APRAYERFRiendIsn’t it a blessing to pray with a friend? Someone who carries the same vision as you? Jesus said in Matthew 18:20: “For where TWO or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Of course, when you are married you are blessed to lay claim to this promise. I think this is one of the most powerful things about marriage. Do you make the most of it? Do you pray with your husband daily? To neglect this latent power is a real tragedy. What great things can happen when husbands and wives pray together. Matthew 18:19 says: “If TWO OF YOU SHALL AGREE ON EARTH as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”

I love to pray with my husband each. We love to pray for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren together. We also have prayer together with others at our Family Devotions every morning and evening. And then at our weekly prayer meeting.

But I was also blessed to have prayer partners even before I was married. When I lived in New Zealand, my dear friend, Pam, and I were both school teachers in different cities. We used to get together for all our vacations to seek the Lord and pray. Not many friends love to get together to pray, do they? But that’s what we loved to do more than anything else.

And we still love to do this even though we live on the other side of the world from one another. Whenever I fly back to New Zealand my first port of call is to visit my friend, Pam. She meets me at the airport, we go to her home in Auckland, then straight to her little prayer room, get on our knees, and pray. Oh, what rich times. We pray for our children most of all. Then we pray for the nations. Our friendship of about 57 years is connected through prayer.

Do you have a prayer friend? Well, if you are married, your husband will be your first prayer friend. But it’s good to have other prayer friends too. Ask your friends to pray with you.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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