DriftingWe don’t have to do one thing to drift with the current, do we? It happens without our doing anything. We can lay back and relax and watch the world go by.

Hebrews 2:1 (Weymouth) says: “For this reason we ought to pay the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, for fear we should drift away from them.” Drifting is an unconscious process. Westcott comments, “We are all continually exposed to the action of currents of opinion, habit, action, which tend to carry us away insensibly from the position which we ought to maintain.”

Conversely, it takes concerted effort and untiring strength, conviction, and purpose to go in the right direction, which most times is against the current of this world.

Are you living against the grain of this society? Keep standing strong. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t cave in to the easy way. You may receive scoffing and contempt from family members and people around you but put your shoulders back and lift your head. You are on God’s course! Your end is “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Your disdainers are deceived and deliriously drifting on dangerous currents.

And please, do everything in your power to keep your children from drifting in the current of this world. That’s why so many Christian parents take their children out of the public education system. It’s not only the lack of godly teaching they receive, but the influence of their peers. Children, and especially teenagers, want to be in the groove. They want to be like everyone else around them. Therefore, it’s easy for them to drift toward the behavior of their peers.

You can be the godliest parents, but if your children get in the wrong company, it becomes a stronger influence than you. This is not God’s plan. You as the parents should be the strongest influence in their lives. Don’t hand over your influence and God-given responsibility.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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