FreedomWorshipDear readers, I am sure, like me, you find it hard to grapple with what is happening in our nation. We could never have dreamed that in free America many governors are continuing to try and shut down churches. Governor Newsom in California has banned singing in church. This is preposterous! It’s what we do as the people of God. We sing! We worship! And to stop doing so is to disobey God. If we don’t worship, the rocks will cry out! We cannot obey extreme socialist governors and disobey God.

Praise the Lord, there is now a petition you can sign to stand up for your freedom to worship God. I think we should all sign it, don’t you? Of course, we know that our greatest weapon is to pray. “If my people . . . “ Yes, God has promised that “IF MY PEOPLE, which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will HEAL their land.”

Let’s humble ourselves and pray. Let’s seek God with all our heats. Let’s turn from every wicked and worldly way. And let’s stand up for truth—sign petitions, speak out the truth, and stand for our God-given freedoms.

We have God’s Word on our side, and we have the Constitution of this great nation on our side:
“The Frist Amendment (Amendment) to the United States Constitution PREVENTS (my capitals) the government for making laws which  regulate an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.”

We also need to be reminded of the ruling of the US Supreme Court shortly after the Civil War which still stands today: “Neither the legislature nor any executive or judicial officer may disregard the provisions of the constitution in case of emergency . . .

“Section 98 therefore, ANYONE who declares the suspension of CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS (to freely travel, PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLY,
earn a living, freely worship, etc.) and or attempts to enforce such suspension within 50 independent sovereign continental United States of America is making war against our constitution(s) and therefore, we the people. They violate their constitutional oath and, thus, immediately forfeit their office and authority and their proclamations may be disregarded with impunity and that means ANYONE, even the governor and President.

It’s time for the church to rise up with one voice and tell our government leaders and the rulers of big tech that we refuse to be silenced!

Do you want your freedom to sing in church? Click to sign:…


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