVID-19 to support their own agenda. There are health scientists of high standing who want to keep the country locked down for months, all the way to the 2020 elections. They say this is the only way to go because of the need of being scientifically cautious. They are not willing to take risks at all.

However, we all know that the economy cannot survive a drawn out shut down. It could also swing the elections away from Donald Trump who would be blamed for a broken economy.

At the same time, the one-world globalists, people who believe in global warming, population control, big government, and who do not believe in God, do not want the church to hinder their tyrannical rule of the masses. These people believe in extreme socialism and do not believe in a democratic election of government. To them, the masses are basically ignorant, rebellious, and upstarts.

They do not want “we the people” to have any say in the way this world is to be governed. These Marxist, socialist, government proponents are extremely bigoted. They are agitators. They are unteachable in the ways of righteousness.

They are heady, proud, and high-minded. They have destroyed the economy of every country they have taken over. They will do all they can to denounce those who stand in their way. They hate our president, Donald Trump, because he promotes nationalism as opposed to globalism.

Donald Trump believes that every government should work hard to make its own country great and successful and not seek world domination. Our president stands with the church and for the church and in his speeches promotes the name of Jesus and Christianity perhaps more than any other president before him.

This pandemic has many lessons to teach us. We must not let our adversaries who have no faith in God (because they have no scientific data to prove that He answers prayer) destroy our freedoms and keep us away from our churches.

Collective prayer is powerful. I trust that all churches will open up again very soon (if not sooner) and will be attended in larger numbers than they were before. It is a big mistake to give away our attendance to church. Whatever freedoms we give away are often difficult to regain. It is quite possible that our great economy was closed down because of the fear of litigation.

Song of Solomon 8:5 teaches us that there is a way to overcome and come forth from the wilderness of trials and temptations. That way is to lose our independence and become totally dependent on God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s be teachable. Honest. Truthful. Wise in God’s wisdom instead of worldly wisdom. Humble. And always be open for more truth from God.

First the trials, then the breakthroughs!

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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