CanYouImagineCan you imagine what the world would be like if God’s people had not limited their families? The land would be filled with righteousness and the image of God. We would have a landslide for righteousness at voting time.

Can you imagine what this nation would be like if all God’s people would start embracing children now instead of aborting and stopping them coming into the world?

Can you imagine what would have happened if families had taken a stand for God when the public education system took payer and the Bible out of schools? What if they had taken their children out of the system? The worldly system would soon have had to change their ways.

Can you image what would happen in the nation if families gathered around their tables each evening to connect and dialogue together instead watching TV or everyone going their various ways? Families would be strengthened and cemented together instead of fragmenting.

Can you imagine what would happen if Bible-believing families gathered their children together each day to read God’s Word to them?

Can you imagine what would happen if every Christian household gathered their families together each day, preferably morning and evening to cry out to God for this nation? What would happen if they started praying for the situation we are in now! We are currently under tyranny? Is EVERY “Christian” family praying? We can quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 by heart, but do we believe it or do anything about it?

Can you imagine what would happen if people would turn off the Fake News and listened to the voice of God instead?

Can you imagine what would happen if every mother began to embrace her divine calling of motherhood and come back to her home to raise God-loving, God-fearing, Bible-adhering, devil-defeating, truth-speaking, holy and upright sons and daughters? Mothers determine the destiny of the nation.

Can you imagine what would have happened if God’s people had not given in to the tyranny we are currently facing. The socialists can only enforce what we bow to. God’s people wear masks and social distance through fear.

Can you imagine what would have happened in the nation that even in the face of lockdowns and tyrannical mandates against God’s people that Christians would have NEVER stopped going to church? Can you imagine that instead of disobeying God’s Word and staying away from their churches, they had instead FILLED and over-filled EVERY church building in this nation? The authorities could have done nothing to the millions standing up for their God and a great move of God would have happened. Instead many hid away, and the churches weakened.

I read that even the “elite” were surprised that there was not more resistance to their demands! Help! What a challenge. Instead we have cowardly submitted.

If only we would get back to God’s ways. Gross darkness of deception and evil is covering the land. It is time for God’s people RISE AND SHINE WITH HIS GLORY (Isaiah 60:1-3).

Let’s rise to be the people He wants us to be. Wow, we can only imagine!

Love from Nancy Campbell


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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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