WingoFamMy husband had a vasectomy while I was nine months pregnant with our youngest daughter, Abigail. We both felt our family was complete with four children and financially we were struggling.

When Abigail was six months old I was invited to a ladies Bible study where they were learning how to be helpmeets to their husbands! Even though my husband and I were both Christians, I had never fully asked God to help me in this area.

After seeing wonderful changes in my marriage and becoming friends with the ladies, two of them talked to me about embracing motherhood and letting the Lord lead our family, including fertility. I explained we couldn't possibly have more children and I was overwhelmed with what we already had.

They gave me “The Power of Motherhood,” and offered to go through it with me. What a life changing experience! I finally realized what joy I was missing and fully embraced the great calling of motherhood! I was really sad for all I had missed out on when the other children were babies. The Lord convicted me to allow Him to shape our family size and I knew in my heart there would be another baby in my arms.

I went to the Above Rubies website to look for a doctor to perform a reversal. I found one only three hours away and requested financial information from them. However, my husband was not on board. It took one year before my husband accepted the calling of the Lord on our family.

We scrimped and saved to pay for the surgery, scheduled it, and waited six months, only to cancel when my husband could not get off work. During this time the Lord was strengthening our marriage in many ways. We also moved Texas from Arkansas where we had lived most of our lives.

A year and a month after moving us to Texas, we finally got our surgery (we had rescheduled it three times with a new doctor!).

My husband had a wonderful job making good money and everything was going so well. I got pregnant two months after the surgery and the whole family celebrated! Then the unthinkable happened! My husband was laid off, along with 7,000 others. We were right back to financial struggle and asking the Lord what to do.

Our first instinct was to move back to Arkansas, but we both felt the Lord telling us to stay where he had planted us. My husband stayed without a steady job for six months, causing us to trust in the Lord every day, not only for food and bills, but for comfort during this struggling time.

I felt him telling me not just to stay where He had planted us, but to FlOURISH! And we did! We became very involved in a wonderful loving church family, helping with community outreach and witnessing to families wherever we could. We never went hungry and the bills somehow always got paid.

Finally, Josh obtained a job as a Correctional Officer, though he really felt the Lord calling him to Law Enforcement. He graduated from their school one week after we welcomed Samuel Raymond Wingo into the world! Though we were making half the salary he had before, the Lord changed our perspective and taught us how to put our finances in his hands!

Samuel has brought so much joy to our family! We didn't realize how much we missed having a baby in the home.

My husband knew the Lord was calling him to be a Law Enforcement Officer, but we could not pay for the Academy. Five months after Samuel was born my husband applied with the Sweetwater Police Department and got the job. Not only did the Police Department pay for him to go to the Academy, they paid for his time, travel, and provided a vehicle! It has been such a joy to see my husband doing what the Lord has called him to!

Samuel brings us laughter and joy every day and we are so thankful for him. The Lord blessed us once again with a pregnancy last year, but Shalom went to be with Lord in the womb. It has been a year since her passing and we excitedly wait to see how and when the Lord will bless us again. We are content in knowing we have put this matter, along with all matters, in the hands of our Loving Creator, who has blessed us beyond our comprehension!

Sweetwater, Texas.
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Midon has been married to my wonderful Husband Joshua for 15 years and the Lord has given us five wonderful blessings here on earth: Ruth (12), Elisabeth (11), Luke (9), Abigail (7), Samuel (2.5) and Shalom who went to be with the Lord at 11 weeks in-utero.


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