VBAC Stories | No Greater Investment

My husband and I began our marriage using traditional forms of birth control, in order to plan and space our children according to what “everyone who is responsible does." While we believed children were a blessing, we followed the American Christian model without much thought. They are blessings if perfectly planned and spaced, sent to school when mom wanted or “needed” to work, limited in number, and pushed towards college education as the qualifying answer to whether or not you are a successful parent.

After our first child turned school aged, we found ourselves expecting our fourth child within three years. Even though we had experienced a miscarriage, and very closely spaced pregnancies, we felt happy! My days were filled with taking care of home and children, and I felt fulfilled! I lost the desire to return to my college education or to leave my children for a job or career. We didn’t always have as much money as the next family with one or two children and two incomes, but we were abundantly happy. 

However, although my husband and I desired more children, the voices around me of “You can’t just keep having children," and “Don’t you know how to prevent that?” rang in my ears. Coupled with the financial burden of traditional medical care for pregnancies I succumbed to the lie of "We should be done... it’s the responsible thing to do.".I made all the standard arguments about not wanting my time to be spread too thin between my children, about them being so expensive, about “God” giving us the technology to prevent pregnancy (with absolutely no biblical support of that idea), and that my body would suffer, etc.

Since I had a c-section for a transverse presentation with my third child, and we live in an area that bans VBACs, this next birth would be an unnecessary and forced repeat c-section.  This was extremely terrifying for me, as I did not have good anesthesia during my first section, and experienced a lot of pain. With this looming before me, I convinced myself that I could not endure anymore repeat c-sections, and I must have a tubal ligation. I ignored the pull of the Holy Spirit to take this to the Lord in prayeras well as my husband's desire to not close off my womb. I held fast to the feminist mantra of “my body, my choice”.

At the c-section birth of my fourth child, the OB tied my tubes. I remember pretending not to care. Within a few months, I began experiencing a myriad of symptoms that I couldn’t understand. Before I even truly regretted the decision from a reproductive and spiritual standpoint, I began dealing with intense and cyclical migraine headaches, low milk supply (unusual for me), early return of menstruation that included a horrible flooding flow and terrible pain. As I researched, I learned I had PTLS (Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome). It is a very real, and largely dismissed disorder. It is caused by the closing off of the hormonal receptors through tying off the intricate communication system of the womanly reproductive system, thus throwing the woman into hormonal chaos. I had never experienced any hormone or cycle issues, and now it ruled my life. As I learned what I had done, I confessed my rebellion to my Lord God and my husband. This was the beginning of the great change in my life. Now I realized that the desire to close the womb is a heart issue, and as we know, all selfish heart issues can indeed manifest themselves with physical ramifications.

My husband and I saved up and eventually I was able to have a reversal. We prayed for restoration, not just in search of a "baby," but to turn this part of our lives; the very foundation and reason for marriage, over the Lord. If He is powerful enough to save, He is powerful enough to provide and control every aspect of our lives, even the “challenging” and ways we don’t understand! It was now in God’s hands, the way it always should have been!

The next month I was pregnant! I was determined to allow my body to birth naturally and found a hospital in the next state with a great OB who promoted VBAC for healthy women. I  delivered an 8 lb. 10 oz. baby boy, Henry, via VBA2C, with a normal and healthy pregnancy and labor. I praised God for restoring my womb!

A mere 15 months later we welcomed Oliver James--all 10 lbs. 9 oz. of him in our bedroom at a homebirth. Our seventh child, Samuel, arrived last June, and we find we are more committed to following and obeying the Lord with each new child.

Our children are the vehicle God uses to mold and shape this clay from selfishness into selfless servanthood. The comments about how we must be so busy are quite misinformed. We choose a simple life at home, and therefore find ourselves less busy than many families we know with one or two children that are over-involved with sports, activities, public school, etc.

It is sad and unfortunate that the world has no trouble “investing” money into material possessions, technology, trips, large homes, and fancy cars, but find children “too expensive." Debt and a life lived for self-achievement is promoted through training children for college, but neglecting to train them in righteousness. There is no greater investment than the eternal! Fully mothering and raising children, whether you are blessed with no biological children and adopt, or have a house filled with young ones and a perpetual wardrobe of maternity and nursing wear, leaves its mark in the Kingdom in a way no activity, education, career, or possessions here on earth can do.  


Post Falls, Idaho, USA



I birthed my first child 14 years ago. I was induced at almost 42 weeks. I didn't know anything but blindly following what the doctor said. Although I was able to give birth naturally, it was a very difficult birth and I pushed for almost three hours, the maximum allowed before doing a c-section.  Shortly after this daughter was born, I was born again. What joy!

My second child came 20 months later. This time I started contracting on my

own, but after a few trips to the hospital in the middle of the night with false labor the doctor said, "We're doing a c-section." Who was I to question a Yale-educated doctor?

My third child was born two years later. We lived in a new state by this time and so I had different health providers. I saw a midwife through the hospital because I wanted a VBAC. But this was not to be. It was a difficult pregnancy.  I went into early labor at 30 weeks and had four weeks of bed rest (not easy with two children under four) and medication to stop the contractions.

Ironically, at 40 weeks, the midwife said, "We can induce you if you want." I didn't know any better. I found out later that when you are trying for a VBAC, you do not want to induce. She induced me and gave an epidural. That was mistake number two. I found out later that epidurals drastically reduce the chance of successful VBACs. Ah, hindsight! So after a long day of labor, we found out my son was stuck "sunny side up". I had a c-section and delivered a 9 lb boy. Spencer (now 11) is in recovery from Asperger's (High Functioning Autism), which we recently found out was due to mercury poisoning from his vaccines. When I went in for my followup care, the midwife said that because I had now had two c-sections, any other babies would have to born the same way. This terrified me as the recoveries were difficult, and we had no family living anywhere close to help out.  My husband did not want to see me go through that again. Yet, I still longed for more babies.

Several years later, we moved across the country. I still had the desire for more children, but I couldn't get past what the midwife said. I prayed for the Lord to take the desire away for more children if it was not His will, but the desire only grew stronger.

I met a wonderful godly woman, Lilian, who became my Titus 2 Mentor Mom. One day I was at her home visiting and told her about my desire for more children, but that it could not be because I didn't want another c-section. She said words which changed my life. "Have you asked the Lord to give you a normal birth? He can do it despite what the professionals say." I was so convicted at that instant. Although I had of course prayed for my other births to be "normal", I had not thought to ask the Lord another time. This was the beginning of Him renewing my mind and changing my thinking that professionals have all the answers.

Soon I was pregnant again and determined to have a normal birth. My husband said he supported me if I wanted to try again for a VBAC, but he was worried about it.  I read all I could on VBACs and had others praying for me. The health provider doctor was not at all in agreement with me. He tried to scare me from even trying.

One day, this regular doctor was out so I saw another doctor. I told him my desire for VBAC even though the other doctor did not support it. He said "No one can force you to have a c-section". This was so encouraging to me. Even though this other doctor was not supportive of VBAC either, this was exactly what I needed to hear. At 26 weeks, I switched over to one of the midwives in the same practice, after finding one that was pro-VBAC. I had to sign scary papers that said I was taking my life in my own hands and that they would not be held responsible for any death of either me or the baby. Thankfully, I knew that the Lord held me in HIS hands, not the doctor or anyone else.

My friend, Lilian had a daughter, Natalie, who had graduated from homeschooling and was committed to serving the Lord through her single years while waiting for courtship. She was trained as a doula (birth assistant) and agreed to be my doula for free! This was such an answer to prayer, as I had read that having a doula greatly increases the chance of VBAC. But I had no idea where to find a doula, and I didn't want a stranger or a non- Christian. Little did I know the Lord already had that one covered. Natalie encouraged me to write helpful encouraging verses on index cards and pray through them each day.

I went into labor a few days after the midwife stripped the membranes. Since this was not full blown induction and it was a gentle method, I was okay with it.

When we arrived at the hospital, I got the very last room. There were too many women having babies that night, and not enough rooms. Some mothers had to give birth in the doctor's lounge! I was thankful that the Lord had made a way for me, as I was trying to remain calm. Natalie was so helpful. She prayed over me, read the verses from the cards and sang beautiful hymns. The nurses kept coming into my room to listen to the singing and said that my room was like the "calm in the midst of the storm." The rest of the floor was crazy with so many women in labor at once. My husband also told me jokes to make me laugh, which helped keep me calm. The Lord's peace was over everything.

I delivered my almost 9 lb daughter completely naturally! It was a truly beautiful experience and I finally understood the amazingly empowering feeling of a truly natural birth. I had a second successful completely natural VBAC three years later and look forward to having another baby with natural birth.

Graham, Washington, USA
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* The symptoms of autism and mercury poisoning are remarkably similar. We are currently doing a special chelation (which means pulling out the metals slowly). Here is information on the safe, low dose chelation protocol we are using: http://livingnetwork.co.za/chelationnetwork/

There is also a yahoo group called Recovery from Autism that helps parents with this protocol.


After graduating nursing school my husband and I wanted to start a family.  Knowing I had fertility problems, off to the fertility clinic we went. Treatment resulted in a twin pregnancy. This was one of those nightmare pregnancies with lots of interventions and hospitalizations. I am shocked they didn't come out with extra limbs after all the high risk medication I had to take. I ended up with an emergency c-section at the end of 31 weeks, hemorrhaging, and two premature NICU babies. Everyone is fine now.

Next go around we threatened the fertility clinic not to give us another twin nightmare pregnancy. With lighter treatment we were pregnant with just one baby. Toward the end of another rough pregnancy, my doctor explained how horrible and dangerous a VBAC would be. Who in their right mind would question a highly educated doctor?  So, in the interest of mom and baby, I chose the "safer" elective c-section.  This "safer" choice resulted in an infected incision and surgery one year later to remove problematic scar tissue that had attached my uterus to the abdominal wall.

God has a sense of humor, because I got pregnant the next time without the highly romantic, sterile fertility clinic setting. After some wonderful Christians prayed over me for healing, God healed me of my aggressive endometriosis and polycystic ovarian disease.  My surgery and lab tests found no evidence of fertility problems. The doctors had no explanation. I do! God closes the womb and He opens the womb.

This is where my medical paradigm of childbirth shifted from white coat to granola!  I moved to another state and become friends with women who practically squat in a field to birth their babies. I found out that it is possible to VBAC after two c-sections! I didn't learn that in nursing school!

I researched everything. I was on a mission. I found a nurse midwife, hospital, and doula that were on board with my plan to VBA2C. After forty-one hours of an intervention filled, medicated labor and four hours of pushing, my VBA2C was successful. I was shocked that a baby could fit out of that hole!

God blessed us with another pregnancy. We would have to tell people, "Yes, we do know what birth control is. It is giving God the control over how many we birth."  We would not want to ever refuse God's blessings.

I decided that birthing on land was old hat. I wanted to have a waterbirth this time. Every hospital midwife/doctor group adamantly refused me this option.  I was upset that these health care providers based their decisions about my body on their money potential, their convenience, and possible lawsuits instead of patient safety. I was going to birth this baby my way, on my terms!  After much prayer and research, I ventured into the homebirth world with my granola friends' support.

On June 30 my water broke around 4:00 am. My contractions picked up pretty quickly. My wonderful doula came over and off to my friend's house we went. When the midwife showed up, I was already seven centimeters. I was shocked that I had been able to cope with the contractions. The water in the tub helped with the pain, but only to a certain point. The heat of the water actually intensified my nausea, so I ended up not being in the tub towards the end.

I reached the moment when I started screaming for drugs. I wanted them to take me to the hospital. They sweetly told me how close I was to having this baby. I was convinced they were lying to me. I sat on the edge of the bed so I could leave and drive myself to the hospital. When I sat up, I had the urge to push.   knew I was up a creek at that point, so I lay back down to push. My husband was such a wonderful support person. He became a contortionist trying to help me pull my legs back while supporting my head too. A whopping 10 lbs. 2 oz. baby girl came out forty-nine minutes later.

I have had another VBA2C since this birth. Unfortunately, I had to return to the hospital setting due to some of my health problems. I had to go through four medical professionals before I found someone who would not force me down the c-section path. The last one I found just a week and a half before going into labor. God is good! He reassured me every step of the way. While preparing to go to the hospital, I decided to read my morning devotional. I was ready for a wonderfully encouraging Scripture. Instead, God gave me the verse I needed to hear. My devotional quoted Job 2:10, "Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" I understood the good was my baby, the adversity was hard labor. God helped me to prepare mentally for the hard road.

Off to the hospital we went. I had 16 hours of very hard back labor. The back pain was so bad that I couldn't even feel my precious baby boy come out. Everyone said his head was out. I thought they were lying to me, trying to just encourage me that the end was near. I actually had to concentrate past the back pain to feel the rest of him come out.

The un-medicated birth was on my hands and knees. The doctor and nurses had never experienced a hands and knees delivery before. One nurse even said that she wanted a birth like mine when she becomes a mother. I found out later that he came out with his shoulders in the transverse position. That position is associated with an 82% c-section rate. Praise Jesus that we did not have to go down that path. God promised me my Judah and he was finally here, weighing 8lbs. 2oz.

Each birth has definitely stretched my faith in God. I faced such huge obstacles that I felt God could never get me out of and of course He always did!  Praise Jesus that we have a God who knows us intimately and loves us more than we can ever comprehend!

Cleveland, Ohio, USA
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As a first-time mother in 2002, I had no idea what I was doing. After being induced, in labor for three days and pushing for two hours, they finally gave me a C-section. My baby was beautiful, healthy and 9 ½ pounds!

When he was one year old we found out we were going to have another dear little one. My doctor was more than happy to schedule another c-section.  When I refused, he told me "good luck" in finding a doctor. He was more than right. I did not find a doctor, but God lead me to a wonderful midwife!  She was more than happy to attend my birth at the hospital.

It was a very empowering experience to give birth to a baby the way God intended--without surgery! Yet it was not until our third pregnancy that I felt the full power of God's plan for birth. My midwife, pleased with my previous birth, let me take the reins this time. I had no IV and only minimal monitoring. I labored in the shower and on the birth ball. With the help of my wonderful husband and my best friend, we brought a wonderful baby into the world with hardly any intervention.

I have since birthed number four at home, in the presence of God and His plan for birth!  After 36 hours of labor, which would have ended in a C- section at the hospital, we brought her gently into the world with NO interventions.

Birth should be a beautiful experience, and when it's not, it can really scare a mother.  After the trauma of my first birth, I have now learned to trust God in the birth process. It is a blessing to bow to His knowledge which is greater than anything we can comprehend!

VBACS are possible, wonderful and healing!

New Bern, North Carolina, USA
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From Failure to Success!

I gave birth to our first child when I was one month shy of 36 years old. We had just celebrated our third wedding anniversary.

We took childbirth prep classes at our local hospital, so when I was in labor, I was shocked by the pain!  My little baby was posterior and his spine and mine were rubbing. This causes intense pain with no peaks and valleys. After many hours of labor in a room with a non-working air conditioning, we decided to have a C-section.

Afterward, I felt grief and feelings of failure (valid or not). My hormones were not happy!  Next, I failed at nursing. Combined with healing from the C-section and not knowing what I was doing, my lactation never really got going like it should and I sadly gave up.

Meanwhile, I began reading books on nursing and was rearing to go with another baby.  Fourteen months later, we had our second child VBAC, with a third child following 2.5 years later, also by VBAC. I had zero problems.

Breastfeeding worked well for the second and third children, extending to over two years each. I have recently heard that VBACs are becoming more frowned upon by the medical community, but I had zero problems with mine.

Waupun, Wisconsin, USA
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