GoodAdvThe Scriptures to wives and mothers in Titus 2:3-5 end with rather fearful words. It says that if we do not live the lifestyle that God tells us that we “blaspheme” God’s Word. Now, before this makes you too mad, just remember, I didn’t say these words. They are the words of Scripture.

Perhaps some other translations may soften the words. Let’s see.
Bring disrepute to the Word of God (NEB).
Bring reproach to the Word of God (AMP).
Bring shame on the Word of God (NLT).
Discredit the Word of God (RSV).
Disgrace the Word of God (TJB, CJB).
Dishonor the Word of God (NASB).
Malign the Word of God (NIV).
Revile the Word of God (ESV).
Slander the Word of God (MLB, HCSB).
Speak evil of the Word of God (GNB).

Wow, they all give the same message. I wonder why such strong words are used? I believe the reason is that the lifestyle God reveals in this passage is God’s purpose for us as wives and mothers. God created us for more than existence. He created us for purpose. To function according to how He created us. When we embrace childbearing, mothering, and homemaking along with faith, love, godliness, and self-control we bring glory to God. We can only glorify God when we function as He intended.

When we spurn the purpose for which God created us we bring dishonor to God and blaspheme His Word.

However, if you don’t like these words, you may prefer J. B, Phillips’ translation. He turns it around to a positive note and states that if we embrace this lifestyle it will be “a good advertisement for the Christian faith.”

Are we revealing the glory of God as we embrace who He created us to be? Are we being a good advertisement?

Love from Nancy Campbell

Illustrator: Chiaki Okada


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