transformI think one of the most important things we as mothers must have is a spirit of discernment. We must know the difference between good and evil. That seems a very basic statement, doesn’t it? You’d think everyone would know the difference between good and evil. But no. One of the biggest movements among Christendom today is the “spirit of tolerance.” Many Christians have been brainwashed that they are not allowed to judge anything or anyone. They must be tolerant to all and everyone.

This is not Bible This is not God. God is a merciful and forgiving God, but He is not tolerant of sin. Nor should we be. We must know the difference between good and evil and we must impart this strongly to our children. Job 34:4 says: “Let us KNOW among ourselves what is GOOD.” If we don’t know and discern, how will our children know?

I love the old hymn by Clara Scott, “Open my eyes, that I may see, Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me.” The second stanza says:

“Open my ears, that I may hear

Voices of truth Thou makest clear;

And while the wave notes fall on my ear,


I want everything that is false to be cast out from my mind and heart, don’t you? I want this for my children and grandchildren too. I don’t want them to be subtly deceived by the lies and delusions of this age. I want them to KNOW TRUTH. I want them to exercise discernment. I want them to be able to judge between what is right and what is evil.

The greatest, or perhaps the only way, we can truly discern is through filling our hearts with God’s Word. His eternal Word is the ultimate deterrent to deception! If His Word is not in us, we don’t have what it takes to discern!

Let’s RICHLY fill our hearts and the hearts of our children with His Word (Colossians 3:16). That means gathering them every morning and evening to read His Word to them. To discuss it together. To ask questions. To talk about it. To get it into their hearts and mouths (Isaiah 59:21).

Let’s get it into them so faithfully that EVERYTHING FALSE WILL DISAPPEAR. Amen

Be blessed today.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ