MarriageHelpCedars resist decay and repel Pests! This is another wonderful feature of the cedar. This quality is an important part of our marriage, too. Perhaps you are having a self-pity trip and dreaming that you deserve someone better than your husband. Resist this evil thought in the name of Jesus!

Perhaps you think you could do better on your own. Repel this deceiving thought in Jesus name! Resist and repel all resentment and all negative thoughts about your marriage union. The devil roams about seeking to devour your marriage. He wants to destroy. Don’t be deceived by his seducing temptations.

A true marriage will also resist all evil. Hebrews 13:4 (NET) says: “Marriage must be honored among all and the marriage bed kept undefiled.” Refuse all flirtations with other men. Do not even think you can have a platonic relationship with another man while you are married. It is dangerous and always leads downhill. You covenant on your wedding day that, forsaking all others, you will be faithful only to your husband.

Refuse all kinky sex. God has made it beautiful without doing things that are unholy which in the end only lead to frustration and bitterness. Keep the marriage bed pure and holy. 

Cedars are also fragrant. The cedar exudes a gum, which gives off fragrance. Does your marriage exude fragrance like the cedar?

Do something to make your marriage beautiful and special today.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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