EarsEyesMany Christians are content with a word from the pastor or minister on Sunday. Others like to read God’s Word every day. But I think we all fall short of the “gold” and “treasure” we hold in our hands. God’s Word is the literal “alive and active” living Word from the God of the universe, the God who created us. He wants it to be constantly part of our lives and the lives of our children.

Proverbs 4:20-22 (CJB) says: “My son, pay attention to what I am saying: incline your ear to my words. Don’t let them out of your sight, keep them deep in your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to their whole being.”

When God says “pay attention,” what does He mean? The word is “quashab” and means “to prick up the ears like an alert animal, to hearken, to give heed.” It’s so easy to hear words, and yet not hear God speak to us. We have to learn to “hear” with our ears. There is nothing more exciting than hearing God speak from His Word. It burns in our hearts and becomes life to our bodies. And this is the way it’s meant to be. It’s the way we teach our children to hear God’s living Word.

We not only hear with alert ears, but our eyes are not to depart from His Word. The ESV says: “Let them not escape from your sight.” How much are they in your sight throughout the day? Do you have the Bible open at different places in your home? On your window sill where you prepare meals and do dishes. In the toilet. In the spot where your nurse your baby. On the table. Every now and then you can speak forth a living Word to your children.

When we really hear and truly behold His words, they get deep down into our hearts. When this happens His Word becomes life to our souls and medicine to our bodies. I was blessed to know a dear old man who had served the Lord in China until it closed. He then moved on to other countries. I met him when he and his wife were in their eighties and at last coming home from the mission field. He told us how he had cancer while in China, but as he read God’s Word out loud daily over his body, God healed him. The Word has life-giving, healing, curative power to heal.

God’s Word is the best doctor in our home--for our souls and for our bodies.

I hope it’s the No. 1 priority in your home.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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