MothersAnointingI think that many parents are not aware of the true agenda of our current public school system which is to indoctrinate our children with their progressive agenda. They now teach Islam in schools. They now teach the gay agenda. They now teach alternative sex education. And that’s only the top of the iceberg.

And yet parents say it wasn’t like that when I was at school. What about grandparents? They can’t imagine it being different to when they were at school. But it’s time to wake up to what’s happening now. How can God-fearing parents send their children into this godless place to be educated?

I hear many mothers say they are concerned, but would never be able to teach their children themselves. They undermine their God-given abilities. God has put an anointing in mothers to teach their children. It is ingrained in them. They do it automatically. They teach their children naturally about life and knowledge before they ever send them off to school.

Who do you think is the best teacher? Job 36:22 asks the rhetorical question: “Who teaches like Him?” Of course, the answer is God. There is no teacher greater than Him? But now I want to ask you another question. Who dwells in your heart? Doesn’t God dwell within you by the power of His Holy Spirit? The greatest teacher in the universe lives inside of you? He enables you to teach.

What is the purpose of God’s teaching? Isaiah 48:17 says: “I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.” God’s teaching profits us. It leads us in the right way. The Hebrew word is ya’al and means “to ascend, set forward, valuable, useful.” God’s teaching doesn’t leave us in the same place. It takes us forward. It’s always ascending, taking us upward, leading us more and more into God’s ways (Proverbs 4:18), and conforming us into the image of Christ.

This is the heart and passion you have for your children. You want them to move forward in God’s ways, His knowledge, His wisdom, and in preparation for God’s destiny upon their lives. Is this the vision of public school? No, they have an agenda that is opposite to God and His ways. It is anti-God, anti-family, and anti-righteousness. Why would you send your precious children to receive this kind of education (Psalm 1:1)?

You have far more anointing and ability to teach your children. God is in you. His anointing to teach is in you. You have the right motive for teaching. You want your children to ascend, not descend into the ways of the enemy. You can do it. You are the one who will inspire them in the way they should go.

The next verse (v. 18) says: “O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! Then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.” If we do it God’s way, we and our children will be blessed. And did you notice the exclamation mark? The Bible exclamation mark, not mine!

Be inspired today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: “A Gift of Time” by Jim Daley


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