Disciplining God's Way!

"Discipline your son in your early years while there is hope.
If you don't you will ruin his life."
Proverbs 19:18 TLB.


Junior bit the meter man and then he hit the cook;

Junior's anti-social now, according to the book,

Junior smashed the clock and lamp and then he hacked the tree,

Destructive trends are treated in chapters two and three.


Junior threw his milk at mum and then he screamed for more;

Notes on self--assertiveness are found in chapter four.

Junior tossed his shoes and socks out into the rain;

Negation this, and chapter six says disregard the strain.


Junior set dad's shirt on fire and upset Grandpa's plate;

That's to gain attention as explained in chapter eight.

But Grandpa takes a wooden spoon , pulls junior 'cross his knee,

(He's read nothing but the Bible since 1933!)


What did Grandpa read in the Bible?

Spank with a Rod

"Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from him." Proverbs 22:15

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." Jeremiah 17:9

"He who spares his rod hates his son." Proverbs 13:24

Children are not blank tapes who learn evil from elders. They pick up sin, not only from the environment but it is in their hearts from conception. Children are not little bundles of innocence but Proverbs 51:5 says that they are little bundles of depravity. If they are not trained and disciplined according to God's Word, they can develop into unrestrained agents of evil. Selfishness, violence, lying, cheating, stealing and other such behaviour are some of the foolishness from the vast store in their hearts. Spankings drive these manifestations out of the child's personality lest they become permanent fixtures.

Don't Abdicate Your Duty

"The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother...Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul." Proverbs 29:15,17.

Some parents tend to do nothing. Eli the priest failed to restrain his sons and proved the veracity of this scripture.

Grounding, making them stand in the corner, forfeiting pocket money, etc., do not deal with the problem of sin in the heart. Such restrictions are hard to enforce, cause the offence to be remembered for far too long, and can cause resentment to build up alongside of the original foolishness which was not driven out by the rod in the first place.

We fostered an 8-year-old boy for a year. A psychologist suggested we give him a treat at the end of each day if he stayed within the rules. This did not work. If he blew it early in the day, he would be as disobedient and abusive as he liked thereafter, knowing the worst that could happen would be the withholding of a lollie.

His lawyer suggested we write down infractions in a wee notebook, like the soccer referees do. This had no effect whatsoever. Upon being assigned guardianship, I told him that he would now be subject to the same rules as our own children: one spank with the rod across the backside when it was established that he had violated one of the family's rules.

Soon afterwards both he and our youngest son transgressed together at the same time. After questioning, establishing the facts, and explaining the rules again, our son took his spanking. The foster boy was next, and like our own son, he cried before and after the spank, and was very receptive to further instruction and reassuring cuddles afterwards. His first words to me the next morning were: "Dad, you're the best!" He also wrote a card of thanks for the spanking and put it on my plate at breakfast. He was a totally different boy from that point onwards.

Not with Words

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." Proverbs 16:25

"A servant will not be corrected by mere words; for though he understands, he will not respond." Proverbs 29:19

"There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18 RSV

What's wrong with a good tongue lashing? It produces character assassinations which go deep into the soul and do much damage.

Be Consistent

"When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass...you shall not be afraid of him." Deuteronomy 18:22

We must be consistent about spanking whenever an offense occurs. Otherwise, the child learns that it is worth the gamble to sin because the threat may or may not be carried out. This is probably the most difficult aspect of child discipline because it requires disciplined parents.

Keep the rules simple and few. Your children will remember every careless rule you utter and may learn from your forgetfulness that you are not serious, that you are inconsistent, and that you do not keep your word.

The Four 'D's.

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Ephesians 6:1

"Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." James 4:17 RSV

"Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell." Proverbs 23:13,14.

We spank our children for breaking one of the four "D"'s: Disobedience, Disrespect, Dishonesty, and Destructiveness. Just about every wrong will fall into one or more of these categories. Ensure that the guilty party is aware of the rules before spanking for an infringement. And do not use t he rod for childish mistakes or accidents. Our son was playing waiter by balancing heaping plates of spaghetti and meat sauce on his fingertips at shoulder height between the kitchen and the dining room, when he dropped one onto our brand new, light grey, $6000 carpet. It was an accident. It wasn't sin. The rod was not employed, but he sure worked hard to clean up the mess!

It Must Hurt

"Blows that hurt cleanse away evil, as do stripes the inner depths of the heart." Proverbs 20:30.

If our children do not cry with the one stroke we normally give, then we give another. If they start hollering to raise the roof in protest, not repentance, they get another. Pastor Al Martin tells the story of being whipped by his Pa, then slamming the door as he left the room. His Ma said, "Give him some more, Pa, he ain't sweet yet." Ma referred to him not yet being in sweet submission to his parents' authority. Remember, the objective is to drive out the foolishness. If it is still manifesting itself after the spank by slamming doors, talking back, etc., then the rod has not yet dislodged it.

In Private

Chastisement in public is humiliating, so avoid it if possible. For us it is often a 10 - 15 minute process. We go to the bedroom, collect the rod, then fully discuss the crime. I ask the child to identify which of the four D's were broken, and why I have to spank rather than tongue lash or do something creative like give lollies! There is always an opportunity to plead extenuating circumstances, and if appropriate, no spank is given.

After the rod, there are cuddles and prayer, at which time the child is very open, teachable and receptive. Here is the time to reason with words of instruction and encouragement; but words do not drive out the foolishness which renders the child unwilling to listen to the words.

Without Anger

"Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God." James 1:19-20.

Spanking is not hitting, beating, or punishing. Punishment is God's domain. Do not let yourself or enemies of the faith equate spanking with violence. Spanking is chastisement, corporal correction, discipline, driving out the foolishness. However, if the rod is given in anger, out of frustration or annoyance, in retaliation, to save face, carried to excess, or done to cause humiliation, then it does become a form of violence. This kind of spanking will breed violence, hate and resentment.


"Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is full set in them to do evil." Ecclesiastes 9:11

"Chasten your son while there is hope, and do not set your heart on his destruction." Proverbs 19:18

In situations of imminent danger and with very young children, you might need to spank first and explain later. But when children challenge defiantly, you must win conclusively. Each of my children has had a go at being disobedient in a way that challenged my authority, that somehow said, "Let's see who's really in charge here." They were surprisingly young, picked the most inconvenient and embarrassing times and places, and could do so with smiles, as if playing a game. I could have laughed and shrugged it off. But when I insisted on obedience and they insisted on disobeying, I knew I had to drive that disobedient foolishness out with the rod. None has ever challenged me in the same way again.

With Love

"If they break My statutes and do not keep My commandments, then I will visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless My lovingkindness I will not utterly take from him, nor allow My faithfulness to fail." Psalm 89: 31-33

"Whom the Lord loves He corrects, even as a fathr the son in whom he delights." Proverbs 3:11,12.

Do not hold a grudge. If you ever bring up past incidents, use them to illustrate, but not to humiliate.

For the Child's Best Good

"Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but grievous; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11

Spanking deals immediately with the issue; drives the foolishness out of the heart; restores the ruptured relationship; clears the air of the anger, guilt, mistrust, frustration and disappointment generated by the sin; completely settles the issue (although restitution, a separate issue, may be required); leaves no period of grounding or restriction to worry about and reminds everyone of the misdeeds. Everyone can get on with life. Best of all, you know you have just done what is right, and they know righteousness has been upheld. That is very gratifyingly peaceful.


Palmerston North, New Zealand

Craig and Barbara have 5 children, 4 of their own and 1 adopted, and foster many others. Craig educates their children himself at their home in the mornings and conducts door to door sales as the local Rawleigh man in the afternoons, plus market research part-time. He is also the Founder and National Director of Christian Home Schoolers of New Zealand, a nationwide information and advice network.


Let Girls Be Girls

In the 70's when my first child was born parents were told to give the boys dolls and encourage the girls to play with trucks. I am convinced that the guy who dreamed that idea up had no children. only lab mice. Boys and girls think and problem solve differently. I could dig up the research to prove it, but it doesn't take a scientist to see the difference. Just live with a few children for any length of time.

One day, while pregnant (and big as a house) I was sitting on the couch with our two-year-old little boy. We were snuggling and talking when his face lit up. All aglow he looked at my round tummy and announced, "Ball! My ball!" Then, just as quickly, his little brow turned into a frown and his bottom lip pouted as he asked, "Mommy eat my ball?" He quickly climbed up the large mound and tried to open my mouth to retrieve his beloved ball.

Of course I assured him that this was not his ball, it was a baby. He didn't buy it. You could just hear his wheels turning as his little logical male brain reasoned, "Look at the facts: my ball has been missing for weeks, the woman has been eating everything in the house, you can practically see it right there, obvious conclusion. MY BALL!"

My girls have never been confused over babies. In fact, if you leave one of our little girls alone at the table too long Mr. Butter Knife will run off and marry Miss Fork and before you know it there are several baby spoons to tend to. It seems to me that there is a natural desire in little girls to love babies - baby puppies, baby kittens and even ugly plastic dolls that have lost most of their hair and have only one eye left that still shuts when it is laid down.

In our frantic search to end unwanted pregnancies have we taught our girls that babies are something terrible that happens to them if they are not protected? As a mother of six girls, two of whom are teenagers, I had to ask myself what are we teaching these future parents? In the drive to educate our youth about the consequences of teen pregnancy, schools have developed programs that have forced young girls to carry eggs, bags of flour, and electronic dolls. Are we training future mothers to be responsible loving parents, or just trying to scare them?

These electronic dolls are the worst attack on motherhood I can imagine. They give no smiles, giggles, kisses or hugs. It is these responses that are the survival of motherhood! The "mother" of this doll cannot gaze into her infant's eyes and marvel at this new life and wonder what she will be; there's no love exchanged. It is only a thing that makes noise at all hours that must have something shoved into it or it will "tell" that she is a "neglectful" mother and is reported.

With the best of intentions have we lost sight of the reason we don't want children giving birth to children? We want our children to marry first so they can share in the joys and heartaches of raising children together. Children are precious and deserve mothers who are willing to give their best in raising them. In all of our education I fear we have reduced a precious infant to the equivalent of an intruder that is threatening to ruin her life. How else can we explain the rashness of young mothers to kill their newborns?

I purpose we let the little boys have their trucks back. Let's give our little girls the most beautiful, precious doll we can find or make.  Then when our little girl plays with her doll, encourage her to be a loving mother. Don't allow her to let her baby to be unkept. If you love her doll it will be even more precious to her.

Awhile back my eight year old Hannah came to me and said, "Mommy, I don't know what is wrong with Benny (her special doll). He just keeps crying all the time." "Well, honey," I said, "Have you been leaving him home a lot when you go play with friends?" She thought about it for a moment and confessed she had left him home a lot. I then shared with her that babies get very scared and lonely when they are not with their mothers. They need to be reassured that mommy is there. I suggested that she keep Ben with her everywhere she goes for the next couple of days and that she may not want to depend on a pacifier too much. That way she can be sure he is secure. She was excited and faithfully kept her precious baby boy at her side. He went in the car seat when we went to the store, and was carefully strapped in the shopping car.

In the course of her growing up Hannah may forget our little conversation. One day, when she is a real mommy she will be sure to face a fussy baby. I believe she will know by intuition what to do. I am confident because she has been in "mommy training" all her life and has learned to love.


Atwood, Illinois, USA

Mike and Rhonda are the blessed parents of nine children and one grandchild
so far - Chris and his wife Michelle and baby Michael, Jami and her husband
Jared who are expecting their first baby Summer 2000, Sarah 16, Kelly 15,
Chelsea 12, Hannah 9, Thomas 7, Daniel 5 and Emily 3.

Laughing At The Days To Come

Peaceful and laughing, huh? Now that is funny! We are mothers, with heaps to worry about, right? A fret here and freak there! Yep, even my friends who range from winebibbers to Bible-bangers would both agree on that. Laughing at the days to come? Who do they think we are? I asked a friend from the bibber group, “What is it you want?” With fumes of fire and a gallon of wine in hand she responded, “I just want peace!” The same response echoes from some bangers, “Just pray for my peace, Vange.” No matter what group you live in, the universal cry is for everyday peace!

Right Here! Right Now!

It’s your fair dinkum right! Did I say it was your right? Yes Sireee! Jesus said it. Here’s a Vange paraphrase of John 16.33,  “I told you some things, so you can have peace in Me. In this world, bad stuff does happen, but cheer up ladies, I’m bigger than this ol’ world!” This is most astonishing when you think that He had just told them about his crucifixion and the harrowing times to come, but He ends with a “Come on, chins up girls – I’m huge! Don’t worry – Be Happy”.

From this I have derived two facts to which I’ve dedicated my mind and heart:

  1. Stuff happens!
  2. God’s huge!

This is where Peace begins. How big is your God? My God created the world. He knows all my thoughts - great and anxious ones. He knows when I get up for the tenth time in the night for the children. He is with me everywhere and in all situations. Oh yes, did I tell you He fashioned me? He knows all my days. He thinks great things about me. In fact, that there aren’t enough sands of the sea to count them! Most cool! (1) I’ve decided I’ll trust this God! Believe me, its better than the following…

The World of ‘What If’

The beautiful words in Philippians 4:6-8 sing to me. “Don’t be anxious about anything!  Instead pray and thank God and His peace will pervade every atom of your being (even your mind and heart!) Think about beautiful things - truth, nobleness, justness, purity, great reports, virtuous things, anything worth a great applause - let your brain rest here!” What bliss! What a contrast to this world where every minute we are told to worry about this or that. So much for tranquility and peace of mind! What if those scissors had dropped an inch closer? My son would have been blind! What if, what if? We all look rather silly when we live out of fears that do not happen. It reminds me of a passage in the Bible when the Lord said. “They have not known me, therefore they are silly children.” (2)

Listen to these words from God. “Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me.” (3) “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts to which also you were called in one body.” (4) Is your future bright and cheery or bleak with fear? Are you living your life out of what might be instead of what is? It’s the little ‘what if’ foxes that spoil the vine! The woman in Proverbs 31 laughs at the days to come! Who is she? The woman, the mother!  In Isaiah it says, “I will extend peace to her like a river.” (5) “Her” – a symbolic representation of a mother! He likens the mother to a river of peace.

Show Me This River!

Let me take you to Psalm 46. First, we just have to skip through a few earthquakes, a couple of mountains falling into the ocean and some hurricane waters. No need to fear, of course, there is that good ol’ river in verse four that comes to save the day!

It is now we realize that the River flows and comes out of the heart (throne) of God! We cannot know the River of Peace until we know its source, the heart of God. Women the world over need to know God’s heart for them! If you know His love deeply, you can trust Him. When you trust Him, you will experience His peace and security with no anxieties. When He looks into your eyes and says, “Peace”, you will be filled. God also says “In returning and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be your strength – but you would not!” (6) What d’ya mean? You know us. Simply put, we women like to take matters into our own hands – “I’ll solve it!”  Here’s the breakdown of the…

Temporary Solvers

The “Do Dos”, The “Ra Ras”, The “Aaaah Aaaahs”, and the “La Las”

The Do Dos think doing it will bring peace. “What I need is to get stuck in there and make it happen!” But the Lord says,  “Martha, Martha, you are hassled and overworked about many things. Only one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that!” (7) That’s sitting at His feet where we will be refreshed by the dew of heaven.

The Ra Ras think raving on and talking it out, calling countless friends, or throwing it all on a counselor will bring peace. “What I need is a good counseling session!” But the Lord says, “Cast all your cares (and ravings) on Him, for He cares for you.” (8)

The Aaaah Aaaahs are the escapists. “Aaaah, that’s better, now there’s peace.” “Aaaaah to escape to the great outdoors.”  “ Aaah to be alone with my husband.” “What I need is a good holiday.”  But the Lord says, “I am your rest.” (9)

The La Las are ‘out there somewhere’ - the druggies, the pillpoppers, the vitamin and juicing gurus. “What I need is just to take this new…” But the Lord says, “Take my yoke upon you, learn of me and you will find rest for your soul.” (10) Most of the above are not bad, but the ultimate high, the freedom to laugh and the release of stress comes from sitting at His feet.

Protect your Borders

A few nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night with the words “He grants you peace in your borders” (11) playing over and over in my mind. Many of us have prayed this for our countries, not realizing the borders of our mind have been broken into. In Isaiah we read, “Neither wasting nor destruction shall be within your borders!” (12) Let’s not spend our thoughts on things that destruct and cause us to waste away.  In Revelation 6 the Angel takes peace from the earth. (13) Women, I call the alert. Not one second before the allotted time shall we allow peace to go! No Way! Its time to take back our land! It times to take back our minds, our hearts and our homes to the source of the river! So we can look forward to…

A Different Future

Many a woman has got all out of whack because the future turned out different than her plan. You can’t trust Him now? Fear and anxiety grab your throat and are about to win the day. But wait, when they win, you lose! You lose the excitement of life. You become drab as dishwater and useless as a wet noodle - spectatoring, not loving too deeply or expecting too much, always playing it safe just in case. Most of all, it makes you miss the full enjoyment of the intimate moments with God and man… that beautiful sunset, the awakening of spring, the whisper and kiss from your little child.

Peace is not accomplishing our future, but resting our future in God’s hands. It is resting in the still small voice of the all-encompassing “I Am”. When you take hold of His hand, you will find it is the hand of the Almighty God. He speaks to your soul and says, “I am your peace. I am your everything. I am the one who loves you like no other and I hold your life. You can hope and you can laugh at the days to come!” (14)

Your friend Vangi.


Primm Springs, Tennessee, USA

Scripture References:

  1. Psalm 139:13-18;
  2. Jeremiah 4:22
  3. John 14:1,27b
  4. Colossians 3:15
  5. Isaiah 66:12
  6. Isaiah 30:15
  7. Mark 10:41-42
  8. 1 Peter 5:7
  9. Matthew 11:28
  10. Matthew 11:29-30
  11. Psalm 147:14
  12. Isaiah 60:18
  13. Revelation 6:4
  14. Ephesians 2:14


Encourage Your Soul

Some weeks ago, I was asked to lead worship at our church. The song I chose to begin the praise time was a tune set to the words of Psalms 42:5, “Why so downcast oh my soul? Put your hope in God and bless the Lord oh my soul.”

As I looked at the context of this verse in the Bible, it dawned on me that David was actually talking to his own soul. His circumstances were far from perfect. He was facing adversity and he simply did not feel like praising God, so he had to tell himself to bless the Lord. I believe this is why God calls it “a sacrifice of praise.”  Our flesh may not feel like praising Him, but when we start, something good happens in our spirit.  Praising God takes our eyes off our own problems and focuses them on Him. God says he inhabits the praises of His people and where His presence is, there too is His power.

I can relate to King David in some ways. Recently our circumstances have been difficult. This Scripture has encouraged me to overcome the despair I would normally feel while focusing on the negatives of our situation. Although sometimes it has been the last thing I have felt like doing, I have begun praising God and the despair has lifted.

Ephesians 5:2 tells us to “Give thanks always for all things.” I don’t believe God inspired this Scripture for His own benefit, but for ours. God knows that giving thanks will set us on a path to positivity. The Bible is very practical. One day, in particular, our financial situation seemed hopeless. I felt myself being drawn into a depression of gloom. It almost felt good to wallow in the hopelessness of it all. But then I was reminded of this Scripture, and began to list the things I had to be thankful to the Lord for. By the end of the list I was uplifted. I knew God would see us through like He always had, and I couldn’t help but sing praises to Him.

I love the Scripture in the Psalm 61:2 that says, “When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Left to ourselves we have only despair, but God is always ready to fill us with hope.

I have never suffered with major depression, but I have been inclined to get down and gloomy. As women, I think many of us are prone to this. God has a remedy for it, but it’s an active remedy. We have to lift our voices and spirits to Him in praise and He will lift us up. 

There is an epidemic of depression in our society. Prozac is the chosen symptom duller for so many and it is even rampant in the church. I know there are serious cases where medication is important, but I also know God’s principles and promises make for total healing. Often, medication is sought to alleviate the way we feel. To me this is like putting a Band-Aid on cancer. God wants to get to the root of the problem and heal it, whether it is discontentment, a negative attitude, complacency in our walk, or simply relying on things and people to fill us up. 

We may not always feel happy, but the Lord will give us joy. Sometimes our days may be chaotic, but we can know peace. We may not know wealth, but we can have a richness of spirit.

Nancy Campbell

Above Rubies Address

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