ContinueWordEven as the children of Israel feasted on “all the lamb” (Exodus 12:9-10), so we must feast on "all the truth,” to the point that the truth becomes us! In this way we become, in a sense, a living embodiment of the truth to our families. Truth always begets liberty and freedom. Therefore, our wives and families will live in an environment of truth and all its ensuing benefits.

Jesus said, “If ye CONTINUE in my word, then are ye my DISCIPLES INDEED” (John 8:31-32). Sadly, many fathers are far too casual about continuing in the Word of Christ, both for themselves and to their families.

Acts 2:42: “And they CONTINUED steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

Acts 2:46: “And they, CONTINUING daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singles of heart.”

A sermon at church once a week is not sufficient to keep us spiritually healthy. This would amount to a starvation diet to our physical bodies, and we could not survive such treatment. It would be physical abuse to our children to deprive them of three square meals each day.

Isn’t it spiritual abuse to deprive them of daily food from God’s Word? And do we regard the physical more important than the spiritual?  I think so. We deserve to be questioned and challenged for we deny our families the privilege of becoming “DISCIPLES INDEED.” To be “disciples indeed” can only happen through the daily continuance of feeding on the manna of heaven.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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