DoubleTalkMy husband and I listened to the GOP debate on Saturday evening. Two of the candidates were asked their stance on abortion. Both governors boasted of their pro-life work in their states and that they were against Planned Parenthood selling body parts. That’s great. However, they both said they believed in exceptions for rape or incest.

That sounds very caring, but it is double talk. They, and you and I, are either pro-life or not! If we are pro-life, we believe in protecting the baby in the womb (because it is a newly conceived human life) no matter what the situation.

I have read many testimonies of babies who have been conceived through rape and grown to be happy and well-rounded people, enjoying useful life. They certainly did not want to be murdered. I am printing a testimony in this coming issue of Above Rubies of a woman whose mother chose life even though she was raped. She gave her baby up for adoption and this child was raised in a loving Christian home, enjoyed a happy childhood, and is now happily married today.

I personally know a friend of mine who was raped and chose to keep the baby she conceived. Her daughter was the delight of her life and grew up to be a beautiful Christian woman. It certainly was not the end of that mother’s life. Of course it was a difficult time for her, but she came through victoriously and with the blessing of a beautiful daughter. And she will never have to go through life carrying the burden of knowing she killed her own child.

We have to follow through our thought patterns. We can’t be distorted in our thinking. How can we think it is lawful to kill a baby in the womb because it was conceived through rape? It is still a living human being. If someone was to murder that person at twenty or thirty years of age, would that be okay? No, the murderer would be guilty and charged with life imprisonment.

We have in our very own family an adopted granddaughter who was conceived through incest. Should she have been murdered in the womb? No, she is a delightful, sweet child and a joy to us all. Let’s get our thinking straight.

We cannot be clouded by humanistic thinking, but need to understand the true meaning of life. We also must know how our presidential candidates think, because they affect the nation and also the future of our progeny. After listening Saturday night, I decided I better check out all the candidates. I’ll share what I found with you.

The current GOP candidates who are continuing the race all say they are pro-life. However, some are not totally pro-life, but compromise according to situational ethics.

Ted Cruz: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.
Marco Rubio: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.
Ben Carson: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.

Donald Trump: Supports exceptions for rape and incest. Trump would rather this issue was a “personal issue” and "should be left to the women and their doctors." I think that is cop out. It is very much a political issue when our nation stands guilty before God for the killing of over 58 million babies since Roe v. Wade in 1973.
Jeb Bush: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Chris Christie: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
John Kasich: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Carly Fiorina: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.

~ Nancy Campbell


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