PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 225: What Does God Want Us to Do in the Land? Part 2

Epi225picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 225: What Does God Want Us to Do in the Land? Part 2

Find out what stops us from possessing the land. We also discover that God does not like slander against the land of motherhood! Sadly, there is a lot of slander and a “whispering campaign” about motherhood today.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies. We are in our new series, “WHAT DO WE DO IN THE LAND?” We began No. 1 last week, WE MUST POSSESS THE LAND. We looked at how God told His people to go up and possess the land that He had given them. He had already given it to them. It belonged to them, but they had to go and possess it. We also must possess our land of motherhood. It’s not enough to just come into it with our toes in it. But no, we must come in fully.

Let me tell you one or two stories. A friend of mine told me this story. His father had told it to him. His father was a real estate agent. This man lived on his farm most of his life. But over time, he became bored and dissatisfied so he thought he’d put it up for sale. He contacted the real estate agent, who after inspecting the land, advertised it as “A beautiful farmland, with rolling hills, nice home, three barns, several outbuildings, and two ponds. A delightful investment for someone wanting to make a good living from the land.”

Well, the owner was reading the paper and saw this advertisement. As he looked at it, he thought, “Wow, that’s just what I’ve been looking for all my life!” So, he looked at it a little more closely, and as he looked, he realized this was his own farm that was being advertised! Wow! He didn’t realize that what he had was already what he wanted. He immediately called the agent to take it off the market. For now, at last, he became satisfied with what he had, realizing, yes, this is what he really wanted.

Another true story. Alice Gurr was the director of Above Rubies in England for a number of years. One year, when I was there with Alice, she told me this little story about her brother who lived in New Zealand. Alice comes from New Zealand as I also do.

Her brother bought this land in Matamata, New Zealand. Now many of you will know that Matamata is the area where they filmed The Lord of the Rings. He bought this farm, but unfortunately, he wasn’t able to make a living out of it. It became a hobby farm. He enjoyed it as a hobby farm. But because he wasn’t able to really make a living out of it, years later, he decided to sell. But when he came to sell, he looked into things properly and found that he had another ten acres that belonged to him that were the most fertile and lush land of his whole property!

This man had forfeited his own land just because he didn’t know what he had. He could have made a good living out of that land, but he didn’t know. I think that’s often the way with us in our motherhood. We come in and we’re on the periphery of the land. We’re so busy with everything else out of the land that we don’t really come in and dwell and live and occupy and possess and take hold of the land that God has given us!

There’s another story I read about Chief Crowfoot. He gave permission to the Canadian Pacific Railways to lay tracks from Medicine Hat to Calgary. In exchange for this, he was given a lifetime railroad pass. Well, he put this precious pass in a leather pouch, and he wore it around his neck for the rest of his life. But he never once used it. I think maybe we don’t want to be guilty of that either, do we? We have been given a land. Let’s embrace it with all our hearts.

Now, what do you think keep us from possessing the land? I have five different points here.


We come into this land of motherhood, but, oh my, we don’t believe that God can keep us in the land! We’d better just limit our family to maybe two or three children because how can God provide for any more?

Wow! What an amazing thought! I remember challenging someone about that thought one day. Yes, I met this gentleman. He was telling me they could only afford three children. I said to him, “But is the God that you believe in? Is He only able to provide for three children?”

I think this is how many in the kingdom of God think. It’s amazing, because that’s not the God of the Bible. It’s the God of our own imagination. There are many people who go to church, and they say they believe in God. But they truly only believe that the God they believe in is so small, so little, so incapable, that He can only provide for three children? Our God is bigger than that! Our God is able to provide and will provide for every new baby He gives.

I think of this Scripture, Psalm 78:19-22: Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? . . . Can He give bread also? Can He provide flesh for His people? Therefore the LORD heard this, and was wroth: so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel; Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation.”

Unbelief, not believing Who God is! He is the God of the Bible! This God of the Bible . . . let’s just look over here in Deuteronomy 28. In this chapter, the blessing chapter, it says in Deuteronomy 28:3-5: Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the country. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle.” And it carries on with all the wonderful blessings.

But do you notice something? The first blessing is the “fruit of the womb.” Then God adds all these other blessings. Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store. Everything to provide for that fruit of the womb. If there was no fruit of the womb, there would be no necessity for them to have all these other blessings because there would be no one to use it for.

God provides when He gives a baby. Oh, I continually hear so many wonderful testimonies from couples. They say, “Oh, when God gave us a baby, He gave my husband a raise! When God gave us a baby, miraculously we were able to get this bigger vehicle!” And so on. God does these things because He is providing.

We go over to Numbers 14. This is where the spies went in to spy out the Promised Land. They came back. Oh, they couldn’t believe how amazing this land was! When they came back, it took two men to carry one bunch of grapes! Can you even imagine that? That’s how fruitful this land was.

But when they were there, they also saw giants in the land. So, most of the spies came back with this fearful report, this unbelieving report. It says here in Numbers 14:36-37: And the men, which Moses sent to search the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up a slander upon the landeven those men that did bring up the evil report upon the land, died by the plague before the Lord.”

Here they came back, and instead of being full of faith, as Caleb was, Joshua and Caleb. Of course, Caleb had a different testimony. He said, “Oh yes, there are giants in the land. But they’re bread for us! We must go up at once and possess!” But the others, “Oh yes, it’s a beautiful land. It’s fruitful. It’s incredible. But there are giants there!” They came back full of unbelief.

Here, the King James calls it: “They brought up a slander upon the land.” This was the land that God chose for them. God chose it. The Bible says He went ahead and spied out the land for His people. He chose it and He gave it to His people. But they were too scared! They were too filled with unbelief to go in.

So, the Bible says: “They brought up a slander,” a slander, “upon the land.” In the Hebrew, that word “slander” means “defamation, infamy.” Yes, they defamed the land, even though it was a good land, even though it was flowing with milk and honey. They were filled with unbelief.

We have to watch, dear ladies, that we don’t bring a slander upon the land of motherhood. Sadly, I hear many women speaking slander against the land. They speak against motherhood in a despising way. They speak against motherhood in a negative way. They speak slander against the land. They speak so defamingly about even having children. Just lies about such things as having more children, and just look upon it with such, oh, that’s just so below me! That’s bringing a slander upon the land.

Now, who were the people who brought the slander back in this story? It was the princes of the land. Moses told them to choose a prince, a leader out of every tribe of Israel. It wasn’t some ordinary person. It was the best of every tribe. And yet, these leaders, yes, these leaders were the ones who brought back this slanderous report.

And very sadly, this is the same today. There are leaders in the church—pastors, ministers, elders—who speak disparagingly against the land. Young couples go for marriage counseling, and they counsel them to wait to have children. They counsel them to use contraception. They are not embracing the full truth of the land.

There are many older women who are doing the same. They’re bringing a slander to the young women instead of encouraging and teaching them the things God wants them to teach, teaching the young women how to love their husbands, and how to love motherhood, and how to love being a keeper at home, and so on.

God has mandated that the older women will teach the young women, teach this new generation. Now that doesn’t mean that they have to get meetings and stand up and speak to 100 or so many women. No, they can do this personally, encouraging the young mothers that are around them. Even their own young people who are growing up and getting married.

One of the sad things that happens is when I am sending out a new magazine. In fact, I am now just sending out the email to remind people to send in their change of address, because with every new magazine, we have to tidy up our mailing list. People are moving all the time. People are changing their addresses. It’s incredible. You wouldn’t believe just how many thousands of addresses that we change with people moving and so on.

But even today, I received an email from an older mother, saying the same thing that many say to me. “Thank you, Nancy. I’ve so enjoyed Above Rubies over the years.” This particular mother told about her lovely 12 children! And yet I couldn’t believe it when she said, “But they’re growing up now, so I’m going to cancel Above Rubies.”

I beg your pardon? Oh, she needed Above Rubies as her children were growing. But they’re growing up now. Now she needs it more! She’s got children! It’s a new generation! They’ve got to be taught. They must be trained. They must know the ways of God. Is she not even passing it on to her children? What about young mothers around her? What about the young mothers in the church that she knows? Doesn’t she care about them?

This is what I find. Most older women are thinking, “OK, I’ve finished! That’s motherhood over with now. They’re grown. I’m going on to my new life.” No, that’s not biblical. We are mothers until the day we die. God created us as females to be mothers. This is who we are.

Yes, we will do many, many things in life, of course. But who we essentially are, is a mother. This is our greatest career. When Adam spoke the words over his wife, he said: “She shall be called Eve, because she is the mother of all living.” When Adam spoke those words, there was not a mother on the earth. Eve was not yet a mother. Adam had never ever seen a mother. Neither Adam nor Eve had ever seen a baby. They didn’t know anything about motherhood.

And yet Adam is speaking these words. He is speaking under the unction of God. He is proclaiming prophetically the career that God placed upon His female creation. “She shall be Mother.” This is God’s plan for every woman, because not only has He created us physically to mother, with a womb, with breasts, but He has created us innately to mother.

So, mothers, women, because they’re female, will be mothering even before they ever have a baby from their womb, because they are innately anointed and created to be a nurturer. They will want to nurture, and to love, and to care for others in a motherly way. That’s who we are.

Our little girls do that from the time they are little. I was just watching the other night at our prayer meeting. When we have prayer meeting, it’s not just all the adults. The children come, and the little ones come. Even last night, it was so beautiful to see so many children all along as families. We are there as families.

But the other night, I was watching two little ones, two little girls, both about four and five. They had their little dolls, and they were nursing their dollies because they’re used to seeing their mothers nurse their babies. They were putting blankets on them, then they picked them up, and then they nursed them. They were intuitively doing this because it’s who they are as female.

Even women who are never able to conceive or have children, they are still mothering, because they have this nurturing, longing, and anointing in them. That’s why some of the greatest mothers who ever lived were women who didn’t even have children of their own. Like Mother Teresa and Mary Slessor, and all these great women of God who poured out their lives in nurturing, and cherishing, and mothering. They didn’t have their own flesh and blood, but they mothered so many more. You see, this is who we are. We dare not come against God’s plan. We dare not slander this whole, beautiful land of motherhood which He has given to women.

Another translation calls it “a whispering campaign against the land.” Another translation says: “spreading lies about the land.” We have to be very careful.

I was talking about the older women. There is a dearth. There is such a dearth of older women today. Where are they? Where are they? As their children are growing, they are totally vacating anything to do with motherhood, let alone taking up the mantle in a greater, greater way than they ever have before, because they have all these young women, and a new generation around them, waiting for them to teach God’s truth.

We, instead, have a generation growing up in deception. They do not know the ways of motherhood. Oh, in my prayer box, because we have lots of prayer boxes, in my ABOVE RUBIES PRAYER BOX, I picked up this week a card, “Pray for a great revival of older mothers to rise up and take up their mandate to teach the younger women.” Oh, it is so needed!  

Dare I say it? Yes, I have to say it, dear lovely ladies, because it’s the truth. Is every older mother who is not taking up this mantle to teach young mothers disobeying God? As I said before, it doesn’t mean that she has to be this great speaker, teaching women. No, it’s just in her day-to-day life and in the influence she has with her own family, and young mothers around her in the church. God has given her that mandate. He’s given it to every older mother. Oh, may we rise up into it. Amen?

We’re going to embrace the land and not ever, ever, ever slander it. Watch, dear mothers, older mothers, younger mothers, watch that you do not slander the land of motherhood, that you do not speak negatively about it. Because you’re speaking about a land that God has given to us as women.

No. 2. FEAR

Another thing that keeps us from possessing the land is fear. Perhaps that is one of the biggest ones of all. Fear. Oh, the fear of the unknown, the fear of, will be there be enough provision, the fear of having a baby. Or, of course, even if you’ve had many babies, the fear because something has happened. The fear of maybe you have something physically wrong with you. Help! How can I have another baby? Or whatever.

Sadly, the medical profession are fear mongerers. If you listen to the medical profession, I don’t think that anyone would ever have a baby! It seems that whatever is wrong with a person, well, “You’d better not have any more children because that could be the end of you!”

It isn’t true. Many listen to that and they stop having children. Many have chosen not to listen, but to trust God, and they have gone on to have another baby, completely safely and beautifully. You see, even if we have a difficult pregnancy, it doesn’t mean to say we’ll have the same again next time. Every pregnancy is different. Even if we have maybe a difficult birth, or something traumatic happens, that doesn’t mean to say it will happen again.

Even if you’ve had a c-section, often the medical profession will say, “Oh, well, can’t have any more babies,” or “You will have to have c-sections every time.” But that’s not true either. Hundreds and hundreds of women have gone on to have V-BACS, vaginal birth after c-section.

Because you see, God is a healing God. God is always healing our bodies. He heals our bodies on the outside, and He heals our bodies on the inside. If we have a cut, or even something quite serious, it will heal. God heals. Sometimes it takes time, but it heals. Broken bones heal.

Even if we have had a c-section, or something traumatic in the birth, or we’ve torn, or whatever, those things heal. Sometimes they take time, but they heal. We’re healing on the inside as we heal on the outside.

I believe it’s a beautiful thing for husbands to pray over their wives’ wombs, especially if you’ve been through something quite traumatic or you have a concern. Ask your husband to lay his hands upon your womb and pray God’s healing over you, to pray over your womb, to speak healing into your womb. Your husband is your covering and God hears him as your covering. That is a beautiful thing to do.

We look at Deuteronomy 9:1, 2: Hear, O Israel: Thou art to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself, cities great and fenced up to heaven, a people great and tall, the children of the Anakims,” they were the giants. “Whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, who can stand before the children of Anak!

So, they were fearful! How can they come against these cities that were taller and greater, and even fenced up to heaven it seemed like? They were giants, but God goes on to say in verse 3: Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire He shall destroy them, and He shall bring them down before thy face.”

You see, God is with us, dear ones. Yes, we face issues in our lives that are so much bigger than us. Yes, it's just like they saw these cities that were so great and tall and fenced up to heaven. And the people who were great and tall, and giants . . . Sometimes you’re facing a giant in your life! Oh, it's a giant! And the fear is creeping in.

I want to tell you God is bigger. God is bigger than any giant you face. He is your healer. He is your Restorer. He is your Deliverer. And He will go before you, and He is with you. You can trust Him.

Psalm 53:5: There were they in great fear, where no fear was.” The margin of my Bible says: “They feared a fear.” I think this is so prevalent. This is what we often fear, ladies. When we look at it, come on, let’s get down to thin tacks. We really are fearing a fear!

Because someone has said something, and they put fear into you. But you don’t know that that’s going to happen. It’s not a reality! It is fearing a fear! This is what we’ve got to watch, that we don’t fear a fear. Yes! That’s a deception.

That’s what often happens when you go to the doctor. Oh, wow! They put that fear in you, but it’s not a reality. The fear of something, oh, it could happen, it might happen. Probably it won’t. And so, you fear that fear, and it takes over your life! No. We must not fear a fear. Listen to it again. “There they were, in great fear, where there was no fear.”

What did Job say? “The fear that I feared came upon me.” Fear is very powerful. What you fear can often come upon you, because of the power of fear. Fear is not of God, so we must resist these fears and put our trust in God. Amen?


Now, the next one: Discouragement. Oh, that often keeps us from possessing the land.

Deuteronomy 1:28: Whither shall we go up? Our brethren have discouraged our heart, saying, the people is greater and taller than we; the cities are great and walled up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there.

So, once again, there it’s much the same as Deuteronomy 9. Not only did it fill them with fear, but now it’s filling them with discouragement. Did you read that word? They’ve discouraged us. Yes, discouraging words. Oh my, we have to be careful ourselves of speaking discouraging words into people, don’t we?

Because discouraging words can also lock us up. Fear locks us up. Did you know that fear locks you up so you cannot be free to be who you are? Fear locks you up so that you cannot even be free to do what God wants you to do. Or to embrace all that God has for you in His kingdom and in His land of motherhood. Discouragement is also a locking-up thing. We must watch that we don’t put it on others. We need to do the opposite, which is encouragement, not discouragement.


Proverbs 12:25 in The Living Bible: “A word of encouragement does wonders.” Miracles. Amazing things! Oh, wow! It’s a wonderful Scripture that I love. When I read it years ago, I made it part of my life. “A word of encouragement does wonders.”

Lovely ladies, maybe you’re facing difficulties in your marriage, in your relationship with your husband. I want to tell you the secret: “A word of encouragement does wonders.” You can try it, even though you don’t feel like it. It’s the last thing you want to do is encourage your husband. You don’t feel there’s one thing you could even encourage him about. But if you ask the Lord, He’ll give you something.

There was a time when you loved him. You were in love. So, think of just one thing, and ask God for grace and help to say those words, to say a little word of encouragement. Every day, think of a new little word of encouragement to say. I guarantee you that you will see wonders if you will do it, and if you will continue it, because the Bible works.

The same with your children. If one you’re finding difficulty with, try that word of encouragement. It’s so powerful! It’s the opposite to discouragement. We’ve got to watch that we don’t discourage, but we encourage. Also, that when we are given discouraging words, that we don’t take them in and let them bind us up.

I see that time has gone, so we’re going to talk a little bit more about this next time when we get together. So, let’s pray now, shall we?

“Dear Father, we thank You so much for Your Word. We’re always thanking You for Your Word. I thank You for Your Word every day, because this is how we know how to live. We thank You that You show us the way.

“I pray for every precious older mother listening today. I pray that You will encourage her, and that You will give her a vision to take up her mantle as an older mother. I pray that You’ll show her how You want her to do this. That You’ll bring alongside her a young mother, or young mothers that she can encourage and show the way.

“Especially encouragement. Lord, I pray that You will help her as she encourages her own daughters and daughters-in-law. I pray, Lord, for the young moms, and the middling moms. Lord, bless every mother today. Encourage them, bless them, strengthen them.

“I pray, Lord, as they face these temptations of fear and discouragement, that You will help them to see that they don’t come from You. They come from the enemy, and they will resist them in the Name of Jesus.

“Oh, God, I pray today for the strengthening of motherhood in this nation. I pray, Lord God, for the young generation of mothers. Lord God, we’ve got to reach them. We pray that You will help us to reach them, Lord. I pray that You will give women such a vision to, Lord God, to get, Lord, not just their one magazine, but many magazines, so they can have them to give out, and give to young moms. Lord, that we can spread the word of Your truth across the nation. We ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Epi224picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell


Today we begin a new series of what God wants us to do in the land of motherhood. We did a series of 20 descriptions of THE LAND OF MOTHERHOOD. Now we will discover what we should do in the land. The first is to POSSESS the land. We don’t only put our toes in it but walk right through it, discovering all “the mountains, and the valleys, and the plains, and the springs, and the wilderness.”

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Lovely to be with you again! Currently I have been working on the new magazine, Above Rubies #100. Because it is No. 100, I decided to do something special. This magazine has articles in it only written by members of the family. That is three generations, of course, starting with Colin and myself. Then some of our children, and some of our grandchildren. We didn’t have room for everyone to write. Oh my, I think maybe only less than a quarter, there are so many in the family now. But they’re all wonderful articles.

It is now with the design artist, being prepared. But I have many challenges, because of all the shortages that this government is programming, there is much paper shortage throughout this country. I have worked with a printing company for many, many years, and it has been so great to work with them. But this time, when I came to get to get my quote, it was beyond anything I could imagine!

While I was away in England, the quote came in, but I missed it. It was for $39,000 to print. So then, I asked for another quote when I got back, and I couldn’t believe it! That was $49,000! I said, “Oh, this is beyond it!” I waited another week, thinking maybe I would get a better quote. The next week, it was $55,000! Just going up by the week! I thought, “Well, I can’t do this.”

I began to look around at other printers to find that so many printers have a paper shortage. Sometimes it’s no paper until December. Then, I found a printer who gave me a pretty good quote. Also, they have paper right now. I accepted this quote, because otherwise I can’t imagine when I would get this magazine printed.

However, the challenge I have is because he doesn’t know me, he wants everything up front. I’m used to not going to print until I have the money ready to print. But then, something happens. We print the magazine. Then I’ve got to send it out all across this nation, and then send it out to all the countries of the world. That takes up all the money I had for printing!

But then I trust the Lord that as it goes out into the nation, that those who have a burden and a longing to see families strengthened in the nation, see marriages come back together, see homes strengthened, will give. And the money comes in. By the time I get the bill, I’m usually able to pay. But, this time, I have to have all the money up for printing, which is more than we have ever had to pay before, plus all the money up for the shipping, because this company also ships it out.

So, that’s going to be a miracle. But I’m trusting the Lord. I think I will need about $80,000. I am trusting that God will enable us. Maybe you would even like to give, to help us get out this issue, No. 100, into the nations.


Oh, I believe that the need for this message for family, and for strengthening motherhood, and for wooing women back to the home is needed far more than any time in history. In fact, far more than when I started this magazine 45 years ago. This month, September, I have been producing Above Rubies for 45 years!

Now, when I began the magazine, I was feeling the pressure of feminism coming against families. But now, 45 years later, I have to confess it is greater. We’re facing more challenges. We are now facing the rebellion of same-sex marriage, even transgenderism, and greater threats against the family as God instituted it, than ever before! Even for this new generation of mothers. Oh my, we have to get the magazine out to them! So many of them don’t even know it exists! I have been producing it for previous generations but there’s a new generation. We need to get it out to them.

So, if the Lord touches your heart, send it to Above Rubies. You can go to the website, and you can see how to donate. Also, you may know young mothers that need to get this magazine. You’re welcome to send in their names and addresses to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will be so happy to send it to them.

We do need to get truth out to this generation which are totally brainwashed with deception. Coming up through the education system, and all the ways of the humanistic media and society all around us, they are hearing everything that is negative against motherhood. They need to hear the truth. So, lovely ladies, can you join with me in helping to get out this issue? Also, to get it out to many young moms who have never, ever heard about it.

Now, I know that some of you will be saying to me, “Well, Nancy, why don’t you just make it digital? It will save all the expense of printing.” Yes, I know. I will eventually go digital, but I don’t believe the time is just yet. We still have so many precious Amish mothers, and Mennonite mothers, and Hutterite mothers who love to get the magazine. They are not digital.

There are also so many other mothers, who yes, they’ve got their iPhones, but they don’t want to be plagued by reading everything on their iPhone. I’m the same. I work on my computer pretty well much of the day as I’m writing articles, preparing magazines, and so on. But I don’t live by my iPhone. Yes, I have an iPhone, but if I was to live like people expect me, I just can’t imagine what life would be like! I would have to be looking at my iPhone all day to find out what was happening.

I’m constantly getting people say to me, “Oh, Nancy, did you hear this was on? Or didn’t you know about that?” No, I didn’t know because I’m not looking at my iPhone all day long. How do people live when they’re looking at their iPhones all day?

I actually have to admit I have missed three weddings because I didn’t see the wedding e-vite. In fact, I feel so sad. When I think of a wedding day, a marriage commitment, something that is a covenant for life, so sacred, so powerful, and yet we just have an e-vite to the wedding? Wow! I think it needs more than that. It seems as though gone are the days when people would send out and mail out an invitation. But I think a wedding is worth that, don’t you?

Even just this last weekend, a lovely couple were putting on a celebration for their wedding anniversary. They put out an e-vite, but the lady called me. She said, “Nancy, I’m telling you about it, because I know you won’t see it, so I’m making sure you know.”

I was so grateful about that, because there are so many, I think, like me, who don’t want to have their lives ruled all day long by iPhones. We want to read something. You won’t be able to read it . . . Oh, yes, you can read it on your iPhone, but there’s something about holding a book, or holding a magazine.

Mothers can sit on a rocking chair, nursing their babies, and read Above Rubies and be encouraged. Yes, they could look at their iPhone, but why have an iPhone right next to your little baby? Do you think that’s healthy? I don’t think so. Keep your iPhones away when you’re nursing your baby.

I think it’s so lovely to have some paper. You can hold and see it more clearly and relax more. So, ladies, I’m not quite ready to go totally digital, OK? Of course, I do send out emails and I do a Facebook post every day to encourage wives and mothers. You can be blessed by those.

But I feel that this issue must be printed. Maybe even the next issue. We’ll see how we go. Even though down the line we’ll most probably go digital. Most probably everything will eventually. In the meantime, I’ll hang on to some paper and to some books! I wonder if anyone can say “amen” with me?

I don’t really like to have my iPhone all over me all day. In fact, even at night, if I take it into my bedroom, I will turn it on to airplane mode and make sure it’s at least an arm’s length away from me as I go to sleep for the night. I don’t want to get all the vibes as I’m sleeping.

Yet I know so many young people, they have their iPhones right beside them all night. That is not healthy! Then they have them in their back pockets. That’s not healthy! In fact, I have to watch my husband. I will find his iPhone in his pocket. I say, “Darling, don’t you realize, you’re just losing all your T!” Now, that’s not a good thing to happen. I’m always trying to stop him from doing that. But of course, where do you put it? That’s the problem. But anyway, I think we do have to still watch iPhones.

OK, I trust you can be with me in this vision. God has been so good, so faithful. He has provided for 45 years, by God touching hearts to give, because they have such a vision for family, and for God’s heart.

The very first institution that God mandated was marriage and family. This is how He wants us to live. Of course, satan hates everything of God’s plan. He is totally against God’s plan for marriage and for family, so he comes to attack it in every way.

I should say, too, that all money, all donations that come in for Above Rubies go completely to the printing of Above Rubies. Colin and I do not take anything from Above Rubies. It is totally separate from our financial lives where we trust the Lord for our day-to-day. But we don’t take from Above Rubies. Also, all the money that comes in for books that I have written, or other books that I sell, it all goes to the printing of the magazine.

So, if the Lord touches your heart to help get this message out, you can know that it goes straight to printing, just to pay that printing bill and shipping bill to get it out into this nation, and the nations of the world.

All right, ladies, we are now moving on to sort of a new series. But it’s a continuation, actually. I recently did with you a series on THE LAND OF MOTHERHOOD. We talked about 20 different descriptions of this beautiful, delightful, good land of motherhood.

But now, I want to take you on to the next part, which is, WHAT DO WE DO IN THE LAND? OK, we found out how God describes it, but what does He want us to do in the land? So, once again, I have gone back to the Word of God to see what God says they were to do in the land that He gave them.

Because we’re taking it from the type of the land that God gave to His people, the land of Israel, which He gave to them for an everlasting possession. There is so much now that He tells us about what we’re to do. It’s all a type. It’s a type, firstly, of how we’re to live in the kingdom of God. We now live in this land of the kingdom that He has brought us into. We need to know how to live in this land.

It’s also a type of the glorious land of His precious Word that He’s given us, that He wants us to know, so we can walk in the fullness of all that He has for us. But we are taking these same types into the land of motherhood, because it is a land, it’s the land where we live. It’s the sphere of life where we live.

First of all, before we start these ten points, because I have ten different points in this series, I want to take you to Joshua, because this is right at the beginning of the children of Israel going into the land. Even before they go in, God encourages them. God always encourages us in that which He has for us. He didn’t just tell them, “OK, you’ve got to go into this land!” No, He encouraged them.

We go to Joshua, chapter one. We see here, in this one chapter, the first chapter, we see four times God spoke these same words.

Joshua 1:6: Be strong and of a good courage.” These were the words He spoke to Joshua as He commanded Joshua to take the children of Israel in to possess the land.  

Then we go to Joshua 1:7. And He repeats it again: Only be thou strong and very courageous.” This time, God doesn’t only say: “Be strong and have courage,” He says: “Be VERY courageous.” There’s another adjective. I often remind you of how God loves adjectives. He needs adjectives to describe what He wants to tell us because everything God tells us is above the normal.

He’s telling Joshua and the people here, “You can’t just be full of courage. No, you’ve got to be very courageous! You’re going in to face giants! But be very courageous.” God says these same words to you, dear mother.

Now, maybe there are some listening who are only just entering this land of motherhood. This is a special word for you. “Be strong and very courageous.” Many who are listening, you’ve been in this land for many, many years. But we still need these words, don’t we? We need them daily.

“Be strong and very courageous,” because the land of motherhood is not just some little wimpy thing. No, it’s full of challenges. Of course, that’s what makes it so exciting and that’s what gives us so much opportunity to overcome, because this is what this life is all about. It’s about overcoming.

In Revelation, it talks about all the promises that are for the overcomers. It’s the overcomers who receive the rewards. When the children of Israel went into the land, how did God describe it? It was a land of hills and valleys and mountains and deserts. It wasn’t all plain sailing.

There were mountains they had to climb. There were deserts they had to go through, even in the Promised Land! They’d come out of the wilderness, but when they went into the Promised Land, there were still deserts. We’ve still got deserts in Israel today in the Negev. It’s a desert. There are mountains, and there are hills, and there are valleys. There are all these different things that we have to face.

We face these in our daily motherhood too. Every day is a new challenge! “Wow! A new challenge! Help! I haven’t faced this before! What am I going to do now?” Well, “Be strong, and be VERY courageous” . . . That thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses My servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

Verse 8: This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. What a wonderful verse that is! I memorized that Scripture as a young person, and it’s still with me today.

It’s a wonderful Scripture to encourage your children and your young people to memorize so it gets into their very being. It will go with them through life, because what does it say at the end? “For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. I know that you want your children to be prosperous and be successful in life. Well, here it tells us what to do: “to meditate in His Word, day and night.” So, get that Word into your children, into your young people.

Now we go to verse 9. The third time God says these words: Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage.” He carries on: “Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Precious moms, as you face these challenges each day, take this promise: the Lord is with you wherever you go, whatever room in your house you have to go, wherever you are. Most probably you are mainly in your kitchen, in your dining room, in the center of your home, in the heart of your home.

But this is where God has placed you. In this place, God is with you! No matter what you face, no matter the trial, no matter the difficulty, no matter what wisdom you need, God is with you. All you need is in Him. In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. You have it all in Him, and He’s right with you, right with you now, right with you every day. As you’re with your children, training them, nurturing them, loving them, teaching them, He is with you.

And then we go to the last verse, verse 18. God gives these words for the fourth time. It ends with these words: Only be strong and of a good courage.” Precious mothers, these were the words that God gave as they went into the land. These are the words that God gives you in your land of motherhood. “Be strong and very courageous.”

Motherhood is not for wimps. No. It’s for those who are strong and very courageous. Not in our own strength, because relying on our own strength, we will fail. But we can rely on His strength and His promises that He is with us. Amen.


All right. Let’s look at point number one: you have to possess the land. There are nearly 40 references to going in to possess the land in the Scriptures. I’ll just read a couple here, and I will put all the references in the transcript for you.

Deuteronomy 1:8: Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land.”

Verse 21: Behold, the LORD thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and possess it.” The word “possess” means “to inherit, to seize it, to occupy it.” It’s even translated “enjoy.”

So, as we come into the land of motherhood, or even if you’ve been in it for a few years, or many, many years, we must have the attitude of embracing this land. This is how we possess it. We embrace it. We go after it. We’re going to conquer it. This is what it means to possess it.


Let me take you to a few Scriptures here. We can read Genesis 13. In this passage, this was after Abram, he wasn’t Abraham yet. He was still Abram. Abram had separated from Lot. God said to him, in verses 14-17: Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered. Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.

God gave that promise of the land, a land that his descendants would not occupy, would not possess for many, many, many years later. In fact, time would go on, and then Abraham will, no, not until his descendants, not even until Isaac and until Jacob . . . then Jacob went down to Egypt, and he was there with his descendants for over 400 years.

Then God brought them out with a mighty deliverance, and then they were in the wilderness for 40 years before God took them into the Promised Land. When God gave this promise to Abraham, it was hundreds of years before his descendants were living it.

But God said to Him, “I have already given it to you, Abraham. It is yours. I’m giving it to you for an everlasting covenant. But I want you to walk through it, every part of it. Just get the feel of it. I want you to know the land that I’m giving to your descendants.” So, we see that God wanted him to walk through the land, westward, eastward, northward, southward.

OK, let’s go over to Joshua 18. All right, now this was after Joshua had taken the children of Israel into the Promised Land, and had already conquered many, many enemies. But there was still land to be possessed.

Joshua 18:3: And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you?” Do you notice that God always adds that? “I have given you the land.” Even though they hadn’t possessed it all, it was all given to them. It belonged to them by divine decree.

But there was still land to possess. So, Joshua said, “OK, I want you to choose three men from each tribe. If they shall rise up,” and verse 4 says: “and go through the land, and describe it according to the inheritance of them.” This was his plan. OK, we come down here a little more.

Go down to verse 8: And the men arose.” That was three men from each tribe. “. . . And went away: and Joshua charged them that went to describe the land, saying, Go and walk through the land.” The same words that He said to Abraham. “Walk through the land.” And this time He adds something else. “. . . And describe it, and come again to me.”

Verse 9: And the men went and passed through the land, and described it by cities into seven parts in a book, and came again to Joshua to the host at Shiloh.” Because this is where they were all encamped. This was their headquarters. Shiloh was where they established the tabernacle when they came into the Promised Land.

These men went out. They walked through the land, and they had books with them, so they could write everything in a book. Where were the mountains, and where the valleys were; where the cities were, and so they came back. It was all faithfully described in the book.

I love that. I like to take that thought with me when I come to the Word of God each day. To me, coming into the Word is like walking through the land, walking through the land of the kingdom. Because it’s in His Word that He describes the kingdom to us.

Yes, ladies, the kingdom of God is not only written about in the New Testament. We read a lot about Jesus talking about the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven. But no, the kingdom of God is also in the Old Testament. It’s right through the whole of Word of God.

In fact, at the end of Acts 28:30-31: And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him, preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ.” Now, what was he doing? “Preaching the kingdom of God.”

But, ladies, he didn’t have the New Testament. It wasn’t even written when he was doing that. He was preaching it from the Old Testament. The whole Bible reveals the revelation of the kingdom of God.

So, when I come to it each morning, and I open the Word, and I begin to walk through the land, I also have my book beside me, so I can describe, so I can write down what God is telling me, what new understanding and revelations He’s giving me about the land, the land of the kingdom which I am to live in.

Even the land of motherhood. Yes, there’s so much about family and motherhood in His Word. Often, we don’t even know it because we haven’t walked through the land. We walk through His book to find out.

Let’s give you one more Scripture as we close. I want to give you Psalm 48:12-13. I’ll read it from the New English Translation. “Walk around Zion. Encircle it. Count its towers. Consider its defenses. Walk through its fortresses so you can tell the next generation.”


So, lovely ladies, when we come into this land, we don’t just put our toes in it.

We put our whole being into it!

We don’t just stay on the border of the land of motherhood.

We walk through it!

We explore it.

We’re going to get into every part of it.

It’s so sad that so many, even young mothers today, because they’re being so brainwashed through the public school system and through our humanistic society, they have been programmed with so much negativity about marriage, about motherhood, about family. They’ve been programmed in all this alternative junk and deception.

But they fall in love, and they get married. Well, they put their toes in. Oh, because they’ve got married. But yes, now in this land of motherhood, well, yes, you have children in this land of motherhood. “Oh, but I don’t want anything to do with that, so, OK, well, I’ve got my feet out here in my career, because that’s where I’m living!”

They’ve got their little toes just in, hardly on the border of motherhood. They don’t experience it. They’re living in another world. But God wants us to come into it and possess it! Embrace it with all our hearts! It’s only as we come into it and embrace it that we begin to live in the joy and the delight and the fullness of it.

Well, ladies, time has gone again. So, we’re going to continue this series next session. Come on in and tell other mothers about it. Young moms, would you tell other young moms? Oh, because they just so need to know what God says.

“Dear Father, we thank You with all our hearts that You have given us a land. Lord, You’ve given it to us. You’ve given us the land of motherhood. It’s a land that You planned for us from the very beginning of time.

“Lord, I pray that You will help us to come fully into the land, and to embrace it with all our hearts, that we will not have one foot in the land, and our other foot out in this other world. But that, no, we’ll have both feet in where You want us to be. We ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Deuteronomy 1:8, 20, 25, 35, 39; 2:29; 3:12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20; 4:1, 21, 38, 40; 5:16; 6:10-12, 23; 7:13; 9:6; 8:10, 23; 10:11; 11:9, 17, 21, 31; 12:1, 9, 10; 15:4, 7; 16:20; 18:9; 19:1-3, 8, 10, 14, 21:1, 23; 24:4; 25:15, 19; 26:1-3, 9, 15; 27:2, 3; 28:8, 11, 52; 30:20; 31:7; 32:49; 34:4,52; Joshua 24:15; and Jeremiah 16:15.


PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 223: The Four L’s of Raising Children, Part 7

Epi223picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 223: The Four L’s of Raising Children, Part 7

We continue speaking about raising children who love liberty. Do your children know the first and second amendments? Are you teaching them the Constitution? Are you aware of how important it is to vote in our local elections? Did you know that your county sheriff has power to protect you from federal mandates that would be harmful to you? What are you doing to prepare your children to live in freedom?

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! We’re here again, and we’re going to finish our series on the four L’s of raising children. This is our last session on RAISING OUR CHILDREN TO LOVE LIBERTY. We didn’t really have time to say everything we wanted to last time.

We were talking about how we have come to see how important it is to be involved in our local elections. Yes, I have voted locally before, but this last time I really got a lot more involved. Did you also?

Michele: Oh, absolutely! This is kind of new territory for us, being new in Tennessee. We had to learn what is even happening here in this county. We had a lot of research to do and a lot of people to talk to.

Nancy: Yes. We were blessed. In fact, I think it was the night before we left to go to England, we had a dear friend, a wonderful man of God, come to our home and speak to all the folks who came about preparing to vote. This man had spent many, many hours speaking to those who were wanting to be sheriff, and mayor, and different things in our county. He spent a lot of time with them, asking them the real, real, real questions. Many of them couldn’t really even answer.

He shared about one man who was applying for sheriff in our county, because we have now come to realize that the sheriff is a very important part of the county. He shared how this particular man was able to really answer the questions and would be so good to vote in. So, of course, after understanding all this, we all voted for him, but he didn’t get in.

Sadly, however, it made us realize that we hadn’t done anything about helping him to get in. We’d only just found out about him. So I think that we will prepare and encourage him to get in next time and do a bit more groundwork.

Michele: Right! Our job now is to go to the sheriff that we do have that just got voted in, and I think you just got a phone call from him.

Nancy: Yes. I thought, OK, well, first of all, I must share, once again, my ignorance. I really never thought much about voting for the sheriff in our county. It didn’t really mean much to me until recently I began to do some research. As I researched, I couldn’t believe it! To realize how much power a sheriff has in the county.

In fact, did you know, ladies, and I didn’t know before I began to look all this up, that the sheriff actually has the most, perhaps the most power of anyone else in the whole county? He has more power in his county than the president. He has more power than the governor.

In fact, he has the power invested in him, that if federal agencies were to come to our county and tell us that we had to conform to something, maybe they were telling us everybody had to be mandated to be vaccinated, or whatever. Now, if the sheriff did not agree and didn’t believe that it was for the best for “we the people,” and for the good of the people in his county, he could say, “No!” And they could not do one thing. Now that is powerful.

The sheriff is the protector of the people of the county. He can even protect us from laws and mandates from federal agencies and federal people who would maybe put their tyranny on us. But, if the sheriff resists this, because he knows it is not right or good, they can do nothing. And we have his protection. So, that’s how powerful it is to vote in the right sheriff!

Michele: Oh, absolutely! So, what do we do, now that we didn’t get our sheriff that we voted for?

Nancy: Well, I was thinking about that and thought, “Well, help, I don’t really even know this guy! Who is he? What does he believe? I don’t even know what he believes!” So, actually, today I called him.

Just before we came to do this podcast, I received a return call from him. He was very pleasant and very friendly. He is willing to come to our home. I have invited him. I said we could get at least 30 or 40 people in and we would love him to talk to us. We have many questions to ask him.

So, I’m now going to confirm the date and we’re going to be able to talk to our sheriff. We’re going to be able to ask him the questions that we want to know. Where is he in protecting us as a county? I think this is very important.

Can I ask you a question, ladies? Do you know who the sheriff is in your county? Well, I think it is a very important thing to find out who he is, and then perhaps to get to know him, and begin to ask questions and find out, is he a constitutional sheriff?

Because there are sheriffs, and there are constitutional sheriffs. We need to have in our counties a constitutional sheriff who believes and will stand for the Constitution. It all depends on us. We are the ones who vote them in. We’ll get to find out about this particular one. We trust that we will be able to be an influence on him.

Michele: Absolutely. I think that’s key, not just to have him come here and ask him questions, but also tell him, what are our desires? What are we looking for in a sheriff? And hopefully have some influence on his decisions, future decisions. And maybe things he may never have thought of or didn’t know the people really cared about. We can definitely make an impact.

Nancy: Yes. And I did read how that in 2015, 500 sheriffs agreed not to enforce any gun laws created by the federal government. That’s in 500 counties. There are obviously constitutional sheriffs in those counties who will protect the Second Amendment. That is so wonderful!

So, dear ladies, what we are seeing is that we actually begin to govern by “we the people,” from our local governments, our school boards, our commissioners, our mayors, and our sheriffs, above everyone else. If we vote in godly constitutional people locally, well, that’s all we need to do, really. If we’ve got it locally, then, well, we’ve really got it.

Michele: Absolutely. That’s grassroots. Grassroots is in your own county. That’s where it begins. A lot of these people, possibly the mayor, possibly your governor, possibly the commissioners, they’re going to raise up and they could take higher offices. They could end up in federal, which really does start at the grassroots level.

Nancy: And encouraging godly people to become commissioners and begin to be an influence in the community. So, anyway, what other ways have you encouraged your children, Michele?

Michele: Well, we mentioned last podcast that we were involved an organization called Teen-Pact, a Christian organization that teaches some basics on how governments, how things work in the judicial system, all the different branches of government. There are so many different organizations you can seek out and find at that level. Getting involved at the grassroots level.

Nancy: You’ve told me how you’ve also got your children into debating. Tell me more about that.

Michele: Yes, we’re part of a Christian homeschool speech and debate club. What that has done for our children is given them communication skills, and the power of being able to debate on a respectable level. Just to bring about ideas and change without arguing, per se. Debate is different than arguing. Also, it made them quick thinkers, able to think on their feet.

I have a son who recently turned 20 and he’s an amazing speaker. I know having the skill of the speech part and the debate part together, he has an amazing skill to be able to communicate his point of view, whether you agree with him or not, in such an intellectual way that anybody can understand him.

It’s super-powerful to teach our children skills for those things. Who knows, maybe they’ll grow up and be the politicians. They may grow up to be the county commissioners. But being able to communicate and know your values is huge.

Nancy: Yes. And they cannot move into these positions without being able to speak clearly and articulately. Also, to know what they’re talking about! Now, when Carter first started, was he able to do this?

Michele: Oh, it definitely took some practice. It took some learning. He only did it, he didn’t even get into it until he was 15. So, from the age of 15 to 18, it was amazing to watch his growth and his love for being able to interact intelligently with all people, whether it’s somebody he agrees with or disagrees with, adults or a young child, he’s able to have an intellectual stand. Being able to have that quick response and know how to communicate has been huge.

Nancy: But of course, this has helped him to develop this. I think that is important. I think of that Scripture in Psalm 127, which is one of the wonderful family psalms. Psalm 127 and Psalm 128 are all about the family. I think it’s good to regularly read them to continually update ourselves on feeling God’s heart about the family.


Psalm 127:4: “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man,” or a mighty warrior, “so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them. They shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” Now, that’s powerful, ladies!

God tells us in His Word that we are raising arrows. We are sharpening arrows. We are refining these arrows. We are getting them ready for war. We’re getting them ready to fight in the gates, in the gates of the city, and in the gates of our nation. How are they going to do it?

It’s interesting. This is in the context of war. Then we read: “But they shall speak,” they shall speak “with the enemies in the gate.” WE ARE RAISING CHILDREN TO SPEAK! Now that’s powerful. I think we often forget that. We forget that little word. We are raising children to SPEAK.

Right from an early age, dear parents, let’s really encourage our children in speaking. I find, as I talk to lots of children, and even young people, they speak so fast I can’t understand what they’re saying. They’re mumbling, and I can’t understand what they’re saying. I know they understand one another.

I am, I know and will confess, that I am a little deaf. But even so, they’re mumbling, and they’re talking fast! They’re not really articulating.

I think we need to encourage our children how to be speakers, not just mumblers who can chat away with their peers. No, we’re raising them to speak, to be able to speak words of truth, to be able to articulate clearly, and be able to speak something that makes sense.

When children speak fast, and you know you can hardly hear them, say, “Look, can you say that again, slower and more clearly?” Get them into the habit of speaking clearly because if they don’t grow up doing it, how are you raising them to speak in the gates? Oh, yes, they can speak with their peers. They can speak with all the young people hanging around. But can they speak in the gates of the city? Or in the gates of the nation? That’s another level of speaking!

Michele: Absolutely. We have to defend our rights and our liberties. If we’re not able to communicate and speak, we can’t defend it. Liberty is precious. It’s rare, and it’s never guaranteed. It’s always threatened. It can be lost in this evil generation if it’s not defended. So, if our children are not able to grow up and be able to communicate and speak clearly, liberty can be lost in just one generation.

Nancy: Oh, that’s right. Also, they have to know what they’re talking about. We have to teach them the truths of freedom and the Constitution and so on. They need this wonderful book that we can get for them to read!

Michele: Not just books, but there are so many conservative podcasts and different medias of influence that we can present to our children. Our car time, we love listening to audiobooks. There are books, there are podcasts that we enjoy from a biblical worldview. That’s the key, isn’t it? Having a biblical worldview on all this. But there are so many different news medias. Careful, obviously. You want to find one with a biblical worldview.

Nancy: There was one time that I did this class with my grandchildren here on the Hilltop. We went through Mark Levin’s book, Liberty and Tyranny. His book, wow, it’s just packed full of very amazing words. He has a great vocabulary. So many of his words, help, I didn’t even know! We had to look them up.

We would do a chapter together. We’d read through it. We’d discuss it together. We would learn the new words that we were discovering. It was really exciting to do that with them. Of course, most of them have grown up now. But that is something you can use.

Take a book like this, even in your homeschooling. Sometimes you don’t have to rely on the curriculum. Just get a good, powerful book about liberty. Read a chapter, discuss it together, prepare questions for your children, because they need to discuss. It’s not just listening. They need to discuss these things, talk them out, so they know how to actually articulate them.

Michele: And remember them. Because we talked about in the LOVE FOR LEARNING the way you retain information is by not only hearing it. You listen, but if you can teach it to somebody else. You can write it down, but if you can teach it back to somebody else or have the interaction, that’s when you retain most of the information.

We’ve done some more things. We actually had a small group at our home once a week, for I think it was about six or eight weeks, we did a book study on something about the Constitution. It was families, so we had children, young adults there with us, and their parents. We spent six weeks, once a week. We always made it fun. What a great way to learn when you get a group together! So, just pulling different resources and getting your children involved is so important.

Nancy: Another thing I think is wonderful are freedom rallies. Whenever there’s a freedom rally, well, I love to attend with my banners and my flags. And to take the children! When we were doing a season of freedom rallies for while there, we would take all the grandchildren. It was so great to be part of. I think freedom rallies are wonderful. We had one just recently, didn’t we?

Michele: We did. There were speakers that came from all over. We took our children, and we went and supported them, and listened, and learned, and had discussions afterwards. It was a lot of fun.

Something else we’ve done, there was a state representative in our state that was running that we were supporting. We got to be in the Fourth of July parade. That was so much fun, because we got to go, and the kids got to get all dressed up and pass out stickers and get tee shirts. It was a lot of fun. Of course, they wanted to know, “Well, who is this guy?” So, we got to learn all about him before we went. But just getting involved in things like that can make a big difference.

Nancy: Now, the freedom rally that we had, it was so interesting. These people were putting on this freedom rally in our area. I got this flyer, and I looked at it, and I said, “I wonder where it is.” It said, “The Wedding Barn”! I said, “Help! That’s on our land.” Because Serene’s husband, Sam has recently built what we call “The Wedding Barn” because we so needed somewhere for all the weddings. We could never ever find the right place, or a big enough place, or this or that, so Sam decided to build one. It’s turned out the most amazing place. I think that we could squash 1,000 people in it.

Now people are finding out about it and wanting to use it for all kinds of things. So, here’s this freedom rally at the wedding barn! We were actually away that weekend. We were taking an Above Rubies retreat up in Missouri. We thought, “Oh, if only we could even just get back for a little bit of it!” We were finished, we hopped in the car, and we drove like fury, maybe like Jehu.

We got there for the last hour because it was a whole afternoon. We were able to get to see the last couple of speakers. That was great. I wish I could have got all of them. But even the one I heard was most interesting. It was the guy, because there were people who shared testimonies of things that had happened to them, even through this plandemic.

This guy had been a nurse, a male nurse for 28 years. He had been very much part of the hospital. But he got up to share that what he is seeing now. He’s finding it even hard to trust what is happening in the whole medical profession. He said that a few years back he had a heart attack and was life-flighted to the hospital. They immediately took him into the operating room, put him under, and put a stent in his heart, which he found . . . Did you hear him, or I think you had left?

Michele: I had been there all afternoon, except for the last hour. I left when you guys got there.

Nancy: Yes, yes. Well, they put a stent in his heart, and he found out later that he did not need it at all! In fact, it wasn’t as bad as they had made out. He was fine, and he was out walking in a few days. In fact, he walks two-and-a-half miles every day.

Then, just recently, he had a stroke. They said it was very, very serious, and they took him into the hospital. But actually, he said, all I did was have a loss of memory, just for a few hours, and then I was fine! I was running up and down the corridors of the hospital and they were trying to tell me, you had a serious stroke! You’ve got to be lying in your bed. We’ve got to do this to you and do that!” He said, “I was running around!”

He said, “They are doing things often just because they get money from it.” Then he told another story, how a friend, well, something was wrong with her. I can’t even remember. So, he took her to the emergency, and then they discovered, really, it was just fibromyalgia. He said, “Well, can we get this for it?” because he had been a nurse there for 28 years. He said, “I could not believe it. The doctor said, ‘Well, we can’t get that medication now because we don’t make enough money for that.”

Michele: Oh, my goodness!

Nancy: Could you believe that? He said he can hardly believe what is happening. I am finding that myself, I’ve never been one to run to doctors. I’ve always loved doctors, but I don’t believe in running to doctors for every little thing. I believe they are there for real emergencies. Often surgeons will save lives. Wow, that is so incredible! But there’s so much stuff that we can learn how to deal with in our own homes instead of running to the doctor. They give drugs, or they give, what do they give?

Michele: Pharmaceuticals?

Nancy: Yes. Well, just some pharmaceutical thing, or yes.

Michele: But then they have to give you more pharmaceuticals to cover up the side effects from the first one.

Nancy: Exactly! Because they all have side effects, I know. In fact, I have to confess that, well, I’m making a lot of confessions at the moment! But we never, ever had a family doctor the whole time we raised our children. Never had a doctor. Never actually went to a doctor.

Oh yes, I did go to the emergency room a few times when they cut their legs open, or they broke their legs, or they did this. We’d go and get them stitched up, or fixed up, or something like that. But we never actually needed a doctor! We just raised them healthily!

But now, I’m actually finding it hard to think . . . I don’t know what to do about this . . .  I really quite don’t know, because we look upon doctors as very intelligent people. But I can’t quite understand what happened to their intelligence during this plandemic, when Fauci prescribed remdesivir for covid patients. They were not allowed . . .  hospitals were not allowed to give ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine which were proved to bring healing to people. Those who took that would be healed in a few days.

But they were not allowed to give those medicines. Instead, they had to give remdesivir which is a highly toxic drug, which they developed in 2009 to treat hepatitis C. But it didn’t work. So, they brought it back in 2014 when they had that Ebola epidemic. It didn’t stop that either. But they could make a lot of money on it.

So, they brought it back for the plandemic. And doctors were actually giving it to patients. Hundreds and thousands died because of remdesivir because it causes renal failure, kidney failure, liver problems, and multiple organ failures. Now there were many doctors who did sound the alarm, but thousands blindly followed. No, I don’t think they blindly followed, because if they were a doctor, they had to have the intelligence to know what it was doing to the patients.

That makes me rather reticent to . . . help . . . just run to the hospital to a doctor who was quite prepared to give something that would make someone die! What is happening?

Michele: We had two close friends, two weeks apart, pass away from that medication. Very similar stories. One was in their 40’s and the other one was late 60’s, early 70’s. Exact same story. As soon as they got that medication, their kidneys shut down, and then they were gone. It was so unbelievable.

But the one thing from the freedom rally that I kept hearing over and over again was these testimonies of either parents with their adult children or children with their older parents that were in the hospital and how they had to advocate for them.

Then the outcome. The more they were advocated, the more they knew and were able to advocate, versus the ones that just didn’t know, and the devastating outcomes. I was like, oh, my heart was broken, because this is why we go to the doctors, why we go to the hospital, because they’re the ones who are supposed to be educated in this field in telling us. But it’s become quite the opposite.

Nancy: I know. We have to really do a lot of research ourselves these days.

Michele: And I think, too, one thing that’s lacking with a lot of doctors is just knowing the voice of the Holy Spirit. As a patient, or knowing someone who’s in the hospital, we have to rely on what the Lord tells us, and stand up, stand up for the rights, our own rights, or somebody we love. Stand up for the rights.

Nancy: Yes. Now, of course, we are facing another election very soon, our mid-term elections. Of course, we need to really be, somehow. . . I just don’t even know how it’s all going to pan out, because there’s been such fraudulence. We are living under a stolen election. We all know that.

Did you see the movie, 2000 Mules? If you haven’t, you do need to see that. I think there’s another one out now that is exposing the Dominion voting machines. There has been so much fraudulence in all this voting. We wonder how can we trust another election? We need to be in prayer and really seeking to contact, right down to the local level, of course.

Even our elections, our commissioners, they have power to determine how the elections will be done. We can contact them, and say, “Look, we want paper ballots. We don’t want to use these machines. We can’t trust them.” So, it comes again down to our local people who are in charge, to ask them to do their job so we can truly have honest elections. We can’t go on with all this forgery.

You had something to say?


Michele: I often have to remind myself and my children, for such a time as this we were created. It’s no accident that we’re here at this time. Sometimes it feels like it would be easier to give up, that it doesn’t matter. Things aren’t truthful anyway. But no, God commands us over and over in His Word to stand up and to fight. It’s no accident we’re here at this time.

Nancy: Exactly. Now, time is coming to a close. I think maybe you should just read out those last few thoughts of yours.

Michele: Yes! Just to review our four L’s: we have LOVE THE LORD, LOVE LEARNING, LOVE LABOR, and LOVE LIBERTY. If my children love the Lord, they have the foundation for life, because apart from Him, there’s nothing. And if they love learning, they will always be adding to their knowledge and skill sets, to do the things God may have before them with less limitations.

If they have a love for labor, they will have the work ethic and stamina to get the job done. And if my children love liberty, they will defend freedom and be able to exercise their rights and live a self-governed life.

Nancy: Amen! That is powerful, Michele. Thank you. Can I just close with Isaiah 59:14? This is like a description of how we are living today. “And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey.” Those who are standing against evil, who are standing for righteousness, they are becoming the victims!

“And the LORD saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no judgment and justice. And He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore His arm brought salvation unto Him; and His righteousness, it sustained Him. For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon His head; and He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke.

In this hour, when justice is fallen, and truth is all turned upside down and backwards, it’s time to put on the zeal of the Lord, and to intercede, and to stand in the gap, to pray with all our hearts, and also to stand up for truth and for liberty. Amen?

Michele: Amen.

Nancy: Oh, I trust you’ve been blessed. Let’s pray, shall we?

“Dear Father, we thank You, Lord God, that Your plan is for us to live as free people. You do not want us to live under tyranny, under tyrannical government. Lord, I pray that You will teach us all to stand for truth, to stand for righteousness, and to realize the impact that we, as parents and children, as families, can have in our communities, as we realize that we are the ones who vote in godly commissioners, and mayors, and sheriffs, and those on our school boards.

“Lord God, we pray that You’ll help us to be faithful to vote in righteous people. If we haven’t got any, to encourage those who are righteous to stand and be there to protect the county, protect the people. So, Lord, we ask that You will teach us and help us not to just listen to something, but to do something. We don’t want to be hearers of the Word, we want to be doers of the Word. We ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Some more quotes about liberty for you:

“The future doesn’t belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave.”

Ronald Reagan

“If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

~ Samuel Adams

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
~ Benjamin Franklin

“Those who own the country ought to govern it.”

~ John Jay

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

~ George Washington

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

~ Abraham Lincoln

“I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve in the process.”

~ Benjamin Harrison


PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 222: The Four L’s of Raising Children, Part 6

Epi222picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 222: The Four L’s of Raising Children, Part 6

We have come to the last L on raising children, which is giving our children a LOVE FOR LIBERTY! We are living in a nation where our young people are being programmed for an entitlement mentality where they expect everything to be given to them. The only way for this to happen is to rely on other people and especially the government! This ends in servitude. Are you programing your children for liberty? “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance,” which must be passed on to each succeeding generation!

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Always wonderful to be with you. I have Michele with me here again today. We’re going to talk about the last “L” of the four L’s of raising children. What is it? We kept it a secret until the last. We’re going to talk about LOVING LIBERTY. I think this is going to be a very great subject to talk about.

Before we do, I’ll just catch you up on news, what has been happening. Oh, back a couple of episodes ago, 220, that was when we told you we were having a little bit of problem with our little dog, who liked and used to like to sit beside me when we were doing the podcast.

Well, the very next night, he wasn’t the same. The next night, it was prayer meeting night, and he was sitting beside me in the prayer meeting. He began to take a little turn, so I took him out into the kitchen and turned off the light and sat with him. But then later in the evening, he took quite a few more turns, seizures which weren’t very nice. He just passed away that night.

That was the end of my little doggie, whom I have had for about 11 years. I think he would have been about 14 years old, because he was a few years old when we found him on the side of the road. This little poodle was so frightened and so scared he could hardly look up. I think he had been very abused. For quite a long time, you couldn’t even get his little head to come up. But eventually he began to receive our love and lived a very, very happy life.

Now, for the first time in many, many years, I am without a dog. I’ve always, I usually have a dog. I usually like big dogs. Most of our dogs have come . . . they’ve just turned up! Many we’ve found on the side of the road. They’ve all been absolutely amazing dogs. Now I’m wondering, what kind of dog is going to turn up? Or what God is going to bring us next? But we’ll wait and see.

We’ve just got back this last weekend from another Above Rubies retreat, this time in Mississippi. We’re now having an annual Labor Day weekend retreat in Pulaski, Mississippi. That was a wonderful time, organized by the Lanford family. A beautiful family of eight children that they have raised. Oh, most beautiful young people! In fact, one of their sons, as all their children, were there. One of their sons has actually learned the whole of the New Testament by heart!

Michele: Wow!

Nancy: He got up one night and recited a chapter or so of Hebrews. He didn’t even stammer or try to remember. It just rolled off his tongue. He’s actually learned the whole New Testament. I thought, “Wow, that’s a great testimony, isn’t it?”

This family, oh, at the end of the retreat, they did something which was very powerful. They got all their children up there, their eight children. In fact, they didn’t have their first until Connie was 34 years of age. That’s amazing, isn’t it?

Michele: That is amazing!

Nancy: They’ve got eight children! Wow! The husband, Les, was sharing how that at that time, when they were married, he wasn’t really interested in having children at all. He was a teacher, a schoolteacher. He had got with the population explosion, you know, you can’t bring too many children into this planet.

But Connie had a heart for children. She so wanted children. He gave in and they had their first two children. But then, parents on both sides were getting at them, saying, “You should not have any more children!” Somehow, she prevailed, and they had another two children. But by the time they got to four, they were sharing how that, wow, the parents were so adamant. There was one set of parents who were wanting them to even sign this document to say they would not have any more children!

Michele: Wow!

Nancy: And bring any more into the world! It was pretty tough, but at that time, Les was opening up to the blessing of children and beginning to see that all these humanistic ideas he had didn’t belong in the Bible and they didn’t belong in God’s heart. They continued to trust God and came into the total understanding of the blessing of children. They began to trust God, and they had four more, and were blessed with eight! Even though they started late. It was a beautiful testimony.

But as they told the story, they would eliminate the children, like the last four. If they hadn’t come to the revelation of God’s truth, those beautiful, amazing children would not be here. They said, “Bye, children! Walk off.” So then, there were four left. Then he talked about, OK, the two that they had, even though there was pressure and persecution, but they had them. If they had listened to their parents, they would not be here, so “Bye, you go off!”

Then it was the last two, which they hadn’t planned to have either, except that Connie was so desperate. But if they had listened to Les, where he was at that time, they wouldn’t even have had those children. So, “Bye! Off you go!”

They were there, just Connie and Les, all on their own. It was an amazing picture to see. Wow! There they were, they could have had no children, but by God’s grace, and blessing, and not listening to their parents and the world around them, they were eventually receiving the wonderful revelation of God’s truth and they were blessed with these eight amazing children. It was such a beautiful picture to see it like that.

Yes, and at this retreat, we had the Crevier family again, who have come to a number of our Panama retreats. They are the CHAMPIONS FOREVER, the basketball one-wheel cyclist family who do this great show. They are a beautiful family of God, twelve children, all loving and serving the Lord. We also had the SHAW family, a lovely family, a singing family. So, we were really blessed!

Then, since I’ve been home, since the weekend, I’ve been busy preserving, putting down beans in the freezer and preserving tomatoes. Praise the Lord, because all mine got wasted when our freezers, the plug came out somehow, and they all went to rot. Anyway, Erin still had some left on his vines. That was so amazing! So, I went and got them with the girls here and we’ve been fixing them up which has been great!

Anyway, let’s get on to our exciting subject of teaching our children to LOVE LIBERTY. Now, how did you get on to this, Michele?

Michele: Well, it started in our own home with our own children’s hearts. I noticed if they were not able to control themselves, if they weren’t able, then I had to step in, or Dad had to step in. They didn’t like to be controlled. They wanted the freedom.

Then I got to thinking, it’s comparable to the government. We don’t want to be controlled, we don’t want the government telling us what we can or can’t do, we want to be able to live in the freedom . . . it paralleled exactly with parenting. It’s to love liberty. It’s so important that we love our country, and we love the freedoms in our country and fight for them.

Otherwise, we’re going to be just like our children. We have to get on to them and sometimes tell them something over and over, and how they don’t like, they want to resist. They don’t like that. It’s the same thing that happens within our country.

Nancy: Yes, yes. It’s learning to be a people who know how to govern ourselves. A people who can govern themselves don’t need to be governed. Well, yes, it’s good to have a small government. We do need that. But we do not need an overpowering government who is controlling everything we do. But we first have to be this people who know how to govern ourselves, don’t we? I think that’s so important.

Michele: Absolutely! And the definition of “liberty,” right out of the dictionary, is “the state of being free within a society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.”


Nancy: Yes, it comes back, doesn’t it, to “we the people.” I love how that is the very beginning of our whole Constitution. It’s “we the people.” Sadly, I think because of our public education today, our young people are not growing up with this so strongly embedded in their whole psyche.

They are more and more just handing their lives over to government. The more that people do that, well, the more the government begins to take control and becomes tyrannical. I think it’s so important in our teaching of our children to teach them the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, so that they know!

Michele: Absolutely! And then our trust, if we’re dependent on the government, our trust becomes in the government, rather than in God. That’s the way we look at it, too. In Isaiah, it commands us to proclaim liberty.

Isaiah 61:1: “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and freedom to the prisoners.”

Nancy: I love that! Amen! I think it’s so important for us, we, as parents, and our children, to know the First Amendment. Do all your children know the First Amendment? It’s such a powerful statement of freedom and liberty, isn’t it? I should read it again.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

That is so powerful! That gives us complete freedom to live. And yet, back in 2020, even in 2021, we had this tyrannical mandate coming against the church, and against the right of the people to “peaceably assemble.” They were saying, “No, you cannot meet for church unless you only have this amount of people, unless you are six feet apart.” This is totally ridiculous. It was against our Constitution, and against the Bible, which says that we “must not forsake the assembling of ourselves together” (Hebrews 10:25).

Of course, maybe churches just caved in, and said, “Oh, don’t worry, folks! We’ll have our Zoom meetings.” Well, you can get a good message from a Zoom meeting but it’s not church. It’s not what God said. He said we were to assemble! ASSEMBLE TOGETHER! The Constitution tells us that the government cannot come against the right of people to assemble. Yet what happened? The people caved in! Obviously, most of the nation, even the Christians, did not even know the First Amendment!

Michele: That’s exactly what Barton said. They don’t even know our freedoms. They only know their rights. It’s so important we teach our children just the basics of our country, what we were founded on. What the amendments say? What does the Constitution say? What does it mean?

Nancy: Exactly! Now, if everyone had known that, there would not have . . . We could not have caved in, because we would have known our rights. In fact, this is how I felt when all this happened. OK, “You must not assemble at church!” And all this nonsense. I felt that the greatest thing that could have happened was that every church-going person would fill the churches to overflowing! Goodness, they couldn’t have done one thing!

By the way, was anyone ever aware of this amendment that was surpassed by the Supreme Court after the Civil War which still stands today?

“Neither the legislature nor any executive or judicial officer may disregard the provisions of the constitution in case of emergency . . .

Section 98 therefore, ANYONE who declares the suspension of constitutionally guaranteed rights (to freely travel, peacefully assemble, earn a living, freely worship, etc.) and or attempts to enforce such suspension within 50 independent sovereign, continental United States of America is making war against our constitution(s) and therefore, we the people. They violate their constitutional oath and, thus, immediately forfeit their office and authority and their proclamations may be disregarded with impunity and that means ANYONE, even the governor and President.”

Michele: Wow! That is exactly what they did!

Nancy: They did all that and nobody said anything! Because we people did not know their rights. We, as parents, have a responsibility to know and to teach our children! Amen?

What about the Second Amendment? Well, we all know that means we can bear arms, but how is it actually stated?

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of the free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

That is the Second Amendment.

Of course, we know they’re trying to annihilate it. But it is our Constitution, so therefore we must keep to it. We must stand strong. We must teach our children that this is part of our Constitution.

In fact, did you know that it was affirmed strongly again in 2008, with the Supreme Court case with the District of Columbia v. Heller? That was back in, when was it? I think it might have been 2008. Yes, it was 2008 when they affirmed the Second Amendment and the Supreme Court examined it very, very carefully in exacting detail.

They, once again, affirmed that this was definitely the Constitution of our nation. It actually enshrined the ancient, they said, “It enshrined the ancient Roman principle of every citizen a soldier, and every soldier a citizen.”

These are just two of our most basic amendments of the Bill of Rights that we must know, as parents, and we must impart them to our children. Just like we impart the Word of God into our children, we’ve got to impart these important things, because this determines how we will live!

Michele: Absolutely! How do we impart these to our children? Well, we start when they’re young, with self-government, and that continues as they grow. We even have to do it as adults, you know, circle back to the Lord. How do we self-govern ourselves?

But then we need to teach them the laws of our land, that there are liberties, our freedoms, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, everything. Some practical things we’ve done as a family was taking our children to the capitol. Every capitol in the United States is now open. They closed them during the plandemic, but they’re open. You can go and visit the state capitols. That’s just a small foundation you start with.

Our family has also gotten involved with a program called Teen-Pact. They run a class in every state now, I think, except for two states. All United States. They meet at the capitol building, and they have a class, a week-long class. When we were in Missouri, we were able to go as a family and participate. Most of the states are still set up that way, I believe. I’m not sure. Each one’s run a little bit differently.

Learn about the government. The children actually dress in suits, and girls in their business wear. We’d go into the capitol, and they would learn things like how they would write their own bills, how to run whole court sessions, how to get bills passed. They got to talk to the governor. They got to talk to different state representatives. It was the best experience. We’ve done it, I think, a total of five times throughout the past seven or eight years. It’s been such a good experience.

But there are all sorts of opportunities if you just look out there. Teen-Pact is for Christian organizations. They always brought back a biblical worldview, and that aspect as well. It made a lot of fun for the families, to be able to attend, to be able to do this.

There are so many opportunities, and so many things you can get plugged in. Another so-important thing to get involved in is grass roots efforts. We’ve done a lot of this, moving to Tennessee and learning the area we’re in.

We just had some local elections. Being able to get involved and meet people who were running. Take your children and meet these people. They’re running for office. They’re usually happy to come meet with you. They’ll even come in your home.

Just being able to sit down with them and find out where their views are. What’s important to you? You can learn. Your children can learn so much by meeting different candidates and figuring out which ones you want to support as a family or church. And then going out and helping them campaign.

It can be as simple as putting the signs up, or passing out flyers, or talking to other people in your church, or other families in your neighborhood. And why you support this candidate. What values they have. Do they line up with the Word of God? Those types of things. Getting your children involved is key to teaching them to love liberty.

Nancy: I love that. Actually, I have to make a very big confession, because I have to confess that I have always been so insistent in making sure that I vote in federal elections. I vote for the president and so on, but I have never really bothered much with local elections. I always thought, “Oh goodness, I don’t think they’re very important. What’s so important about them?”

Until just recently, I have realized that they are the most important elections of all! Oh, ladies, and I just want to encourage you, maybe you’re not like me. You’re really into it. Or maybe you have been like me, and you haven’t really bothered about it much.

Well, I had to change my ways! Because I am now realizing that right down to our school boards, and our county commissioners, and our mayor, and our sheriff, wow! These are the most important people, actually, in the whole nation, because they are where we live, and they will determine how we live our lives in our area.

Of course, we had to get involved, just recently, with our county commissioners, because we’re all involved in Save Lick Creek. Now, Lick Creek is the most beautiful river that we have running through Hickman County here. Serene and Sam’s land goes down onto this beautiful river. It’s so much a part of our lives here. Many of the families go kayaking. I think Evangeline and Erin kayak nearly every day in that beautiful river. It is the most glorious river. It is totally spring-fed. It’s the purest river. . .

Michele: I’ve heard it’s the second purest water form in the whole state of Tennessee. My boys are out there on that creek almost every single day. They’re out working on our land or working for somebody here. They get all hot and sweaty and they go jump in the creek. They’re out there fishing. They’re out there catching crawdads. They’re kayaking. They’re on there almost every single day.

Nancy: And they can catch beautiful trout in that river. But you know what they’re trying to do? Oh, neighboring counties are planning to pour into this beautiful, clear creek, how many billions is it again?

Michele: Twelve million gallons per day!

Nancy: Twelve million gallons per day of poop! Oh, this is beyond it. They said, “Oh, well, we will clean the water with something.” But it is never, never, never this pure water. So, we are trying to save this Lick Creek, as it is called. We’ve all been to these meetings and meeting our county commissioners. As Michele says, taking the children along too!

Michele: Absolutely! Taking them along. My older ones, even having them ask the questions, because the more they’re involved, the more they feel like they’re invested, and their interest grows. Even though my boys love this creek, I don’t think they would see quite the connection if we hadn’t gone to these meetings. They wouldn’t have asked the commissioners that were running for office how they felt. These questions about, “What are you going to do to help us save our creek?” That sparked a new level of interest and involvement. They feel like they’re part of it.

Nancy: It certainly made our eyes open to who we’ve got for commissioners! Wow! You really find out whether your commissioners are looking after you in your community, in your county, or not looking after you. I’ve had to realize I hadn’t even thought about them. I didn’t even know who they were! But now we’ve had to find out who they were, write to them, go to meetings to meet them, to find out, well, who’s worth voting for, and who’s not!

Oh, I was reading, too. I did tell you, didn’t I, about how the Lord laid upon our hearts at some of our prayer meetings, to really pray against the Georgia Guidestones, these great 19-feet granite rocks on which were written the Ten Commandments of the New World Order. We were so concerned about them. They’d been standing there for about 40 years. The first one saying, “We want to reduce the population of the world to 500 million.” That would be wiping out about 93% of the world’s population. That’s how much they hate people.

We felt a burden to pray, “Oh, God, just come, wipe them out! Bring an explosion, bring an earthquake. Do something!” Well, we couldn’t believe it! About two weeks later, we woke up to see the news of this explosion that exploded these great, huge granite rocks! Then they had to bulldoze them over for safety. That got rid of them.

Then we were thinking, “OK, what’s going to happen? Are they going to try to build them again? We’re praying against that. But then I read recently how the commissioners of Elbert County, where they are, that they decided, the Elbert County Board of Commissioners, they voted a few weeks ago to donate the debris from the mysterious “Georgia monument,” as they called it, to the Elberton Granite Association and its museum.

Well, that wasn’t as bad as rebuilding them again. But I thought to myself, “Why do they want to even save these things that were so against mankind?” And here they are, but it was the vote of the commissioners!

Michele: It shows you the power that the commissioners have. I would imagine that there are a lot of people out there who don’t even know who their commissioners are. They may not even know what district they’re in to be able to vote, because you vote per your district for your commissioners. Those are things just to . . .

Nancy: Those commissioners obviously are not really truly versed in understanding the implications of those Georgia Guidestones. They thought, “Oh, well, they were a tourist attraction, and we’d just like to donate them to the museum.”

Michele: Either that, or there were some liberal commissioners voted in. So there again, you need to know your commissioners that you’re voting for; their values and where they stand on things.

Nancy: Yes! You realize, your commissioners, lovely ladies, in your county, in the county where you live, will be determining what life is like in your county for you and for your children. So, are your commissioners liberal? Or are they conservative? Are they God-fearing? Or are they not? We have a responsibility to find out who they are and then vote in ones that are godly.

I’m realizing this. Wow! Have you got anything more to say about that because this session’s coming to an end. I think we’ll do another session! Have you got anything else to say?

Michele: I don’t know if we have time to touch on the sheriff. That can be next time?

Nancy: I think we’ll do that next time.

Michele: Because, yes, these little compartments per county, they make a difference. But I have something here I was going to share about liberty in general. Just think about life without liberty. It’s unthinkable! It’s unthinkable to be able to give up our freedoms! Who wants to live as the one at the end of the leash, being told what to do or not to do, or how they have to live their lives?

Sometimes I think it happens, even the people you’re voting for, you think they have good intentions. It’s not about having good intentions. It’s about being able to govern ourselves, and make wise decisions for ourselves and our families, to support the freedoms that our Constitution says that we have.

Nancy: A couple of quotes as we close.

Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Our country fought for freedom, but we have to keep fighting for it. It must be passed on to each succeeding generation. Freedom will pass on through the parents. We’re either passing on this vision of freedom, or we are allowing our children to grow up in a country of tyranny.

Sadly today, our schools and our colleges are being taught the opposite of our Constitution, and our freedom rights, and “we the people”. They’re being encouraged to look to government. In fact, if you talk to most college students today, they expect that their college fees should be paid for.

In fact, they expect everything should be paid for! They don’t even seem to think that, OK, somebody’s got to pay for it. But it won’t be them! They don’t care. As long as somebody else pays for it, they want it free. Right. We are not raising children like that, with that mentality. We want to raise children who understand freedom.

“Father, we thank You for bringing this subject to our hearts, and to hear how Randy and Michele are raising their children to love liberty. Lord, I pray that we will all have that vision, Lord, in a very intense way, because things don’t happen unless we make them happen. Help us, Lord to really do something to make this happen, to pass on the truths of liberty to our children. In the Name of Jesus, amen”.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 221: The Four L’s of Raising Children, Part 5

Epi221picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 221: The Four L’s of Raising Children, Part 5

More amazing points about the attitudes God wants us to have toward work. If you can put these principles into operation in your family life, it will become like heaven on earth. We will begin the last L next week. It’s going to be exciting! 

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Great to be with you again. I’m here in Tennessee, looking out to the beautiful green trees, with the sun shining down upon them. It’s so beautiful. And Michele Schrum is with me again. It’s not far for Michele to come because she’s living right next door to us in their RV while they are working on building their house up on the Hilltop.

And here we are, still talking on this series of raising children with the four L’s, the words starting with “L.” When Michele mentioned this to me in the course of the conversation that this was how they liked to raise their children, I thought, “Wow! That is so powerful! You’ve got to come and share it with me on the podcast.”

I thought we would do a couple of podcasts, and here we are, up to number five! This is part five now, in this series, and I don’t think we’ll finish it today. I’ve got the feeling we might need one more!

But today, we’re continuing to talk about loving labor, and teaching our children, to give them this LOVE for work. Not just, OK, teach our children how to work, but we go beyond that. We’re teaching our children how to LOVE work! That’s what we want to do, isn’t it?

Now, we are looking into the Word, as usual, because we could spout off here for hours. Really, what are you going to get, unless we bring it from the Word? I believe that . . . This is my premise in life, that everything I believe has its foundation in the Word of God. Then I know I’m on the right track.

We are looking at all the different attitudes God wants us to have about work. I found 26 different attitudes. It’s amazing how much God gives us, isn’t it? Today we’re up to number 18. We’ll finish these today.

I hope we even get onto our last point, because I think this is my most exciting one that you’re going to talk about. Oh, I’m looking forward to talking about it! But I’m not telling you what it’s going to be! [laughter] It’s going to be a surprise!


Judges 5:2: “The people willingly offered themselves.” A willingness is a big attitude, isn’t it? Often, our children are not always willing to do their chores. They may do them, but sometimes they do them with a sour face and a grumbling attitude. Oh my! How are we going to teach them to do it with a willing attitude?

Well, I do believe that these Scriptures, that the Scriptures, as we get the Word into our children, that puts it into them. Well, I think two things: No. 1, the Word, and that’s why it’s so great to take your children to these Scriptures. Some of them you can write out and pin up on the wall for them to read. You can make them memory verses and encourage them this way.

Of course, secondly, it always goes back to our attitude. What do you say about that, Michele?

Michele: Oh, absolutely! Our example has been the key with every single one of these teaching our children the four L’s. One of the first things is our example, and how we live that out in our own lives. If we’re having a sour attitude or we’re not willing to labor in love, then likely they’re not either.

Nancy: Absolutely. Yes, they have to see that. This is how we live, with this willing attitude. Starting off with everything that God gives us, He talks about in His Word, we have to willingly respond. But children should see, even when our husbands ask us to do something, that we are willing! Wow! It’s just our delight to do it!

And talking about delight, a Scripture in Proverbs 31, of course, this is the description of the virtuous woman. It says in verse 13: “She seeks wool and flax and works willingly with her hands.” Now, that word in the Hebrew, chephets . . . (Actually, Darlene, my wonderful transcriber, you are absolutely amazing at checking out all these Hebrew words I give. This one is spelled C-H-E-P-H-E-T-S. Thank you for all you do).

Anyway, this word, when we go to the Hebrew, we see more of what it means. It means “to work with pleasure, with delight, with purpose.” So, that word “delight” comes in there. It’s often translated “delight.” In fact, 16 times in the Word of God that Hebrew word is translated “pleasure.” So, somehow, we’ve got to pass on that anointing that to our children, that WORK IS A PLEASURE. It’s a pleasure to work!

Michele: It is! The question comes to mind, what if your children aren’t willing? What if they don’t have that willingness? Sometimes a part of training is that they still have to do it. They still have to do the labor. They still have to do the work. But if we’re setting an example, and we’re smiling . . .

We make a lot of little jingles or songs up a lot of times. Whether it’s a Scripture song, or just a little song about, especially with little ones, about what they’re supposed to be doing. Just anything to make it little more joyful, especially when they’re younger, to help them develop that willing spirit.

Nancy: Yes, I believe that. We should try to make it pleasurable, because it’s meant to be. “She worketh willingly with her hands.” This is talking about the woman in our home. That should be our attitude. We work in our willingness. This is our pleasure. This is our delight.

So, we’re not seeing, yes, and so many duties are mundane, because it’s the same thing you do every day. You have to do the same thing over and over again to keep the home in running order. But we don’t see it as a bore. We do it with pleasure and delight because we know that this is going to bless the whole family when we keep our home in right order and we’re managing it well. A home that’s not being managed is not very nice to live in! We have to make it a place where it’s delightful to live.

The BSB (Berean Study Bible), yes, it translates it “to work with eager hands.”

The Young’s Literal translation, I like to go to check that one, because it goes right back to the Hebrew. It’s the same man who put together the Young’s Concordance. There’s the Strong’s Concordance and there’s the Young’s Concordance. This is the Young’s Literal Translation. He brings out this word “delight.” He says: “Working with delight.”

OK, let’s look at some other Scriptures.

Michele: Well, I have an example. Just yesterday, my son Niles, who’s 15, was working on the computer. He showed me, and he was watching mowing videos. He loves . . . Before we moved here to Tennessee, he and his brother had a little lawnmowing business together, Take Care Lawn Care. He has this love of mowing, which is wonderful, except right now, we don’t have any grass!

So he’s watching lawn videos, and he’s like, “Can we go ahead and plant grass?” We don’t have a house yet! I’m like, “Well, not yet.” But he was so excited to get back into mowing. Colin’s pretty particular about his yard, so he hasn’t allowed Niles to take over the mowing yet. [laughter]

Nancy: Maybe he doesn’t know how good he is! Wow! I’ll have to talk to him about that!

All right, 1 Chronicles 28:9: “Know thou the God of thy father, and serve Him with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind.” To work willingly with our hands starts with our mind and our attitude, doesn’t it?

In 1 Chronicles 28:21, it talks about “every willing skillful man.” So, even though these men had skills, the ones who were doing the work were those who were willing to do it.

I’m always challenged by Psalm 110:3: “Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power.” It’s always the willing people who God wants to pick up and use. I believe if we have a vision for training children to be ready for God to use them, we have to implant within them this attitude of willingness. Oh, it’s a very powerful attribute, willingness, isn’t it?

“Lord God, I pray that You will help us all. Help these precious mothers listening, Lord God, to be able to impart this wonderful attitude, Lord, just willingness. Lord, when their children are asked to do something, that they will respond with willingness. Oh, Lord, this is not something that we can just make happen. It has to be a matter of the heart. We pray, Lord, that You will give us such anointing and wisdom in bringing this to our children. In the Name of Jesus.”

I think this one will be such a good one. As I suggested at the very beginning, that you can take each one of these points, and OK, for one whole week, “OK, children, let’s work on this attitude for a week. Now Mommy and Daddy are going to work on it too, and we’re all going to do it together! In every little thing, we’re going to work on this particular one, willingness. We’re all going to do it with a willing attitude. Everything!” That would be so exciting! Wow! What a dreamy place to live in!

Isaiah 1:19: If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.”


Ephesians 6:7: “Rendering service willingly, with goodwill.” Once again, that’s an attitude. We’re teaching our children to have a happy attitude and a smile on their face.

What I used to do, if my children didn’t do something with a happy attitude, guess what happened? They got another job to do! And if they didn’t do that with a happy attitude, they got another one, until they learned to do it with a happy attitude and a smile on their face. I’m glad, I think most of our children, well, I’d say all of them, and some more than others, have grown up with a very, very good work attitude. That is so important in life, isn’t it?


Oh, that’s another one, isn’t it? Have you often given your children something to do, or your one specific child something to do, but you find, oh, before they finish the job, they’re sitting in their room, reading a book or something like that!

Michele: On my way over, literally walking over here today, I gave my son Elijah, my ten-year-old, a small task. He had no problem. He had a happy heart about it, but he got side-tracked, and he was outside, melting a crayon, like a coloring crayon. I’m like, “What are you doing?” He’s like, “Oh, Mom, this is so cool!” I was like, “But is that what you’re supposed to be doing?” [laughter]

Nancy: I know! And children get side-tracked so easily, don’t they? Any little thing can side-track them. But this is a very powerful point, too. Especially as our children are getting older, we’ve got to teach them, “Stick to the job until it’s done. You don’t let all the little distractions take you away from it.”

We see a wonderful example of this. This is an example for us, too, in our wonderful calling of motherhood. Back in Nehemiah 6, Nehemiah came back from Babylon to help restore and build up the gates and walls of Jerusalem. But he had so much opposition on every front. There was opposition to him rebuilding the wall. We get opposition, too, as we are building a godly family. The enemy does not want us to do this. He will bring opposition on every hand.

Nehemiah 6:1: Now it came to pass, when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies, heard that I had builded the wall and that there was no breach left . . . That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, saying, Come, let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of Ono. But they thought to do me mischief.

You see, they were trying to bring Nehemiah off the wall. They were trying to get him distracted from this great vision that he had and this great job that he was doing. They were trying to pull him off the wall, get him down from his job.

That’s what the enemy wants to do to you, dear mother. There’s so much deception all around and voices that pull you away from the vision God has given you. They even pull you away from the high calling of embracing motherhood and knowing that you are there to build your home and make it such a wonderful place. The devil wants to get you out of the home. You get all these people saying this, saying that society, the media, everything, everybody, even churches sometimes.

But what did Nehemiah do? Oh, by the way, where were they trying to get him to come? They said, “Come, Nehemiah, let’s come down to the plain of Ono.” Oh no! Oh my, isn’t that how the devil gets to tempt you? “Oh no, poor me, I’m stuck in this home with all these children! I could be out, doing my career! Oh, no!”

“Oh no! Help! I’m pregnant again! Help! How are we going to survive? We can hardly make it with the children we have!

Oh no!” And we get all these “Oh no’s!” But they’re from the devil. They are the temptations of the enemy. He’s the one who wants to bring us down to the plain of Oh no. But that doesn’t belong to the kingdom of God. That city is not in God’s kingdom. Oh no!   Whatever God gives us, He gives us the strength to do. He will be with us! Amen?

What did Nehemiah say? He was not going to come down to the plain of Ono. He didn’t even get down off the wall. And I sent messengers unto them, saying, I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?He wouldn’t even come down!

Dear precious mothers, let all these temptations, these deceptions, all these voices, just let them run off you like water off a duck’s back. You speak to the enemy and say,

“I am NOT coming down! I am doing a GREAT work!

I’m doing the greatest work in this nation!

I am raising godly children who will come forth to impact this nation. I haven’t got time to come down to you!”

But these enemies, they kept on Nehemiah. They came four times to him with that message. Then, in verse five, it says they came a fifth time to him. They just wouldn’t give up. Then down in verse 10, they sent another message, the sixth time!

This time, what happened? It says here: Let us meet together in the house of God, within the temple, and let us shut the doors of the temple: for they will come to slay thee; yea, in the night will they come to slay thee. Now they’re trying to put fear in him. “Oh, come on, come down, look, we’ll hide you. We’ll go right into the Temple.”

Oh, goodness me! They were trying every way to get him to come down from his great work. What happened? Nehemiah said: Should such a man as I flee? and who is there, that, being as I am, would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in.” You see how he was standing true to his vision. He would not come down!

Verse 12: And, lo, I perceived that God had not sent him.” Yes, all these voices, these deceptive voices that come into your mind, they are not from God. They are from the enemy! “But I perceived that he pronounced this prophecy against me: for Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him.

But he never came down. He didn’t give in. That’s a wonderful encouragement to us in our great, high calling God has given us. Don’t you be distracted. Don’t listen to them. Also, you teach that to your children.


Well, that’s an interesting one, isn’t it? I remember when we were raising our children that people would always pay their children. They’d give them, I forget what you call them.

Michele: Allowance?

Nancy: Allowance! Yes, yes. They got an allowance at the end of the week. I must admit, I never really believed in it, but I thought, “Oh, perhaps I’m an awful mother. I’d better do that.” We decided we would do it, but it never worked. You know why? Because we’d get to the end of the week, and we never had any money to give them! [laughter] So, they never got it! But, really, really, should our children work for an allowance? I don’t believe it.

Michele: We’ve always told our children that, because they see some other children get an allowance, and they’ve asked before. We told them, “Why would we pay you to live in our home and clean up after yourself, just to do responsibilities that we all need to be a part of.”

Nancy: Yes! I don’t know where that came from, because, really, a home is where we are all building the home together. We, as mothers, are builders. Proverbs 14:1: “Every wise woman buildeth her house.”

God calls us builders, but our children are builders, too. The Hebrew word for children in the Bible, well, there’re so many Hebrew words for children. Oh! In my book, The Power of Motherhood, I list all the different Hebrew words. God so loves children that He doesn’t have only one word! He has a word for when they’re in the womb, when they’re just born, when they’re a little toddler, as they’re getting older. Oh, there are so many words. You just can’t believe it!

But the most common is ben. Just ben. Many Jewish names have that word in them. Ben Yochanan, the son of Yochanan. It just means “the son of so-and-so.” But the full meaning is, and you can read it in the Strong’s Concordance, “the builder of the family name.”

Our children are also building the family name and building the home. We need to remind them of that, that they are also builders. We are all in this together! When they do their chores, they’re part of blessing everyone in the home, just keeping the home going.

Michele: We had a good friend, and it stuck with me when my older ones were younger. She would always call them “get to’s.” She didn’t call them chores. They were “get to’s” because you get to participate in the family. You get to do willingly whatever the task was that laid before them. I loved that, that they get to. What an attitude!

Nancy: Yes, I like that! I think allowances, what are they really teaching our children? They’re teaching them that, what’s the word, today everybody thinks they should just get whatever they want? What is that word? It’s entitlement! Yes.

And today, so many people in society live by the entitlement principle. They think that they are entitled to everything! The world owes them everything! That is not true. We have many of our students today in our colleges believing that they should get their college education free. But they’re not working for it. Who’s going to pay for it? Someone has to pay for it. But they think they should get everything free.

That’s what our government wants to tell them. “You just get everything free!” But, of course, that never works, because it has to be paid for somewhere. We don’t want to bring our children up with an entitlement mentality, do we?

Now what does the Scripture say? Luke 17:10: “When you have done all that is commanded you, say, we are unworthy servants. We have only done what was our duty.” Well, that’s pretty powerful, isn’t it? That’s the attitude we should have. “We have only done what was our duty.” We don’t have to expect anything in return.

In fact, today, it’s very difficult, I find, to get people to do something without expecting remuneration. Yes, of course, it’s not wrong to have remuneration for what you do. That’s not wrong, and, of course, our husbands, who are providing for the home, yes, they are getting all the remuneration they can to provide.

But I think we don’t have to do everything in life for remuneration. There are things we will do and get paid for but there are some things which are gifts that God has given us. We can do them freely, and do them to bless people, or even because it’s our duty, and not expect to have to be paid. What do you think?

Michele: Oh, absolutely. That’s the servant’s heart.

Nancy: Yes!

Michele: We just had this discussion in our home, I believe it was yesterday, with my ten-year-old. Not having to have that recognition. It’s nice to be recognized sometimes and be encouraged. But to not have to have it speaks a lot about your character and who you are. If we are doing everything unto the Lord, then He’s the one who will recognize us. We shouldn’t seek recognition from man.

Nancy: Yes. Great.


 Philippians 2:14-15: Do all things without murmurings and disputings: that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” Without grumbling, without complaining; do our children hear us grumbling and complaining? What kind of an example are we setting? We’re the ones who set the terms.


Just what you said, Michele. There it is! It’s in the Word! You didn’t make it up. [laughter]

Ephesians 6:6: “Not with eye service, as men-pleasers, but as the servants of Christ.” We do our work, not looking for what man sees, but unto the Lord. And He sees. He knows. He notices it all.


Galatians 6:9: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”


We read of the testimony of Jesus Himself, when it says: “The zeal of Thine house hath eaten me up.” It’s in Psalm 69:9, and then, in this story, in John 2:17. This is where Jesus came into the temple and saw them selling all the oxen and sheep and doves, and making money, and doing all this in the temple, which was the house of prayer.

My! He rose up, and the Bible says that he made a scourge of cords, and He drove them out of the temple. He poured out the changers’ money, and He overthrew the tables. He yelled out, “Take these things hence! Make not My Father’s house a house of merchandise!” Wow! People must have wondered what was happening.

Then it says His disciples remembered that it was written: “The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.” Jesus showed such zeal, zealousness for His Father’s house! But I think we can also show zealousness in the way we work and that we do it with all our heart.


Matthew 5:41: “And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him two miles.” That’s an amazing principle. I think that most people, even when they go to work, they usually have to clock in. When you arrive, when you leave, and it just seems the norm for most people, “OK, say five o’clock is when work finishes.” OK! On the dot of five, they finish! Whoo! It doesn’t matter if they’re halfway through something, if it’s five o’clock, they’re finished.

But, where’s the second mile? There’s only left a small percentage who are the second milers, who will think, “Oh, but look, I haven’t finished it. I think I will just stay and get it finished so it’s all done and ready.” Maybe they’re staying on five minutes, ten minutes, or even 20 minutes longer. They’re not even expecting to get double pay. But just because they want to see the job finished. They want to give that little extra. Second-milers! Wow! They are a small breed.

I remember, there is a guy who works for my son. He is indispensable to him. I know that he gets pretty big bucks, because I don’t know how my son would run his life without him. But this guy, years and years ago, came to him, and asked him for a job. He didn’t have a job for him. There was not one that was available. But he said, “Look, I’ll work for you free.” And he worked for him free. He became so indispensable that now, well, he couldn’t do without him.

He has a great career, just because he was a second miler. He wasn’t expecting to be paid for everything. He was prepared to just, “OK, I’ll just show you what I can do!” I think that’s sort of going the extra. It’s like that word that I often talk about, perisseuo, that is “more than is necessary, over the top, super-abounding, excelling.” It’s going more than is the necessary. People can be great workers who do the necessary. But then, there are those few who go beyond the necessary, the second milers.

Michele: Absolutely. That’s what sets people apart. If you’re willing to go above and beyond, that’s what sets you apart. In the workforce, even in the home, as a leader, it’s in every area of life, people who go that second mile, who go above and beyond, they’re the ones that stand out.

Nancy: Yes, so true. Maybe when you’re working on this point in your family, maybe you’re doing a whole week and you’re all working on the second-mile principle . . . it doesn’t hurt, it’s a good thing, I think, to have carrots. You know, something that they can work towards.

You can say, “OK, I’m going to be looking this week for those who go the second mile. When you notice one of your children doing more than they are asked, they’re doing something that goes beyond, well, you just make a note of that. Maybe the one who’s done that the most, they get a special prize at the end of the week so they can get into the habit.

It’s good to have a whole week, at least, where you work on one of these attitudes, so it becomes a habit in their lives. It gets into their system. Because, wow, they’ll go a long way.

If you can raise children who are second milers,

you will raise children who will go far in life.

Well, ladies, we got to the end of our principles about work. Now, next week we’re going to start the last “L.” To me, it’s the most exciting.

Michele: Should we tell them what it is?

Nancy: No!

Michele: No?

Nancy: No! We’re not telling you what it is! [laughter] It’s got to be a surprise! I can’t wait, because I do believe, in this hour in which we’re living, it is so important.

We love you!

“Lord God, bless all these darling mothers who are listening today, and all the young people, and the children. Oh, God, I pray that You will help us all to live by Your Word, by the examples You put in Your Word, by the principles You give us in Your Word. Lord, You give us so much! And there’s not one thing missing!

“Lord, we’ve got all these attitudes You want us to have. Lord, when we are all—Daddy, Mommy, children, living these attitudes in our homes, they will become places of such joy, and Heaven on earth. Lord, I pray that, Lord, that this will work out in every beautiful family listening, that, Lord, they will be able to teach their children, Lord, not how to work, but how to love to work, Lord God. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ