Dear Above Rubies reader,

Many blessings to you today. May your home be filled with the joy of the Lord. Yes, I am really praying this for you. God equates motherhood with joy. Psalm 113:9 says, "He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord." God doesn't want us to be miserable mothers of children. Or groaning and complaining mothers of children. He wants us to be joyful. This word means "to be blithe, gleeful, cheerful, and merry-hearted." This sounds like a happy home, doesn't it?

And do you notice what it says at the end of the Scripture? "Praise ye the Lord." He wants your home to be filled with praises. Praises to the Lord. Praises to your husband. Praises to your children. You may be thinking, this sounds a bit over the top to me. Dear mother, can I sweetly ask you to not get into the rut of living by your feelings. They are temporary. They come and go. Instead, live by the truth of the God's Word. Not only does God intend for you to be a joyful mother, but if you are born again by the Spirit of God, He lives in you, and His character is JOY. Joy resides in you. But you have to embrace it and confess it.

In Todays Newsletter:












Praise the Lord, the new issue of Above Rubies, # 89 has been printed and the magazine will be sent out all across USA next week. I am so sorry for the long delay. We had to wait for the finance to come in which took many months. I guess not many realize that it costs about $60,000 to print and send out each issue of Above Rubies. However, you will now receive your new magazine soon. I know you will love it. Reading it over again, I am so blessed by the testimonies of the wives and mothers who have written. You will be too.


After reading the magazine, if you feel you would like to share it with others, don't hesitate to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more copies. Give your mailing address and state how many you would need. My vision is to bless and encourage every mother and wife and there are millions of wives and mothers who still haven't heard about this magazine.


In this coming magazine, I have shared four songs for you to download FOR FREE. They are songs that will encourage you as a wife and mother. Because it is easier for you to click on the link than copy it from the magazine, I will give them to you in this newsletter, too. Hope you enjoy them.

THAT HOME sung by Michael Tate from RESTART (Newsboys).
To purchase RESTART, go to www.newsboystore.com or download from www.smarturl.it/NBRestart

BRAVE ENOUGH sung by Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett (Authors of Trim Healthy Mama)
To purchase the CD go to http://bit.ly/ThisIsOurRoad

MY HEART IS FULL sung by Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett (Authors of Trim Healthy Mama)
To purchase the CD Download go to http://tinyurl.com/PeaceAllOverMeMp3

GOD SAYS THEY'RE GIFTS sung by Val Halloran
To purchase the CD go to http://tinyurl.com/IHadNoIdeaCD


In the new issue of Above Rubies, I have written an article about the need to shepherd our little flock. It is called SHEEP HAVE PROBLEMS. I know you will be blessed.

However, I want to share with you another thought. One of the characteristics of the Great Shepherd is that He gathers His sheep. He wants them together. He wants them as a flock. He wants them in His fold. Don't you love the words of Isaiah 40:11, "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently led those that are with young." As we see the character of the Great Shepherd, we learn how He wants us to shepherd the little flock He gives to us.

Another Scripture about God gathering His sheep is Micah 2:12 ESV, "I will surely assemble all of you, O Jacob I will gather the remnant of Israel; I will set them together like sheep in a fold, like a flock in a pasture." This is ultimately talking about the restoration of Israel to the land and how God is gathering, and will continue to gather, His people back to the land He gave them by divine decree. However, we also learn more of this gathering anointing. Do you notice that the picture of "gathering" is used three times in this one Scripture? It seems that one word is not enough.

1) Assemble. The Hebrew word is asuph. It is one of the two principle words for "gather" and means "to bring together." This should be our goal with our family. We should make every decision in the light of cementing our family, rather than fragmenting the family. Seek to do more "family" things together, rather than separating. Whatever you do that keeps the family together strengthens the family. Whatever you do that separates the family weakens the family.

God wants our families to be like a flock and therefore we should always be gathering them together. Gathering the little ones around us for a story. Gathering them close for hugs. Gathering the family to the Family Meal Table. Gathering the family together for Family Worship.


2) Gather. The Hebrew word is qavats and means "to gather to a single location." Once again, we see that God doesn't want His flock, or His families scattered everywhere, but gathered together in the home. Children inherently love to be together, not separated, so why do we separate them? American children are often expected to sleep in separate bedrooms. Children hate it. They would much rather be together with their siblings.

3) Set them together. The Hebrew word is sum and means "to establish, to plant, to put something somewhere." God is gathering His people back to His land from the four corners of the earth. God wants us to also settle and establish our children. He doesn't give us a baby to give to someone else to raise while we go and do "our thing." He doesn't give us children to hand over to the humanistic state education to educate and where they can meet peers who will influence them away from godly principles and lifestyle. God wants His flock gathered together. He wants you to keep your flock gathered together "like a flock in the midst of their fold."

Read also Jeremiah 23:3 and 31:10.


Once a magazine is printed and sent out, I start working on the next one, which will be Above Rubies # 90. I am always looking for testimonies of marriages that have been restored. They are such a wonderful encouragement to those who are struggling in their marriage. If you have a testimony to share, please send it to me by email attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. When writing, type only one space between sentences.

And I am always open to fresh new testimonies on any subject of being a wife and mother. Thanks.


I know that different families use different resources for their Family Devotions. In our home we enjoy using THE DAILY LIGHT which is a compilation of Scriptures on a certain theme for the morning and evening. We love it because it is only God's Word. It has been used by families for generations.

Currently I make available to our readers DAILY LIGHT ON THE DAILY PATH which is the New King Jams Version. Here is the link: http://bit.ly/DailyLightDailyPath

However, there are some families who only like to read the King James Version. Therefore, I am preparing a DAILY LIGHT in the King James Version. It contains all the same Scriptures as originally compiled by the Samuel Bagster family. In this particular DAILY LIGHT, I would like to include some testimonies from families who use it in their home--they way you use it, or how it has blessed your family. If you have something to share about this, could you please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject heading, DAILY LIGHT. I will look forward to hearing from you. Thanks so much.


A homeschooling family are planning a two year mission trip to Tanzania, Africa this coming fall or winter. They are seeking for a Christian couple or family to rent their home and 15 acre property in rural, south-central Kentucky at a reasonable rate, and also to interact with Grandma who lives on the same property in a separate house. For more information, send inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."


Emily Hess * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. * writes:

"I paint signs by hand, and recently painted Proverbs 31:10 to hang in my daughter's bedroom. I would love to be able to offer this to your readers. I am donating $5 from the purchase of each sign to Above Rubies. This is the link to purchase this sign from etsy:

Thanks, Emily Hess. Mama to four darling daughters!"


McKennaugh Kelley, 17 years * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. * writes:
"In 2011, I spent seven weeks in a Ukrainian orphanage for severely disabled children. They spent their days behind crib bars. I held these little ones, looked into their eyes, and told them that I loved them. I found families for three of these children that I knew were available for adoption. But this was not easy. It took months of advocating, years even. One of the children, Katia (aka Levina), came to the US in 2012. The two other children, Yuri and Viktor, are still in the process of being adopted, as I was only able to find them a family September 2013. I felt like I had completed what I had set out to do. These three would receive the love and care I had prayed so hard for them to have. Then I received an email that said, 'Please find [a] family for Miroslav.' He had finally become available for adoption. I had met Miroslav, too, you see. He was the sweetest, most angelic little boy. He had such a gentle, forgiving spirit. I knew that, if I could, I must find him a family, too. So now I am starting it all again.

"But I felt like I shouldn't just be trying to get Miroslav a family. My heart was heavy as I thought of all the other photos a Ukrainian friend had sent me of children with special needs. She had asked me over and over again to find these children adoptive families. But it is so hard. Especially for one person. I have focused on finding homes for the children I met. I guess I feel like I have a special obligation to these ones. How can you hold the hand of a little boy who has never felt what it was like to be loved and not decide to try to bring that love to him? I felt like if I paid attention to other children I was told about, it would be too overwhelming and I would never be able to find any of them homes.

"Then I considered the fact that I may be one of the only people outside of Ukraine who knows about these specific children. If I don't say anything, their stories may never, ever be heard. Let me tell you, it is terrifying to think that you may have the power to give life and love to a child or let them spend the rest of their days in a crib, simply by keeping quiet or speaking out.

"So I am speaking up for these children I have not met. I have seen their pictures and their names and know that they would do anything to have a home. Some of them are severely disabled. Some of them are "normal" boys and girls who need someone to call Mom and Dad, too. Though they do not live in conditions as difficult as the children with special needs, many do not know God, will age out of the system, have no one to turn to, no one to help them, and, thus, may turn to a life of prostitution or crime to support themselves. Statistics show this shockingly.

"Would you commit to finding one of these little ones an adoptive family? I cannot do it all by myself. I don't mean for you to do one blog post or make one phone call. I mean for you to PROMISE yourself that you will not stop advocating until that girl or boy has a family. Even when it seems hopeless. Even when no one cares. Because, trust me, you'll get close to giving up many times before a family is found.

"Would you commit to spreading the word about Sergey, a bedridden 2 ½ year old with hydrocephalus and spina bifida? Or for two "normal" brothers who need a home? What about Olena, an eight-year-old who has cerebral palsy? I have the profiles of probably over 15 children who all desperately need compassion and hope.

"You could save a life across the world from your living room. Please, choose to help one of these little ones. Need ideas? Contact me for ideas of making this need known. And don't forget to pray every day that God would guide you to the right people. This could be a great endeavor for a whole family to do together.

"To read the story of Katia (aka Levina) and her adoption go to the following links.
Part one: http://teensintercedingfororphans.com/2013/11/20/loving-katia-part-1/
Part two: http://teensintercedingfororphans.com/2013/11/21/loving-katia-part-2/

"You could help make this kind of change for another child. Please contact me for ideas and information." McKENNAUGH, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Did you know that we have Above Rubies articles and testimonies in foreign languages on the website? If you know people who speak these languages, you can let them know. Or, you can print off the articles for them.

Also, if you gifted in translation, we are always looking for more articles to be translated into different languages. Contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested. Thanks so much.

The following are the languages we have available and the number of articles.

Czech Language (1)
Dutch Language (2)
Finnish Language (1)
French Language (13)
German Language (2)
Hungarian Language (1)
Polish Language (11)
Slovenian Language (1)
Spanish Language (18)
Russian Language (1)
Portuguese Language (5)

Be watching for your new magazine.

Love and blessings to you and your home,



Dear Above Rubies reader,

I trust you have been enjoying the new issue of Above Rubies, #88. Keep praying with us for the finance for this issue. I went ahead in faith to print. I have already paid nearly $30,000 for the shipping and now I have a bill for nearly that much again to pay for the printing.

Although I make Above Rubies freely available to all who need it, it certainly isn't free to publish. Therefore, I trust that those who have a vision to see the restoration of marriages and strong family life back to God's ways will give to help us keep printing.

I have just finished speaking for five weekends in a row at Above Rubies retreats. They have all been wonderful and blessed times. I will now be home until January which is a lovely thought. I love to go out to encourage the women, but I always love being at home best. Check out http://aboverubies.org/en/retreats-family-camps for all the retreats that are booked for next year.

In Todays Newsletter:


Although I have to wait for finance before I can print the next magazine, I am already preparing for it. I have most articles ready, but I would like to print a feature on ELECTRONICS IN THE HOME. I would like to know how you control the media with your children. We are living in a time when I think it is more challenging for parents than at any other time in watching over their children. Today, with iPhones, iPads, and most children having access to computers, how and what do you do to guard their hearts and minds?

Just recently at an Above Rubies retreat a dear mother (who was staying at home and attending each day) came to me devastated on the Sunday morning. She got home Saturday evening to the news that her husband had found their teenage son had been watching porn on the computer. And yet, the computer was right in the lounge for everyone to see!

Please write and tell me what guidelines you have in your home and how you handle the access to media that children and teens have today. I will be waiting to hear from you at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and type ELECTRONICS in the Subject Line.


Michelle Kauenhofen, the Director of Above Rubies in Canada has now settled with her husband and family in Saskatchewan. Her new number is 306-261-7995.


Each new issue of Above Rubies I give a new discount.

Don't forget the DISCOUNT SPECIAL in this issue. Purchase the two 100 DAYS OF BLESSING devotional books, Volume 1 and Volume 2, and SAVE $8.00! If you haven't purchased these books yet, you'll want them for yourself, and you'll love them for gifts for other wives and mothers, too. You won't want to be without them. Go to: http://tinyurl.com/100DaysBundle

And we are also in the middle of a ONE WEEK SPECIAL for:



Usually $18.00, but only $12.00 for you FOR FIVE MORE DAYS ends 19 November. Sorry I am a little late in letting you know about this special.

The POM is the classic manual for mothers. It takes you into God's Word to see what He has to say about you as a mother. Read it through to be encouraged, use as a Bible Study (with other mothers or personally) to search all the Scriptures, and as a constant reference. Many mothers have worn out their books.

40 percent off for order of two or more! One for yourself and one for a gift. Or, to study together in a Bible Study.

Mothers, all the power you need to fulfill your high calling is found in God and all the wisdom you need is found in God's precious Word. Enjoy discovering in THE POWER OF MOTHERHOOD.

Go to: http://bit.ly/PowerOfMotherhoodUS


Ashley Baird at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes:

Here are some of my favorite ways to enjoy Above Rubies with my two year old.
While nursing (less so now because it distracts him).
While bathing Kenwyn and watching him play in the tub.
Five minutes at a time while helping my husband with a project.
Reading the picture captions to Kenwyn and catching snatches of the articles over his shoulder.
Kenwyn loves looking at the pictures! While children's books are wonderful teaching tools, grown-up magazines like this one are turning out to be a wonderful way to introduce him to the world God made without talking down to him at all. He thrives on seeing what real, live people are doing in the pictures.

I told my husband jokingly that I should write Above Rubies and ask them to publish a toddler's board book version of the magazine, containing just the pictures and captions. Of course this isn't a feasible idea, but I wanted to let you know how much your magazine blesses my family!


In this issue of Above Rubies, our son Wes Campbell, manager of the Newsboys has kindly given a free download to all Above Rubies readers of a song from their new album, Restart. It is listed in the magazine, but it is easier to click the link, so here is the free download for you if you would like it:


The youngest of nine children, Michael Tate (four times Grammy Award Winner) sings about his mother, of the love in his home, and also of the hundreds of children who were nurtured there. Sadly, as this CD hit the market, Michael's mother of 86 years passed away.

Here are the words for you:

There was a home in town
Where broken kids the lost and found
Would come for miles around
Just to see what love was all about
'Cause momma had a way
Of making things okay

She'd cook us our favorite meal
Sit and listen to how we feel
Oh, how the pain was real
How many families would the devil steal
Momma had a way of making things okay

In that home we knew we were safe
To be young enough to dream
To find the faith to believe
And in that home love it had no end
That's where we learned to forgive
In that home

Momma always had the music on
Sometimes loud, sometimes soft
When I asked about her favorite song
She opened the Bible to the book of Psalms
She always found a way
To talk about grace

And on that day I got the news
That momma's stay here was almost through
I stayed all night by her side
Held her hand, looked in her eyes
And said momma...

When you're home I know you'll be safe
Strong enough to see
The faith that you believe
In that home life will have no end
I know I'll see you again...

In that home
In that home
In that home...


Recently, Michelle Kauenhofen wrote a post on Facebook:

"Are you brave enough to be quiet instead of retaliate and escalate a fight? Are you brave enough to not have to prove that you are right? Are you brave enough to show love, even when you feel wronged? How about brave enough to extend grace when you aren't being treated well? Are you brave enough to show mercy when you are sinned against? Will you be brave enough to forgive and love again? Yes, of course you are!"

It made me think of Serene and Pearl's song, BRAVE ENOUGH from their album, THIS IS OUR ROAD. You can purchase their CD from http://bit.ly/AboveRubiesBookStore. However, I will also give you a free download of this wonderful song.

Here's the link: http://tinyurl.com/BraveEnoughMp3

And here are the words which enable you to enjoy the music more:


I know how to give a piece of my mind,
Practice makes perfect, I don't have to try,
It comes easy for me,
But I'll admit it's not working that well,
I think I've come to the end of myself,
So I'm finally listening to that still small voice
Urging me to make the choice to be...



I know God's ways are higher than mine,
The wisdom of man is foolishly blind,
Now I see clearly.
I know I've got some hew habits to learn,
I need to build back the bridges I've burned
For I very nearly lost the one that I love,
So here I am asking for help from above to be...



So turn me around,
Turn me upside down,
Mold the core of me
Into what you are naturally.


We now have an Above Rubies Pinterest Board with loads of pictures of beautiful babies, mothers and babies, fathers and children, and families. A picture is worth a thousand words and I am sure you will love looking at these beautiful pictures. We currently have 47 boards so you won't be able to look at them all at once. Choose a board to treasure in a relaxing moment in the evening.

One of my favorite boards is I LOVE OLDER COUPLES WHO ARE STILL IN LOVE. I love seeing all these older couples enjoying each other. I know you will love them, too.

Have you read "Are We Raising Wimps or Warriors?" and "Raising Godly Sons in an Ungodly World" in this issue of Above Rubies, #88? You can enjoy more on this subject on the Pinterest board called I LOVE RAISING BOYS FOR MANHOOD.

And yes, I do have a I LOVE TRIM HEALTHY MAMA board. Oh I know there are hundreds of other THM Pinterest boards and Facebooks, but mine is different. I mean, it will be different. I still haven't got to my project yet, but watch for it. Instead of having recipes (I will not be posting one recipe or picture of food as there are too many hundreds of others doing this).

Instead, I am going to post pictures of Serene and Pearl from when they were little and throughout their lives. If you have read the book, I know you feel as though you know them, and I am sure you will enjoy finding out and seeing more of them behind the scenes.

Go to: http://pinterest.com/aboverubiesmag/


I am sure you are aware of the Common Core which they are trying to bring into our education system where every child will be taught the same thing every day and in every school. Federal control will replace all curriculum decisions by state and local school boards, parents, and even Congress because Obama bypassed Congress by using $4 billion of Stimulus money to promote Common Core.

Did you notice the word "parents"? Yes, it will even affect private schools, religious schools, and homeschooling. And the academic level is lower than is accepted now.

Here are just a few links to check out, which will lead you on to many more.










Go to this to check out what you can do in your state.


Here are a few states I have links for, but the above link will take you to other states.

Go to this link to sign for Tennessee


Go to this link to sign in Louisiana

Find out more in Montana


There is always far more going on behind the scenes than we ever dream about, isn't there? Here's another thing we need to be aware of. Did you know that public schools now have a new textbook called World History, which promotes Islam and dumbs down Christianity? This book has a 36-page chapter devoted to teaching Islam as a peaceful religion and Muslim conquests as benign "occupations," but Christian conquests as "massacres." The book practically ignores Christianity, except to teach that Christians are the ones who kill, maim, and slaughter. Can you believe this is happening in our country that was founded on Christian principles? And your tax dollars are paying for this brainwashing.

Informative Christian parents can no longer keep their children in public schools. Let's stand up against this takeover for the sake of our children, grandchildren, and future generations.


Linen is talked about so much in the Bible. A number of people I know have been starting to wear more linen clothes because of their health benefits. I love jumping on bandwagons, so have purchased some linen pi8llow cases. I'll have to save up for the sheets! I found three blouses at Goodwill which I also like to wear. Anyway, for your interest, here's some interesting facts about linen.

Melanie writes:

Health Benefits of Linen
It is healing, with a signature frequency of 5,000 mHz (under 100 is not conducive to health: cotton=70, silk & rayon=15, human body=100)
It is antibacterial (doesn't absorb odors)
It doesn't accumulate static electricity
It causes 1.5x less perspiration than cotton (linen rapidly absorbs and gives up moisture)
It reduces solar gamma radiation
It protects against chemical exposure
It provides a barrier against EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies)
It is used in internal sutures (the body accepts it)
It is effective in dealing with inflammation
It is helpful in reducing fevers

Linen in the Bible

The priests wore it, David danced in a linen ephod, the Proverbs 31 woman makes linen garments, angels wore linen when they appeared to people in the Bible, Messiah's body was wrapped in a linen cloth, the Revelation armies of heaven return to earth clothed in fine linen, and we, His bride, will be dressed in linen when He returns (Revelation 19:7-8)!

Melanie not only sells sheets (oh to afford them) and pillow cases but other things which may interest you.

Organic Linen Swaddle Sleep Sack

Babies love being swaddled, and their health benefits from fine organic linen. The Organic Linen Swaddle Sleep Sack combines those important features into one garment that parents around the globe swaddle their babies in. The inverted zipper design of this sleep sack makes diaper changes easy.

Pleasant Pads--linen and cotton feminine pads

Some women who have had heavy flow postpartum have found that it was dramatically reduced through switching to cloth pads. Disposable pads contain chemicals that cause increased bleeding, not to mention the estrogen from the plastic of the pads leading to increased risks of cancer. Of all the times when you would want the healing benefits of linen up against those feminine parts it would be after childbirth. During regular periods, women have also reported lessened flow, in addition to less cramping. I am blessed to be able to make the Way of Women a more pleasant time through the health benefits of linen topped Pleasant Pads.

Also available: organic linen receiving blankets, organic linen pillowcases (the most affordable anywhere online) and much more! The linen I use to create my sheets and pillowcases is top-of-the line organic, unbleached and undyed, which means it has the least amount of toxins with the highest healing benefits. My linen pillowcases are the most affordable organic linen pillowcases available anywhere online. Other companies sell them for $21 each, but I offer them for $16 each or two for $30. You can see pictures of the pillowcases and find out more here.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. * www.PleasantPads.com
www.chuckingcollege.com (Yes, Melanie is the author of CHUCKING COLLEGE, which is available at this link: http://tinyurl.com/ChuckingCollege).


I posted the following on Facebook the other day and will share it with you, too:

Did you know that God's plan for you is to FLOURISH? And where does He want you to flourish? In your home. Psalm 128:3-4 TLB says, "Your wife will be like a fruitful vine, FLOURISHING within your home. And look at all those children! There they sit around your table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees. That is the Lord's reward for those who fear him."

But, perhaps today, you feel like a WILTING plant. You feel "half dead"! Or, maybe, like some plants, you are barely SURVIVING. You get through each day, but only just! This is not God's plan for you. He wants you to flourish and bloom. I believe we can only come into the flourishing mode when we embrace our mothering role with all our heart. We know that we are in God's perfect will. No matter what the hardships and challenges, we face them with joy. We are not dreaming of some day when we will be through these mothering days. Instead, we live every moment to the full. Every moment is an abounding moment because Christ lives in you and His life in you is not wilting, but full of life and power.

Embrace your powerful calling of motherhood and the joy of your home and make every moment a God moment. Think of yourself as a flourishing plant--blossoming, flowering, blooming, growing luxuriantly, thriving, increasing, enlarging, expanding, abounding, and shooting out (Isaiah 54:2-3)! This is God's plan for you. It is not a stagnant boring life, but fruitful and flourishing.

Here's some ways to flourish in your home:

F    FLAVOR your home with joy, sweetness, and happiness (what a nice flavor)!

L    LOVE every moment of your mothering (rather than dreaming of when these days will be over).

O    OFFER your life as a living sacrifice (knowing that you save your life by losing it--Mark 11:35 and Romans 12:1-2).

U    UNIFY your home by speaking peace into every situation.

R    REVEL in the joy of mothering and nurturing the precious gifts God has given to you (knowing that your Employer is God Himself).

I    INTENTIONALLY make positive things happen in your home (don't let the day lead you around in circles, but instead purposefully direct your day by the leading of the Holy Spirit).

S   SANCTIFY your home daily with prayer, praises, and the washing of God's Word (Ephesians 5: 26).

H   HEAP hugs and kisses on your husband and children.

Which one speaks to you the most?"

After reading the post, one mother comments:

"Flavor! It makes me think of when I am cooking for my family. We can survive on something plain, but add a little salt and herbs and it becomes something wonderful. Just like the atmosphere of our home can be transformed with a little joy, sweetness ,and happiness."

Add some extra flavor to your home today.

Until next newsletter...

In His love,
Nancy Campbell


Dear Above Rubies reader,

May the presence of God fill your heart and home.

In Todays Newsletter:


Although I will have to wait for finance to come in, I have gone ahead and edited the new edition of Above Rubies, # 88. I like to be ready and waiting for when the money comes in. Plus, even though I have the magazine edited, it takes time for my design artist to work on the magazine.

And I already have lots of material ready for # 89 which I am hoping to print this year too. Of course, it all depends on how the money comes in.


Make the most of this special for USA readers during the month of August. Pay no shipping for orders over $50.00!


If you are in these states, hope you can get to one of these retreats. You will be encouraged and refreshed.


FAMILY and LADIES RETREAT at Pine Valley Bible Conference Center (45 min. east of San Diego)

Contact: Gary and Trish Evans

Ph: 951 681 4858 or Cell: 951-315-9078

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Ft. Bluff Camp, 370 Fort Bluff Camp Road, Dayton, Tennessee 37321

Contact: Pat Wesolowski

Ph: 423 775 4540 or 850-212-1232

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Anita Morgan shared this post on Facebook. You may have missed it so I'd love to share it with you.

"June is my grandmother; mother of seven, grandmother of 32, great-grandmother of 34 (and counting)! She is 90 years and recently celebrated her birthday with a hall full of family. In her birthday speech she told of how a neighbour, when she found out that my grandmother was pregnant with number seven, said "Oh, POOR June!"

At that point, she looked around the room at all her sons, daughters, sons and daughters-in-law, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who were  all rejoicing over and with her and said "Well, You can see tonight how poor I am!"


Do you remember in our last Newsletter I shared how many families in The Netherlands call their Family Devotions FINISHING UP THE MEAL? The reason for this is that they don't leave the table until they feed their spirit with God's Word. That is even more important that the physical food.

Here is another idea from Catherine Freeman. She writes:

"I recall a number of years ago during one particular season of our Family Devotions, we were on holidays at my parents’ home with my sister and her family. My young niece who was approximately four at the time, was joining us downstairs for our early morning devotions (her family was usually still asleep). At this point in our devotions, I had described our worship and prayer time to the children as being similar to gardening. I used the analogy of our hearts being like a garden and the need to come before the Lord regularly to “pull out the weeds” (i.e. sin), so that they didn’t overtake our hearts.

A couple of days into the holiday my niece announced one morning after breakfast that she was heading downstairs to Aunty Cathie’s family to “pull out some weeds.” Perhaps, our time together before the Lord could be referred to as 'Gardening'"!

I think this sounds like another great name for our Family Devotions, don't you, Nancy


A poem from Shannon Elizabeth Mobley at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

I once dreamed a dream under the sovereign care of God on high,

At first I didn’t recognize the woman before my closed eyes,

There were more hairs of gray and so neatly put in place,

Her clothes were starched and matching without spot,

A rested look adorned her face.

She walked slowly with her coffee, room in her hands to spare,

Conversation bidding as she mingled with friends there,

Time was no master, there were hours to sit and think

As she slowly stopped to have another drink.


Then a loud noise stirred my resting slumber…

I awoke to a three year old running loudly like thunder.

Next it happened quickly, a blur of sorts as I recall--

Not just one, but five more sets of little feet came running down the hall.

Three diapers, outfit changes, and two hours later,

I attempted a trial of coffee while nursing a sweet baby.

My middle was feeling sore with the need to eat, but wait...

As I run to catch the spilling milk, I see I’m woefully too late.

The baby still needs to feed, the toddler is , fussing in his chair.

The five year old is crying while the three year old pulls her hair.

I stopped for a brief moment to survey this circus-like scene...

And that’s when I remembered the dream.

As I reviewed the vision of the night before,

I knew a day would come when I’d long for these years once more.

I closed my eyes, shed a joyful tear, and thanked God that I could see…….

The woman in my dream (and all too soon) is me!


I thought I would share this story because you will be familiar with the Waller family who serve the Lord by planting, pruning, and harvesting the vineyards on the hills of Samaria, the West Bank of Israel. They were featured in Above Rubies #87.

Recently Colin and I looked forward to attending the wedding of their daughter, Victoria to Aaron Hood. Guests were invited to come for the whole weekend to Kenlake State Park in Kentucky, bringing a lantern with them. Families came in tents and RVs to wait for the moment of the wedding.

We did not know the exact time the wedding would take place. It was to be a surprise--a picture of waiting for the Heavenly Bridegroom who comes for His bride, but we know "neither the day nor the hour" (Matthew 25:13).

Colin and I drove up Saturday morning (lantern and all!), thinking they surely wouldn't have the wedding Friday night! However, we arrived to find we missed the wedding! They blew the shofars in the night and the wedding was held at midnight, down by the lake in the moonlight--a glorious two and a half hour ceremony! We were slumbering and sleeping in our bed at home when the cry came, "Behold the bridegroom comes, go ye out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6)! Can you believe it? We missed! It was not enough to have oil in our lamp. We had to be READY!

Praise the Lord, although they had the ceremony in the night, they planned the reception on Sunday afternoon, so we were able to go home, and then drive back up for the celebration which was such a beautiful event. I'll let Sherri Waller, the mother of the bride tell more of the amazing wedding story. Every Waller wedding gets more exciting!

From Sherri at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

No one was disappointed!  Mark Hood did it!  He sent the word out to the watchmen--a flaming arrow from the Kenlake bridge at 11:00 pm--the Bridegroom was coming!

Anita (the bridegroom's mother) came in to kiss Victoria good night at 10:30 and told her it was to be a midnight wedding! We had all just climbed into bed, guessing it would be early morning before he came. We screamed and jumped up, dancing around with excitement. Watchmen around the camp blasted their shofars to announce that, yes, our first wedding would be tonight! (there was another wedding during the weekend!)

Earlier in the week, the brothers had been brainstorming about how they could deliver Victoria to Aaron and landed upon the idea of building a palanquin!  They cut saplings and skillfully crafted them together. At the campground, they sneaked their creation into Caleb's tent and decorated it. After donning their wedding attire, they brought the carriage of sorts out of its hiding place and prepared to take the bride to her groom.  It was absolutely beautiful.

the palanquin

At the appointed hour, we escorted Victoria to her seat, then all seven brothers hoisted her up on their shoulders and proceeded up the hill. The sisters, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren of both our families formed a parade as they followed the palanquin in front of Anita, Tommy and myself. The picture before me sent my mind to the many scriptures describing flocks on the mountains of Israel.

All the guests who could aroused themselves from slumber, some of whose children slept peacefully, gathered around to await the bridegroom. There was electric excitement as we watched and sang, waiting with great anticipation. It had been seven weeks since Aaron and Victoria had last seen each other at their betrothal.

A shout went up and two horses appeared, Mark leading the way surrounded by the Hood brothers on foot. Then Aaron appeared on his steed dressed all in white. He dismounted quickly. Victoria was standing before they could get her to the ground and took off for her long awaited bridegroom. They both began running full speed for each other, meeting in the center of the field. It was the kind of moment angels whisper above... faith meeting sight... obedience rewarded... love's glorious embrace!

After a few private moments with 500 observers, Aaron and Victoria entered the palanquin to be escorted to the chuppah awaiting them on the deck above the lake. Breathtakingly beautiful in the moonlight, the chuppah had love notes engraved on the sides amidst grapes, vines, and pomegranates. Aaron had prepared a beautiful place for his bride.

Love flowed over and over all the guests as the couple read their ketubah, drank the cup, and reveled in their earliest embraces. Aaron sang the songs he had written during the betrothal. We all entered in with wine and bread and celebrated the union. Their honeymoon car arrived wrapped Israeli style, huge white bows on the doors and a big rose bouquet on the hood, for their departure. And they were off. Aaron and Victoria Hood!

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Victoria Hood

After all the hugs and well wishes, Anita and I road to the top of the hill in the palanquin atop our sons shoulders! We noticed all the couples were a little more cuddly, affected by all we had seen and heard. Marriage is good!

We celebrated together at the wedding feast for our children Sunday afternoon. It was a grand feast with much dancing, toasts, stories, and celebrating!  Praise The Lord!  His ways are just, true, and right! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or webpage: www.yahovel.com


High functioning autism and Tourette's, apraxia, ADHD, and Aspergers.

Jodi Brock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and www.facebook.com/tragedy2triumph wrote in Above Rubies #76 an article called  "WHY NOT ME?" sharing about coping with children who have disabilities. The Brocks had seven children at that time, but are now blessed with nine children. You can go to this link to read Jodi's article. Because this testimony was published in April 2009, Jodi will now give you an update.

From Jodi...

You may remember reading my 2008 article in Above Rubies magazine titled "Why Not Me?,"  http://aboverubies.org/WhyNotMe which detailed our family's experience with raising special needs children while trusting God for our family size. So many dear Above Rubies readers wrote to me to share how we were an encouragement to you and your families, and it was so uplifting to me! We had seven children then, and life was very full. Now, five years later we have nine children, and I have been meaning to give you an update on our family.

As three of our children have moved into teenage hood, we have dealt with some of the associated adolescent issues. However, I am glad to say that our oldest children (ages 14 and 17) have honored their commitments to the Lord by remaining pure and keeping their eyes set on Him. It has been wonderful to see how our early parenting and prayers have paid off, and we continue to pray for God to bring them good Christian spouses in the future. It has been an exciting adventure to have an older teen as well as a one year old. It truly feels like broad spectrum parenting!

Many Above Rubies readers continue to email me from time to time to inquire about our family, so I am pleased to write this brief update for everyone who remembers our original article. Our life has continued to change as the diagnoses in our family have evolved over the years. We now have four children on the autism spectrum (one with high functioning autism and Tourette's, another with severe autism and apraxia rendering him mostly nonverbal, a third with moderate autism and severe ADHD, and the fourth with Aspergers and multiple learning disabilities). In addition, one of the older children was diagnosed with bipolar, so we have had our struggles with this too. My husband has Aspergers so we know there is a genetic predisposition, but we believe that the gene is only expressed when certain environmental factors are also present. Our last four children have been healthy and typical after eschewing vaccines, learning to eat organic foods, and avoid as many toxins as possible. I am delighted with the changes that our new way of life has brought about.

One thing that has been a big problem for us is my ongoing health issues. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and endometriosis since I was a young teen. To me, it is a miracle I was even able to birth nine children and not deal with the infertility issues that plague so many. In the past couple of years, my autoimmune issues have gotten worse, and I was recently diagnosed with Sjögren's syndrome as well as an autoimmune rash condition on top of the other things. I have struggled constantly with daily pain, and at times I have felt so distant from God. Depression has reared its ugly head too, and I suffered terribly with a yearlong postpartum depression after the birth of our ninth baby. One thing that I have learned is that God is still present in the midst of our sufferings, and He continues to show me new ways to improve my health through dietary changes and certain supplements. I am grateful for that, and I certainly covet your prayers as I walk forward in faith believing for a full healing.

We have continued to homeschool most of our children (now ages 17, 14, 13, 11, 8, 6, 5, 3 and 1) with the exception of two of our boys who have attended a private placement school for autism for almost two years now. Recently, we have made the decision to bring them back home after careful consideration and prayer. Although it is nice having a respite while two of the harder to handle children are at school, we are concerned about the behavioral effects on our higher functioning eight year old of being in a self-contained classroom all day. We want him to have good appropriate role models so that he too will learn to stay close to God as he grows, just as his older siblings have done.

As for our 13 year old who is the most severely affected, he has started fearing many things, including school. He has no way to tell me if something bad occurs, and with all of the cases of school abuse in special needs classrooms I really listen when he is hesitant to go to school. Instead, he has become my apprentice so to speak. He does what I do all day, and I spend time teaching him better communication and life skills. We are also working on age appropriate academics because he is much smarter than the teachers ever gave him credit for! It is a big decision and a heavy load for me to carry, but I feel it is the best choice for our family right now. Please continue to pray for our homeschooling endeavors.

Finally, as the mother to nine great children, I have learned that the most important thing is love. Struggles will come spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially. However, in the end it is the love that we show to others that matters. I am happy to be raising these blessings for the Lord, and when the task seems overwhelming, I remind myself that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength! We hope you will visit us on Facebook and become a fan of our family page. The link is: www.facebook.com/tragedy2triumph . We started this page to spread autism awareness, and to share ideas pertaining to autism and gentle parenting. It has been a blessing to reach out to both the autism community, and to others who may be interested in learning more about families like ours. My 17 year old daughter was so inspired by my blogging success that she too started a FB page to encourage others. You can find her unique sibling perspective at: www.facebook.com/theautismsister .

Thank you again for the overwhelmingly positive support you all showered us with after reading our family story. We hear all the time how "crazy" we are for having so many kids, especially since we are dealing with multiple special needs. No matter what we face, we wouldn't trade our bunch for the world, and it's so nice when people understand the value of children! Blessings and God's love to you all my friends.

If you missed reading Jodi's earlier testimony in Above Rubies #76, of which we still have some back copies available, you can go to this link:




I would recommend this powerful Ebook to everyone. Go to: www.godsmightywarriors.wordpress.com

faithfulfatherA FAITHFUL FATHER

Rachel Scott, author of BIRTHING GOD'S MIGHTY WARRIORS wrote a testimony about her husband on her blog. Proverbs 31 is about a husband praising his wife; but it's certainly nice to hear a wife praising her husband, rather than complaining about him, isn't it?

From Rachel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


As I reflected on the example my husband has set for our family I realized the overwhelming blessing I’ve receive from his faithfulness to the Lord. Because my husband walks with Jesus, we receive many benefits and the best part is we avoid the hardships other families suffer.

My husband does not drink alcoholic beverages, nor use drugs, therefore issues relating to drug or alcohol addiction stay far from my family. More than likely he will never get a DUI. I do not need to worry about him doing jail time or needing a lawyer to get out of trouble. I do not fear an accident that might total my car nor a charge of vehicular homicide. More than likely these things will never happen to us. We also do not have to worry about drug addiction and the sorrows of coping with that kind of problem.

I am also thankful that my husband does not suffer with a porn addiction or any other kind of sex issue. I do not have to fear what he is looking at on the computer or worry about where he is, or who he is with, or if he might be having an affair, or that he might come home to leave me and the children for a younger, prettier woman. My man is faithful to me and because of that faithfulness, my children can rest in the fact that even though we might have an occasional difference of opinion, their parents are planning on staying married for life. Therefore our children will more than likely never be ripped from their home, forced to chose between mother and father or sister or brother. Their relationships will stay intact and nothing will fracture relationships in this family, except themselves. I am hoping that they will carry their friendships with each other into adult life. So far, so good.

Christopher is not addicted to video games or obsessed with sports. This means I do not have to worry about him being up on the Internet at 3 am addicted to some game he cannot stop playing. He might challenge one of the children to an occasional game on the WEI (which we hardly ever use) but our family need not worry about an addiction. Plus, he is a Washington Redskins Fan and does like to catch the game, but he is not obsessed with the sport like other men might be. We are not left high and dry during a sports season. He likes the game and knows who all the players are and if we are not doing anything wants to see the game, but we do not suffer “loss of time with dad” because he follows a sports team.

A few years back my husband suffered a health issue and it nearly devastated our family, but he took every part of his recovery seriously. He changed his diet, started going to the gym and he lost weight. Today he is maintaining good health and because we almost lost our father/husband, our family realizes the benefits of a father who takes good care of himself. We do not take that for granted.

Christopher Scott is a faithful man. For over thirty years he has supported our family every day. We do not have to worry about where dad is. We always know. Dad is at work and when he is not at work, he is home with us. Some families don’t know where their father is, other families never have meals together, nor stop and talk about their day. In other families their father has little to no input into their lives and time passes them by. Before the dad knows it his children are grown.

Christopher, from your love and support, we find life. From your walk with God, we find godly counsel. What more wonderful than the blessings that come from a faithful man, and from generations of faithful men. His father, my father, and my husband are all men of God and now our married son is one too. If ever there was a reason to follow the Lord, this is one benefit. To live with a faithful man. Thank you Jesus! Psalm 103:2 says, “Forget not all His benefits.” If you are married to a godly man, thank him for avoiding the pitfalls that sin brings and for the blessings of a godly husband!


evangeline-StevenOur twins turned 48 on the 1 August. I shared this story on Facebook. I am printing it here in case you are not on Facebook.

Throughout the pregnancy, no one ever detected I was having twins. That was back in the days when we didn't have ultrasounds. I conceived the twins in the Philippines where we doing missionary work. We came back to New Zealand when I was eight months pregnant and at last I went to a doctor. He checked me, but didn't detect twins! He said he was off to England and so when I began labor to go to the hospital and the doctor on duty would attend to me (I knew nothing of homebirths back then). I went to the hospital on a false alarm a week before the twins were born, and still no one detected twins!

It wasn't until the day I came into labor again (on my due date) and went to the hospital again that a nurse, listening to the heartbeat said, "I hear another heart beat. But, it could be an echo. We'll wait and see!"

And so we waited to see! Evangeline was born--breech birth, which is quite normal for twins! I didn't notice any difference than a normal birth. They felt my tummy! Yes, there was another baby still there! That was the first inkling we had that we were going to have twins! Although I have to admit that I wondered what was growing inside me and secretly thought that if it wasn't twins I would have trouble birthing this "baby!" I hardly felt any movements as they were packed in so tightly!

Anyway, five minutes later, Stephen arrived. He was a gentlemen and allowed his sister to go first. Evangeline was 6 lbs. 13 oz. and Stephen was 7 lbs. 5 oz! I was carrying around nearly 14 lbs. of baby, plus everything else, and no one ever guessed I was having twins! The blessing of being tall!

Colin and I were ecstatic. We enjoyed these glorious moments of elation before we faced the hard work--going home to care for twins and a 17 month old, with no help. We had just arrived back from the Philippines and were living out of suitcases. I had three in "nappies" (what we call diapers in New Zealand). I used to lay them down in a row to change their nappies. However, I look back on those when I was so tired that it was painful. And yet they were such wonderful years, full of joy and fun as we watched them grow, along with their other siblings as they came along. When the twins were little I used to say, "There's only one thing better than having a baby, and that's have two babies!"

I read the following words at that time and can truly related. "These are the never years. Never enough money, never enough time, never enough sleep--but always enough love. The sweetest kiss of a baby the tooth-paste-flavored kiss of a child and the sleepy kiss of a husband who is just as tired as you. These are the busy years, the wonderful, hectic, impossible years. Soon the children will be grown and I'll have plenty of time to organize my house, to sew and to cultivate outside interests. I wonder if it will be as wonderful as I sometimes dream it will? Or am I in the middle of the wonderful years... right now?"

Now they are 48 years old and have been influencing the world for God all these years. Truly, there is no greater thing we can do as a woman than to bring a little life into the world, destined to reveal the image of God, push back the enemy, light up the darkness, and expose the deceptions of Satan with God's eternal truths! There is absolutely nothing more powerful. And they have only started. I trust they have at least another 48 years to serve God!

Not only have they blessed the world, but have begun many other dynasties--Evangeline and Howard have begun 10 dynasties (at 48 she is still desperately praying for another baby, or hopefully twins). These dynasties will continue as their children have children and their children have children, continuing a godly generation in this world. Stephen and Simone have begun three dynasties with their wonderful children. And so their influence continues--all from one birth 48 years ago!

Dear young mothers, never under-estimate the power of the birth of a child! I love the quote by Frank Boreham, "We fancy that God can only manage His world by big battalions abroad, when all the while He is doing it by beautiful babies at home. When a wrong wants righting, or a truth wants preaching, or a continent wants opening, GOD SENDS A BABY INTO THE WORLD TO DO IT. That is why long, long ago, a Babe was born in Bethlehem."

P.S. Someone asked if Stephen is as much fun as Evangeline. Those of you who know Evangeline know that there is not another person in the world quite like her. Stephen is also a magnetic personality, the life of the party, and loved by all. But they don't look alike. Evangeline is golden-haired and brown-eyed, usually in jeans with knives hidden in amazing places, ready for an emergency (although when she dresses up for a special occasion, she comes out looking like a New York model). Stephen, blonde and blue-eyed is always dressed perfectly--Mr. Cool!

P.S. Another interesting thing. In the beginning of my pregnancy I was violently ill. My husband was concerned and found a Chinese doctor to diagnose me. He diagnosed that I was pregnant! But, he then injected with me with Vitamin B and I didn't have another day of feeling sick from that day onwards. With my future pregnancies I always took big doses of natural Vitamin B or Brewers' Yeast tablets which helped a lot with sickness.


threegenladies wLift up your head today, dear mother. This day, with its challenges, and frustrations, goes beyond today. Your influence is powerful. Live this day with the hope of influencing future generations in the ways of God. Don't be part of pulling down or eliminating future generations.

Amazingly, God's Word says that two women built the house of Israel! Speaking to Naomi, the elders and people in the gate of the city said, "The Lord make the woman (Ruth) that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build the house of Israel." That's a powerful statement, isn't it?

And not only Rachel and Leah, but Ruth, although a Moabitess, became a mighty builder in Israel too. Her great-grandchild was King David, a man after God's heart. And the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, came from the lineage of Ruth and Boaz.

Do you have dreams for your future generations? Do you pray for your generations to come? Do you live each day in the light of building godly generations?

As mothers, we certainly have such far reaching influence, don't we? Let's make our influence a powerful influence for generations to come.

May God pout out His love and blessings upon you and your family.

Love from Nancy Campbell



Dear Above Rubies reader,

Many blessings to you from our home to yours. The new magazine, # 87 has now been sent out across USA. But, please don't despair if it doesn't arrive straight away. Some people get theirs immediately and others have to wait up to three weeks. We can never tell. I know you will love it when it gets into your hands.

In Todays Newsletter:





















 100 DAYS OF BLESSING, VOLUME 2100 Days of Blessing Vol 2

You will be glad to know that this book is at last available for you. Well, it's nearly here. Should arrive from the printers in a few days, so you can go ahead and order and we'll send it to you the moment it arrives. You will be filled with daily encouragement and strength as you fulfill your great career of building this nation. Here is the link:





Be Fruitful and MultiplyI am continuing the great discount special for BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY in this issue of Above Rubies. It is less than half price, so if you haven't purchased it yet, make sure you get this important book while you can. As I mention in the magazine, I believe this book carries the most important message of any book we carry. The future blessing of our nation hinges on this book. I believe that every married couple should read it, and every couple contemplating marriage. At this price, it is a good idea to purchase extra copies in order to share them with others. Here is the link to order:


be fruitful and multiply audio bookBy the way, if your husband does not have time to read, and many husbands don't get time to read books, you will be pleased to know that you can download this book as an audio version, and he can listen when he is driving to and from work. It is narrated by Jake Shanks, a third generation radio broadcaster. Download from this link:





I have also sent Above Rubies # 87 to all our Canadian readers, this time from here in USA. I am so sorry that our dear Canadian readers are still waiting for # 86, which will be sent from Canada. The reason for the delay is that the Canadian team are still waiting for finance to send it out. That's sad, isn't it? Hopefully you won't have to wait to much longer.


People have different names for gathering together as a family to read God's Word, pray, and worship. We call it Family Devotions in our home. I have heard many other different names: Family Worship, Family Bible Time, Family Prayer Time, Jesus Time, Little Church, Church on the Couch, Spiritual Food, First Fruits, and The Family Altar (which is what families called it years ago).

However, I recently learned of a name I hadn't ever heard about before. When my husband and I were speaking in Belgium in the month of March this year, I talked with a Dutch lady about what they call Family Devotions in Dutch. She said that growing up in her home in The Netherlands they called it "FINISHING UP THE MEAL." I had never heard that expression before. However, as I thought about, it I realized that it was actually a very good name. We have not finished our meal if we only feed the body. We have to feed the inner man, too. If we leave the table before feeding the spirits of our children with God's living Word, we leave the table only half finished!

I hope you finish up your meals and don't leave half fed! Anyway, if you have a different name for meeting as a family to read God's Word and pray, I'd love to hear from you. Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Once one magazine is completed, I start preparing the new one.


I am always wanting to receive testimonies of a marriage restoration. These testimonies are so encouraging to couples who are floundering. If you have a testimony to share, please send it to me.


I received an email from a husband with the following suggestion: "I have an idea for your magazine. Proverbs 31:28 says, "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband [also], and he praised her.

" What if you allowed husbands to write an article about their wives and the blessing they are."

If your husband would like to write an article praising you and the blessing you are as a wife and mother, I'd love to hear from him.


I have been planning for the last few issues to do a feature article on how to create a beautiful ambience in the home that will give wonderful memories for our children. I'd love to hear practical ideas from you on this subject.


1. Keep it to real life experiences.
2. Don't make it too long--1500 words is adequate, unless it is a particularly powerful testimony. Shorter is even better.
3. Put only one space between sentences, please. VERY IMPORTANT. It takes extra time for me to go through and eliminate the extra space after each sentence.
4. Send as a WORD DOCUMENT by email attachment.
5. Please also add at the end of the article:
      Your full name
      Your husband's name
      The names and ages of your children.
      Your email address
Repeating, don't forget your email address in the document of your article.


I know we have so many budding photographers, and as mothers you have so many amazing subjects to photograph. I am always looking for very special pictures for the front cover of Above Rubies. But, they must be something DIFFERENT OR SPECIAL, and they must be VERTICAL to fit the shape of the magazine. Send by attachment. I will really look forward to receiving them, but please don't inundate my Inbox with pictures that are not suitable.

However, I can receive other sized photographs to use in other ways, so if they are a special picture, you can still send it to me -- families, children, or a husband and wife together. And fun shots rather than poses are great.


I would like to get some pictures of families around their family meal table. I know it's not easy to take such a picture, but if you can do one, I'd love to receive it. Thanks so very much.


It's not mothers with large families who feel overwhelmed and wonder how they can get through the day. It's mothers with their first one, two, or three children. This is the most challenging time of motherhood. If you are in this stage, dear mother, please do not despair. It will never be so taxing as at this time.

But, can I tell you a little secret? Your precious little children grow. They become older. They become helpers as you train them. And when you have another baby, you have some little helpers. And then, when you have another baby, you have bigger helpers. And when you have another baby, you may have teenagers by this time who have learned how to run the home and the cook the meals. And, you have so many arms wanting to hold the baby that motherhood becomes easy.

It is the older mothers with many children who are the "queens" of their home, sitting rocking their baby in the rocking chair while their children are able to tend to many jobs.

Recently, I was walking with Serene to her home. Some of her children had gone off with their other cousins, and I said to her, "You'll have a quiet supper tonight."

"Oh no," she replied. "It will be much more hectic. It won't be quiet at all. I won't have so much help and therefore the children will be more boisterous and rowdy. I won't have Engedi to hold baby Haven while I cook the meal or Cherish to help with the other little ones."

It's so true! More children don't make life more burdensome for a mother. The opposite is true. The more children, the more help. The more older children, the more there are to play and entertain the little ones. Everyone works together and the home runs smoothly.


I was recently speaking at an Above Rubies retreat. We have all kinds of mothers attend our Above Rubies retreats. Young people, single mothers, mothers with one or two children and sometimes mothers with many children. At this retreat there were no mothers with really large families. All the mothers present couldn't even imagine the idea of having a large family. It was beyond their comprehension. They were in the "overwhelming" stage and had no clue that there was another "reward" stage.

Because we live in a society of smaller families (the average is 1.8 in USA--rather small, isn't it?), I think it is time we educated mothers that large families ARE FUN!

I'd love to hear from you about why you think large families are fun. You don't have to write a big article, even a sentence would be fine! I'd love to get all the reasons I can why BIG FAMILIES ARE FUN. Maybe I could get 101 reasons!

Email them into me with BIG FAMILIES ARE FUN in the Subject line. Thanks so much. This will be fun.


I have quite a few new books I am planning to write as the months go by.

(Have you got Volumes 1 and 2 yet?)

LOOK UP! (Motivating Messages for Each Day of the Year)
NEVER GIVE UP! (Motivating Messages for Each Day of the Year)
(Have you got CHEERUP! yet?)

Recipes I love to cook (and I love to spice things up) with spicy ideas to do at the Family Meal Table. I am a great believer that it is as important to prepare what you are going to talk about at the table as it is to think about what you are going to eat at the table.

I have been writing these for some time and am looking forward to eventually printing them, with illustrations. I love reading rhymes to children, and have always read the nursery rhymes to my children, but I think it would be so great to have some that are far more positive and meaningful, don't you?

And, my biggest burden is to write a fuller book on the subject of FAMILY DEVOTIONS, although that will not be the final title. Sadly, this is such a lack amongst families, even in the body of Christ.

I will also devote one chapter to ideas from families and to hear of different ways families do their Family Devotions, or whatever they like to call it.

If you would like to share what you do in your family, please send it to me. Put FAMILY DEVOTIONS in the Subject Heading. Thanks so much, Nancy


According to the US Pew Center, Islam is already "the fastest growing religion in Europe."

In England 10,000 churches have been closed since 1960. By 2020 another 4,000 will be closed and 1700 new mosques will arise in former churches.


Recently I posted the following words on the Above Rubies Facebook. After reading them Mary Jo Blanc designed a lovely frame for them. I think it is so pretty, don't you?

poem picture

But, then Linda Dias wrote a heartfelt responsive prayer, which I am sure could be the prayer of many of you, so I will share it with you.

"Father God, today put a smile in my weary voice, a sparkle in my tired eyes, a song on my critical lips, a spring in my feeble steps, a warmth in my fading touch, a depth to my careworn beauty, a purpose to my forgotten life, a joy in my dull faith, a hope in my hopeless breast, and a love in my burdened heart. Amen."

Dear mother, God sees the cry of your heart, and He will answer your prayer.


Here are some more Mary Jo has designed to bless you:

quote 1

quote 2

quote 3

quote 4


Sara Lee writes from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

"I am 21 years and have published a magazine for Christian daughters for nine years, The King's Blooming Rose Magazine. It is my desire in publishing this quarterly magazine to encourage daughters and sisters to serve their families, learn to be keepers at home "in training," and to love the Lord with all of their heart. Most of our readers are ages 12-25 and we have subscribers across the globe. Our ministry also offers many other resources for Christian girls, including two books I have written, a cookbook for girls, annual calendars, stationery, and encouraging articles."

To obtain further information, go to her website, www.kingsbloomingrose.com


husbands need respect and honor

Some time back, I wrote this post on our Above Rubies Facebook. "Respect and honor your husband. Let him be the leader. Look at him and give him attention when he speaks to you. He will thrive when you respect him."

I loved hearing the comments from our readers. Here are some of them:

"Your marriage and children will also thrive."

"Today, the Holy Spirit gave me the thought to call my husband my earthly hero. I began watching him and speaking to him with the attitude of full respect. I later read this post which gives me confirmation and the encouragement to keep going in this way."

"The wife who understands this will be happier and more secure."

"There is always something to find respect worthy in our husband. Even when they do not walk with the Lord and live a worldly lifestyle, that does not give us a pass to disrespect them. When we choose to obey God and find one attribute that we can praise them for, God can grow that in their hearts and move mountains in their lives. A wife will always be blessed when honoring God by honoring her husband. I speak from experience in seeing the hand of God work in my husband's life."

"Dennis Prager did a series about this on his Male-Female hour. What men most want and need from their woman: respect. What a woman most needs and wants: to be with a man she respects. Think about it, it's hard to care about a man who loves you if you have no respect for him. Sometimes it just takes saying it out loud to him, "I respect you," to help you both move forward."

"The conversation of the wives will save their husbands, meaning your loving and respectful attitude will be a picture of Christ to him. You need not preach to your husband in words. Your kisses and kindness will do all the talking for you. Showing him respect is what God intends so that you can boost him up to be the leader you want him to be. I like to point out, "Would you love someone who is constantly criticizing you?" Would you want to be the leader of people who disrespect you, and always point out your many faults? I'd rather make out with my husband and have a good time romancin' him, than fighting over his faults."

"I've seen my husband flourish in just a month of respecting and encouraging him!"

"I am sure that most husbands deserve disrespect, but we honor and forgive them because the church is supposed to honor Christ and because God forgives us. It is not about their worthiness but about our obedience."

"It blesses my heart to have a husband who with all his might is clinging to the Lord! I obey and honor my husband not because of worthiness but out of obedience to the Word of God! To submit myself to my husband, there were no "unless he's a meanie head" or anything else! He may not be perfect, but neither am I! But, God IS perfect and thus created a perfect union that is called marriage! If he created marriage, then we as wives should obey what he says in order to have a perfect marriage... and what is perfect? Everything in line with the Word of God, no matter if tribulation comes and trials, brokenness, hurt, or anger, etc. We stand strong on the foundation which is Jesus Christ and the vows we took on our wedding day... then THAT is perfection!"

"Another thing is, keep your phone at home or on silence when you are out and about with him, or even at home. When your husband is home (I learned this just recently), he deserves your full attention and devotion! Put the phone in your room or in a drawer."


Shannon Wales of[This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes,

My seven year old has written a short "song" about sticking to the right attitude. He desperately wants to find someplace to publish it."

Song by Kaden Wales, age 7

You are slimy
You are slimy
You are so slimy
That you are sliding off the right a-ttitude.
You need to be sticky so you will stick to the right a-ttitude.

But you are so slimy that you are sliding off the right a-ttitude.
It would be better to be sticky so you will stick to the right a-ttitude.
Oh.....it would be so better for you.

May Kaden always stick to the right attitude!


Kathleen Engelhardt at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., who is our European Director for Above Rubies in Europe writes:

"Unfortunately there is some sad news concerning the Romeike Family. In May, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Obama Administration's denial of asylum granted to the Romeike family. But on Friday, May 24, U.S. Congressman Marlin Stutzman and 26 other members of Congress joined the ranks of Americans who are voicing their support for the Romeike family and urging Attorney General Holder to grant them asylum in America to freely homeschool their children.

Home School Legal Defense Association Chairman, Michael Farris, who has been representing the family, says the decision of the three-judge panel is legally erroneous, and he is filing an appeal before the entire 15-member Sixth Circuit.

For up to date information visit the HSLDA website: http://www.hslda.org/legal/cases/romeike/Romeike_CaseUpdates.asp

The battle is not over yet and it would be a great support and a sign for the White House if MANY PEOPLE SIGN THE PETITION!"

Let's get involved!


Marci Ferrell of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. shares:

"I recently shared my personal testimony on my blog and wanted to share it with you. As a non- believer I had an abortion and I am so thankful for the Lord's intervention in my family's life and my life. So thankful to serve such a wonderful God and thankful that as His former enemy I am now seated at His table.

My Abortion Story and Why I Sidewalk Counsel at Abortuaries

sidewalk counseling at abortuaries

These past several weeks I have been thankful for the opportunity to minister on the sidewalk at our local abortion mills. It has been a blessing and has brought back memories that used to be difficult, but not anymore because of the work of Jesus Christ in my life.

You see, when I was 18 I had an abortion. I was unmarried, living with relatives and thought this was the only choice I had at this time in my life. I don't even remember thinking much about it, but assumed this was what I needed to do at this time in my life. I had already been leading a rebellious life and was not living at home so I couldn't even imagine sharing this with the family I was living with and took matters into my own hands.

"You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13)

That day was the ugliest of my life. It hurt so much. Coming home and not being able to share what I had been through with anyone was difficult. I spent much time alone in my room crying and I had no one to turn to for help. There hasn't been a day in my life that I don't think about that little baby who's life I took.

I murdered that baby by my own choice and that memory doesn't go away!

Several years later I find myself in the same situation, pregnant and unmarried. This time I am determined to keep this baby because I have not healed from my first pregnancy that I aborted and couldn't imagine going through that kind of pain and guilt again. I share with the father that he doesn't have to marry me or help with the baby but I'll take care of this little one on my own. Doug wants to get married and raise this baby together. I had shared with him the story of my first abortion and this man still wants to marry me! After 27 years of marriage I find myself still growing more in my love with my Doug every day. We were both young and not sure how things would work out. We had a quick and simple wedding ceremony and little Amber made her arrival in September of 1986.

We have now been married 27 years and have two children. Josh made his arrival in June of 1992. Doug and I had been blessed with two beautiful children, a boy and a girl, and life was good so we took matters of determining the size of our family into our own hands and Doug had a vasectomy.

Doug's parents were Christians and we had heard the gospel a lot from his side of the family. As I look back I can see the Lord drawing our family. I assumed I was going to heaven because I was a good person and attended church.

I did not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
As it is written: "None is righteous, no, not one" (Romans 3:10).

I love this part of the story because it involves meeting a woman who will always be dear to my heart, my friend Trena. I met Trena at a Curves exercise facility. We were taking an introductory class together and she invited me back to her home for coffee afterwards. Trena loves to talk about Jesus and when she shared with me about the work of the Lord in her life it made me know I was missing something. I was religious but I didn't have a relationship with Jesus like Trena did.

The children and I went to church with Trena that Sunday (Doug stayed home) and that afternoon, at home, I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. For the first time I realized I was a sinner against a holy and righteous God. I understood that God is perfect and is angry with sinners and will punish sin. But, God is also rich in mercy and sent His perfect Son, Jesus Christ, God's eternal Son, born of the virgin Mary came to die as a substitute and ransom for rebellious sinners. Jesus willingly died on the cross and took the punishment for my sin that through my repentance and faith in what He did and acknowledging Jesus as my Savior and Lord I was saved from the wrath to come. What a glorious moment when my eyes were opened to the free gift of salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ! The Lord saved Doug later that week and I cannot even express to you in a short amount of time the changes in our home. It was a celebration with Doug's family and with our new family of believers.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come" (2 Corinthians 5:17).

We had begun over time to be convicted of the choice we made to limit the size of our family and the Lord led us to a Christian doctor who did vasectomy reversals. We hoped to have another child or two added to our family. To the world we looked crazy. We were in our mid forties and we were soon to be grandparents! As of this time, we have not been able to conceive a child and I recently had surgery on my one remaining ovary and only have part of it left, but we continue to pray and remain content for God's plan for our lives.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward"
(Psalm 127:3)

Life is a gift and it is precious. Since I have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ I have come to know that I am truly forgiven for the choice I made to abort my first baby. There is so much freedom and forgiveness found at the cross when we confess our sins in humble repentance to the Lord and know that He offers us forgiveness and grace. Please let me be clear that a day does not go by that I don't think of that little life.

There is forgiveness but there are consequences for the choices we make.

I have just recently shared this story of my abortion with each of my children and it has been such a sweet testimony of the Lord's goodness to us and a guide to them to not make the same mistakes we made. People look at our lives and say, "Look how great it all worked out for you." But, they don't see the hurt and difficulties that we went through of living our lives in rebellion to God. Our marriage and children are only who they are now by the grace of God and His work in our lives.

I love how the Lord works and he sent my friend Kelly and her family down south for her husband's job. While they were down there, she met up with some dear friends through a local church, who minister at local abortion mills in South Carolina. Kelly has a heart to reach out to these women who are about to make a decision that will affect the rest of their lives. This has been an area of my life I have wanted to reach out and help but didn't know where to start and the Lord has answered my prayers through Kelly and a local ministry to our area called Missionaries to the Preborn.

My hope is to share with these women that they do have a choice and abortion (or murdering your baby) is not one of them. I was never verbally told by anyone that I had an option. There was no one ministering outside the abortion mill I went to and the workers inside didn't tell me that keeping my baby or adoption was a possible choice. What I love most about Christian sidewalk counselors is that we aren't just there to tell them there is an option, but we are able to share with them the life saving truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the One who can change lives and hearts. Knowing they aren't alone and that we will help them through every step in keeping their baby is reaching out to them with the love of Christ.

If you have a heart to reach out to these women I am just going to encourage you to GO! There are many resources to help equip you in reaching out to these women with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But you can't do it unless you go! Babies are being sacrificed everyday and I was surprised by how few Christians are taking the time to reach out at these killing places. It is spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18), and many of these women will not have any remorse for what they are doing. However, God's Word can reach the heart of any sinner to come to repentance and brokenness. It may be after they come out and have already had the abortion that their heart will be open to receive the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They need to know there is forgiveness and grace offered only through the blood of Christ.

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them"
(Psalm 139:13-16).



Anita Morgan posted this on our Above Rubies Facebook and I'd love you to read it too.

"June is my grandmother; mother of seven, grandmother of 32, great-grandmother of 34 (and counting)! She turns 90 years tomorrow and celebrated her birthday last Saturday with a hall full of family. In her birthday speech she told of how a neighbour, when she found out that my grandmother was pregnant with number seven, said "Oh, POOR June!"

At that point, she looked around the room at all her sons, daughters, sons and daughters-in-law, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who were all rejoicing over and with her and said
"Well, You can see tonight how poor I am!"


The following is a poem that I wrote about marriage recently.

One man and one woman,
Fused into one.
God's plan! Is there a better?
There is none.

One body, one flesh—
One purpose, one vision—
One soul and spirit—

What is the foundation?
Praying together—
Highest priority!
Reading God's Word together—
Paramount for success.

What does it take?
Sacrificial love.
Yielding and submission.
No longer "me" but "you."
Laying down my life.
Delighting to serve.

What is the fruit?
A union that cannot be broken.
A union that survives the storms of life.
A union that forges a path for God in this world.
A union that builds a godly generation
for now and generations to come.

What is the power?
A God-fearing family that is
formidable to the adversary!

No wonder Satan wants to destroy marriage!






As wives and mothers, we are in the biggest building program in the nation. We have the responsibility to build a strong marriage, a godly family, and children who will also grow up to build strong marriages and families. God calls us builders. Proverbs 14:1 says, "Every wise woman builds her house: but the foolish plucks it down with her hands."

Any builder who is successful in his business works hard. He works long hours. He sweats it out. It's the same for us. We don't build a great marriage and home by just dreaming about it. We have to work at it. We have to pray. We have to work at our attitude. We have to work at the way we speak to our spouse and our children. But, we also have to be practical and work hard physically. We haven't got time to be lazy. We have to keep the home running smoothly. We have to make sure we prepare nutritious meals for our family. We seek to have a meal ready for our husband when he walks in the door--and we'll make sure that the house is tidied up and ready for his home-coming.

I remember a mother saying to me, "All I ever wanted was to be a wife and mother," and yet her marriage fell apart. She dreamed about it, but she didn't do what was needed to make it happen. Her life was wrapped up around herself. Building takes forgetting about yourself and living to serve your husband and family. Your mind is on your job, not on gratifying your own fleshly desires. You constantly think of things to say and do to make your marriage stronger. You think of new and creative ideas to make your family life stronger. And as you build into your home, you also build for eternity.

However, there is more to building than meets the eye. The word in the Hebrew is banah. Yes, of course it means to build. However, it also means to repair. We have to keep repairing things in our home or it will soon fall down around us. We also have to keep repairing our relationship with our husband and children. This is all part of the building program.

But, did you know that there is another aspect to building? This word also means "to bring forth children." To build a home you must embrace children. I love the blessing the people of Judah gave to Naomi about her daughter-in-law, Ruth, "The Lord make the woman that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build (banah) the house of Israel" (Ruth 4:11). How did Rachel and Leah build a nation? With hammers and wood? No, they built it by embracing children.

It's also good to be a P & P builder? "What's that?" you say. It comes from Proverbs 3:17, "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace."

Build a home of Pleasantness and Peace. Speak pleasant words to your husband and children (Proverbs 16:24). What does that mean? The word "pleasant" in the Hebrew means, "agreeable, beautiful, delightful, gracious, suitable, and sweet." "Create a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere.

Be a great builder as you build your home and consequently the nation.

Until next time, love from NANCY CAMPBELL


Dear Above Rubies reader,

Greetings to you for our first Mini Newsletter for 2013.

In Todays Newsletter:
















The new Above Rubies, #86 is now rolling off the presses and hopefully will start going out into the nation next week. Be looking out for your copy if you live in USA. If you live in other countries, you will have to wait a little longer, but be assured it will be on its way.



Most people are not aware of our Above Rubies operates or is financed, and I rarely ever write about it. However, I need to let you know every few years, so let me bare my heart with you.

I have been publishing Above Rubies for over 35 years. It started in New Zealand where we lived at the time and now goes all over the world. From the very beginning I have felt to make Above Rubies freely available, by donation. Many people ask why I don't make it a subscription magazine. However, people always subscribe to what they believe in and my vision is to get Above Rubies out to those who not only believe in the message, but to those who don't! I have a vision to get it to every family in the nation. I have a big vision. I believe that if we so sparingly, we'll reap sparingly; but if we sow bountifully, we'll reap a bountiful harvest for the glory of God, as the Scripture says.

Therefore I make it available freely. But, not altogether! I trust that those who have a vision for the strengthening of marriage and families in the nation will give freely to help us get this message out to the world. I pray for those with a big vision and generous hearts who will give, not to only pay for their magazine, but give so that others can receive it too.

This is the way I have worked for over 35 years. God is so faithful and we are still printing after all these years. However, I don't always print as regularly as I would like as I have to wait for the finance to come in to print. My vision is to print four issues a year. Last year we only printed two issues as we waited for the finance.

You may be surprised to know that it costs over $50,000 to send out each magazine--$25,000 to print and that much again to ship it out. Now, I know some will say, "Why don't you only do E-versions?" It may eventually come to that, but not yet. There are still thousands who are desperate for the paper version and are not as computer savvy as others, so we don't want to disappoint them. I believe God wants us to continue printing at this time.

The sad part about it is, that although we send out the magazine freely, there are very few who donate. Oh how we praise God for the faithful ones who give so freely and generously. I think that many people think the magazine just arrives from heaven (which certainly hope it does!), but it actually takes finance to get it out. And the only way we can keep getting it out is as God's people give to keep getting out this important message in the nation.

From the very beginning, Colin and I have never taken a salary from Above Rubies. All donations that come into Above Rubies go to help printing the magazine and getting it out to the families of the world. I have been doing this ministry freely, as a love ministry to the mothers of the world, for over 35 years. Especially in later years, as the ministry has grown, it takes all my life and all my time, but I joyfully and generously give my life for this purpose as I know it is my responsibility as an older women to encourage and lead the younger women.

Apart from giving royalties to Serene and Pearl for TRIM HEALTHY MAMA, all the money that comes in for ALL other books, CDs and DVDs that we sell on the Above Rubies bookstore, all go to Above Rubies to keep printing the magazine.

Now that Colin is retired, our only income is from free-will offerings when we speak at seminars or retreats. But, God is faithful. We praise His wonderful name.

If you have been receiving Above Rubies, and yet have never donated to help pay for this magazine, and would like to do this, here are some ways you can do it.

1. You can go to www.aboverubies.org and on the right hand side of the front page you will see DONATE NOW. Click on this.

2. Call us at 1 877 729 9861 and we can take your loving donation by phone.

3. Or send a check to Above Rubies, PO BOX 681687, FRANKLIN TN 37068-1687.

Thank you for joining with us in helping to strengthen the marriages, the mothers, and the families of the world. We appreciate it so very very much.

I would love to print my vision of four issues of Above Rubies this year.



Here is this year's coming itinerary for the UK and Europe. If you don't live in this part of the world, but know friends or family who do, please forward this itinerary to them so they won't miss this opportunity. Colin and I will both be speaking at these retreats and meetings.

And please don't forget to pray for us as it will be a very busy time. But, most of tall, we long for God's anointing and power to share with the precious families in Europe who rarely receiving any teaching on family.

9 -10 March
France/Germany — contact Kathleen Engelhardt
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

11-12 March
Belgium/Netherlands — contact Wilma Samyn
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13 -14 March
Ireland — contact Beatrix Heinzel
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15 -17 March
Family Camp, Cefn Lea, Wales—contact Naomi Gurr
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18 -19 March
SW England — contact Susie Beauchamp
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20 -21 March
Finland - contact Päivi Helminen
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 22-24 March
Ladies Retreat, Cheshire, England - contact Beverley England
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Check full details of all meetings at www.aboverubies.org.uk

There are still spaces available at both the Family Camp and the Ladies’ Retreat.Book now to secure your place, and encourage your friends to come as well. These meetings will be a great blessing to all who come.

Alice Gurr, our European Above Rubies Director asks: If you have not been receiving regular updates over the past few weeks from Above Rubies UK/Europe, and you live in the UK or Europe, click on this link, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and type in the subject heading ADD ME TO YOUR EMAIL MAILING LIST. Please also supply your name. If you do not receive the magazine, add your postal address as well.



I am now in the proofreading stages of Volume 2 of 100 DAYS OF BLESSING. So many mothers are waiting for this book to be printed.

I love the cover of Volume 1 and am looking forward to having a beautiful cover for Volume 2 also. If you are into design, you are welcome to try for the cover. I will choose the one that I love best and give a $150.00 gift for the best design.

I like it to be bright, but meaningful. The Ebook will be 8 1/2 x 11 but the paper book will be 9 x 6. We can reduce your art work.

The wording for the front cover is as follows but does not need to be placed as I am typing it.

100 Days of Blessing
Devotions for Wives and Mothers
Volume 2
by Nancy Campbell

Email by attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The winner will be required to also do the back cover, which will be quite simple.



TrimHealty3Dv2 wAt last, we have TRIM HEALTHY MAMA as an Ebook. You will be excited to receive it in PDF, ePub, and Mobi files.

Here is the link for the Ebook: http://tinyurl.com/TrimHealthyMamaEbook

And here is the link for the book, which is so wonderful to have in your hand:

What's this book all about?

Revolutionizing information for all women--from young mothers to menopausal women!

A few comments from readers:

“I am amazed each week when I step on my scale and see it go down another 2 to 3 lbs. or when I drop a size in my clothes. It seems too good to be true!"

"I have a degree in nutrition and THM is the best book I have ever read for mothers! I am buying one for all of my friends."

“I am an insulin-dependent diabetic. This plan is EXCELLENT for diabetics of all types and stages. I have achieved excellent blood sugar control as a side effect of this plan.”

"Since implementing THM, the weight from a thyroid issue and two babies has been falling off--30 pounds of it! Mom keeps saying, 'Wow, you look great! That book must be amazing!'"

“If more men knew what you encourage in the bedroom, they'd be out in droves buying this for their wives!”

"As a grandmother and health food enthusiast I have tried so many different plans which didn't do what they promised. Finally a book that is researched, intelligently written, but simple to understand.”

"THM rocks! I am pregnant with my 6th baby and I don't wake up in the night like I used to in sweats and shakes from hunger. I am shocked at how good I feel. I had salmon and salad for lunch and all the fat I wanted and I am sooooo full I can barely think about dinner plans."

"It's so nice to eat a meal, snacks if I need them, and even desserts--be contentedly full, and yet watch the pounds fall off!"  

"I have a tendency towards depression and I feel so positive since starting THM. Those good fats must be doing me good."

“My husband is diabetic. We have been following the plan since December. His blood sugars are back in normal range. He has told me several times that this diet has given him hope. For the first time his belly is shrinking and he has lost about 18-20 lbs."

 "I feel like I'm getting my Ph.D. in delicious, nutritious food FINALLY! My husband LOVES this food and his digestive problems are GONE. I just can't get over how GOOD, SIMPLE, SMART, and SLIMMING this plan is. I can do this for the rest of my life with ease, joy and vigor!"



I am blessed to have girls come to help us with the ministry of Above Rubies. Currently we have three helpers, Sarah Corbitt from Georgia, Annie Zielinksi from Michigan, and Becky Bronn all the way from New Zealand. Annie is here for her second time.

The girls live with us and help me in the office. We work from 9.00 to 5.00 pm each day with an hour off for lunch, and yet never catch up. The girls are free on the weekends to relax and do their own thing. We are so blessed by these wonderful helpers. Colin and I keep saying that we have "the cream of the earth" come to us.

We have enough helpers currently, but the need is always ongoing. If you have a daughter who may be interested for later this year or in the future, you or her can send a resume to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Please don't forget to give your phone number so I can be in contact, and also state what months you are interested in coming. Most girls come for about two months at a time.



If you are not on Above Rubies Facebook, but would like to receive my posts to encourage you each day, you can go to:


If your husband is not on Meat for Men Facebook, but would like to receive encouraging messages from my husband, Colin, he can go to:




Cheryl Lynne Young, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. sent in these words that she wrote for her husband. I am sure they will bless you too.

"I wrote this poem for my husband years ago, and we have it framed in our bedroom. When I see it, it reminds me of "My Safe Place" that the Lord has given me here on earth in my husband.

"My Safe Place"

My safe place is not a den or cave to which an animal might hurriedly run.

Nor is it a lighthouse bright beckoning to wayward vessels through the fog and mist.

So, what (you may ask me) is the safest place I know? Draw closer and hear me whisper low:


My safe place has two strong arms that hold this shell in which my quivering self resides.

My safe place has a mouth that never ceases to assure me that I am beautiful and I am loved.

My safe place has eyes that see every part of me and penetrate to the core of my deepest thoughts and feelings.

But most of all, my safe place has a heart that beats for me with an unwavering love, reassuring me with every pulse that I am his and he delights in me.

My safe place is the love of my life, the one that spends himself on me and the one on whom I desire to waste all of me.


Thank you for being my safe place. I love you.



Jason Panick writes: "I am a producer working on a project about Godly/Biblical Courtship/Betrothal. If you are a family who practices this with your teen children and would like to participate, this would be a great opportunity. This is with an established production company that currently has a variety of shows on air. There are compensation possibilities for the families participating depending on the type of interest we get from networks/buyers.

Please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thanks so much.



The following are two new books we have recently added to our bookstore.

ChuckingCollege3D wCHUCKING COLLEGE by Melanie Ellison

In her new cutting edge book, Melanie Ellison meticulously researches this topic --statistically, financially, politically, biblically, and with testimonies. I believe every parent and "college contemplating student" should read this book with open eyes before making their final decision. Are we really checking out what are the best options?

Endorsements for book:

"Melanie Ellison is ahead of the curve with "Chucking College." The paradigm is shifting fast."

~ Kevin Swanson, Generations Radio host

"I am a profound advocate of 'higher education' but what is presently being offered by America's colleges is not even 'lower education.' 'Chucking College' is well worth reading and the 'College Dropouts Hall of Fame' appendix is worth the price of the book."

~ David A. Noebel, former president of Summit Ministries

Go to: http://tinyurl.com/ChuckingCollege


MeObeyHim3D wME? OBEY HIM? by Elizabeth Rice Handford

This classic book gives biblical advice on how to enjoy the success God ordained for you in your marriage.

Homes across America are in serious trouble! Quite often, the root of the problem lies with a confusion of authority. But, doesn't a wife have rights? What if the man is truly wrong? Is there a way to biblically confront him? Elizabeth Rice Handford answers these questions and many more in "Me? Obey Him?" This book opens our eyes as to how many wives are unintentionally hurting themselves and damaging their homes.

Go to: http://tinyurl.com/MeObeyHim



I know you are going to love this next issue of Above Rubies. Here are some of the articles you will read:

Bursting at the Seams

Waited Twelve Years for Husband

Exploding with Joy

One Person CAN Make a Difference

Carry them in Your Arms

Serving the Lord as a FAMILY

Abortion Testimony

A Baby in your Forties?

These are two most powerful Abortion testimonies which I know will touch many lives. You will see that the last feature is called, "A Baby in your Forties?"

After I had completed the magazine, the following testimony was sent to me on this very subject, so I thought I would print it for you here.



AMY SAUDER of Pine Island, Minnesota, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Amy writes:

"I am 47 and pregnant with our 5th daughter and 5th child. My oldest daughter, who is 12, said I should send my story to Above Rubies!

As I approached my 47th birthday in the summer of 2012, I finally let go of that hopeful feeling each month, that possibly we could achieve fertility another time.  I said, "Lord, I praise your for our four daughters, but if it's YOUR will, we would love another child."  He heard my prayer, and also orchestrated the events of the previous year meticulously so that my health would be prime for carrying a child. Then he brought a new nutraceutical discovery our way, so that we feel ready to parent a new child in our 50s!     

There are a few other things that came together in the 18 months before this conception. My cycles had begun to shorten a couple of years ago, got to 21 days apart. We had been seeing a homeopath in Northfield, and she specializes in women's issues, so I told her about this.


Firstly, she suggested to make sure I slept in total darkness. I hung thick towels inside our curtains, covered up little electronic lights until I couldn't see furniture. It affects progesterone levels. After one night doing this, I woke up with SO much energy. I kept that up indefinitely.


Secondly, she said to try Evening Primrose Oil supplements, and Chaste Tree Berry. I was obedient. and my cycles returned like clockwork to 28 days. Another supplement I had added was Maca, a Peruvian plant which is known to improve fertility. Tasty caramel flavor in powder form.

At this same time, I had a pulled rotator cuff and saw a chiropractor, and went to another Northfield office for acupuncture. The summer of 2011 I felt like I was 10 years younger. I felt strong and energetic. I had about three acupuncture visits.

That fall, with an increased farm workload due to an employee resigning, I got a cough that turned to pneumonia. After trying everything I knew to clear my lungs such as whole onions for breakfast, etc, I finally started using Airborne, the vitamin/mineral tablets for immunity. After two days my strength came back. For the whole winter I kept taking a 1/2 tablet morning and night.

Right after the pneumonia, I developed gout. After researching it myself and turning down the steroid treatment recommended at our clinic, I started drinking cherry juice extract,1 T. 2x a day in my Airborne.   I kept this up and never had a recurrence of painful gout.

About two years ago, after taking the children to Wisconsin to a holistic dentist, so that would get "white" fillings instead of mercury in their mouths, I became a patient, too. It had been a few years that one tooth bothered me, and our old dentist couldn't help. This holistic dentist in WI, said, "I bet it's cracked." He removed the old filling,, and yes, decay was underneath, and it was cracked in four places. In time I'd have lost the tooth.

Being at his office, and seeing publications on mercury in fillings, I decided to systematically, over 18 months get all of my silver fillings replaced. After the last one was removed, the dentist recommended a heavy metal cleanse using Chlorella supplements. It is an inexpensive, bottle of capsules with chlorophyll. I took them for about a month and also used the mud bath they sell at their office, a couple of times, drawing out toxic metals. The bath put me FULL of energy the first day, and unable to get out of bed with fatigue the next but it fulfilled its purpose. 

Our ultrasounds have looked really great thus far for all the things they check for, and also revealed a little girl kicking around.

It is good to seek the advice of a professional homeopath, or naturopath when trying to conceive naturally.  I also tried to have lots of antioxidants at that time as well, blueberries daily and yogurt and avocados frequently.

How am I feeling at 30 weeks gestation? Elated, full of energy, and wonderfully at peace. I can't wait to meet this little girl.  People tell me I am carrying her like I'm 19 years old!   At eight weeks pregnant I started a new all natural supplement, which our holistic dentist recommended, Product B.  The first herbal ingredient is milk thistle, known for a good liver cleansing effect. The other ingredients have activate, an enzyme which allows DNA to repair as it replicates. For me, energy level and freedom from discomfort have been very evident. They say Product B takes four months to get full effects and I am there, Staying on it has a cumulative effect. You just get better. There is some good information about it at www.drscience.info

Thank you for letting me share my journey with you." Amy.



May God abundantly bless you as you as you nurture and raise your children for God's purposes. You are doing A GREAT WORK!

I know you have challenges. I know you have people who speak negatively about what you are doing. I know you often feel tired. I know you often feel you are failing.

But, DON'T GIVE UP! YOU HAVE THE GREATEST CAREER IN THE NATION. Satan wants to get you away from your great calling, but don't let him have the victory. Have the same attitude that Nehemiah had when his enemies came to deceive him and try to stop him building the wall and gates of Jerusalem.

He didn't even bother coming down to them. He sent messengers to tell them, "I AM DOING A GREAT WORK, SO THAT I CANNOT COME DOWN: WHY SHOULD THE WORK CEASE, WHILE I LEAVE IT, AND COME DOWN TO YOU?" (Nehemiah 6:3).

When Satan comes to tempt you to give up, send this same message to him.


Love and blessings,



Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

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