golddiggingI think that many young men dream of digging for gold or hidden treasure. I know my husband still dreams of digging for gold! However, digging for gold, diamonds, oil, or diving for hidden treasure is tough work. It takes sacrifice. It’s not a picnic. The early gold diggers went through incredible hardships just to find a bit of gold. It becomes a fever and they can’t stop.

A few years ago two of our grandsons went to Alaska to gold dig. They were only 16 and 17 years. It wasn’t all fun and they both got frostbite and were in excruciating pain. Zadok couldn’t feel his toes for a number of years until God healed him. .

You may be in your home with your children all around you, but you don’t have to give up your adventurous spirit. You can go gold-digging, oil-digging, and treasure hunting every day. And I hope you teach your children to have this same adventurous attitude.

Colossians 2:3 speaks of Christ “In whom are hid ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” A lifetime, and even eternity, will never discover all the treasures in Christ and God. And what about His written word which contains His heart and His plans for us? God’s Word is filled with treasures of gold. David was a gold-digger and describes his passion in Psalm 19:10: “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much find gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.”

I have a friend who told me the story of her brother. He purchased land in New Zealand which he hoped would support him financially. However, it turned out that it wasn’t enough provision and therefore he used the land as a hobby farm. Eventually he sold the land. But when selling he discovered he had another ten acres which belonged to him--the best of the land which would have enabled him to have a good income.

His neighbor was using the land. When he accused him, he replied that he had never asked him for it. He missed out on all the blessings he owned because he did not even know what he had!

Dear mothers, too many in the church today approach God’s Word as a chore or read it out of duty. That’s not the way. We must be gold-diggers who look for treasures. There should be nothing more exciting than searching for the divine truths of God’s Word. When we find gold we are so excited to share it with our husband, our children, and everyone we meet.

Our children enjoy our excitement. They see how we love gold-digging. They get a LOVE for God’s Word instead of growing up thinking it is a boring book to be read out of duty. This should never be.

Become an adventurous gold-digging family,

Nancy Campbell


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