Five VBACs Without Complications!

I was one week over due with my first baby and not knowing any better I allowed them to induce me. After seven hours of induced labor I was dilated fully and pushing. The baby's heartbeat had dropped drastically and they could not get any reading so they decided to do an emergency c-section. After opening me up, they found the baby's head lodged in the birth canal. They could not get the baby out through the tummy or vaginally. Other doctors were called in to assist but nothing changed. My muscles finally relaxed and the baby's head was released and he was removed through my abdomen.

Jonathan was rushed to another hospital to be checked out. Thankfully, he was okay and breathing well. It definitely scared my husband and I and we both agreed that would be the only child. The Lord had a different plan, of course.

When I became pregnant with my second child, thankfully, my doctor said I was a good candidate to have a VBAC. I delivered our baby, Larry, successfully with a short labor and three pushes. I have had five successful VBAC's now without any complications.

I was one month short of 49 when I had my last VBAC. I wanted to have this one at home but I could not find a midwife that would do a VBAC. We found a doctor that let us make all the choices and I delivered baby Troy naturally without any added drugs.

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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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