Philippians 1:1 enjoins to be “filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ.” Isn’t it wonderful that every word that God gives us in His living word relates to us in our daily life? That means right now, in our kitchen with our children, and whatever is happening. And that could mean challenging, or even overwhelming!

What does it mean to be a righteous mother? What does it mean to establish a righteous home?

Let’s get it straight. Righteousness is not legality. Righteousness is not stuffiness. Righteousness is not religiosity. Righteousness is not going around with a long boring face!

Righteousness is the life of Jesus shining through our lives. It is His life shining through our smile, our words, and our actions. It comes forth from our hands and feet as we serve with joy in our home. Righteousness is equated with joy. Speaking of Jesus, Hebrews 1:9 says, “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.”

You are not called to create a “religious” home, filled with laws and regulations. You are called to establish a righteous home, filled with the joy and peace of the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17).

Love from Nancy

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Jeremiah confessed, “The Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one” (Jeremiah 20:11).

Some time back Evangeline’s husband, Howard had a dream or a vision (he is not sure what)--something that rarely happens to him. He saw three black lines that looked like steel bars but they were slightly arched. He wondered what on earth he was seeing when God came to him in a powerful way and his whole body trembled through and through.

The Holy Spirit spoke to his heart, “These are the eyebrows of the Lion. He is much bigger and much nearer than you think!”

We often fail to realize with our puny minds the awesomeness and terribleness of our God. And, dear mother, this is the God who is with you to help you in your divine task of raising your children. He gave you this powerful career and He will not forsake you. He is your great and mighty God. Nothing is too hard for Him. Nothing takes him by surprise.

And, He is with you in your home, right now!

Love from Nancy
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We don’t have to do one thing to drift with the current, do we? It happens without our doing anything. We can lay back and relax and watch the world go by.

Hebrews 2:1 Weymouth says, “For this reason we ought to pay the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, for fear we should drift away from them.” He also comments, “Drifting is an unconscious process. Often it is not until we are actually on the rocks that we know that we were in danger.” And Westcott comments, “We are all continually exposed to the action of currents of opinion, habit, action, which tend to carry us away insensibly from the position which we ought to maintain.”

Conversely, it takes concerted effort and untiring strength, conviction and purpose to go in the right direction, which most times is against the current of this world.

I am sure you are living against the grain of this society. Keep standing strong. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t cave in to the easy way. You may receive scoffing and contempt from family members and people around you, but put your shoulders back and lift up your head. You are on God’s course! Your end is “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Your disdainers are deceived and deliriously drifting on dangerous currents.

And please, do everything in your power to keep you children from drifting in the current of this world.

Love from Nancy
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Micah 4:5 says, “Though all the peoples walk each in the name of his god (whatever captivates their attention), as for us, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”

Do you want this confession to be the testimony of your family? I want it to be our affirmation, “As for the Campbell family, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”

What a great affirmation for you and your children to speak out loud each morning, “As for us (put in your family name), we will walk in the name of the Lord our God.” Perhaps you could all say it together at breakfast time. At least, find the most appropriate time of each day to say it together, especially when daddy is with the family.

What a privilege to walk in the name of the Lord God. And what a responsibility to take His name upon our lives and our family, and all that His holy and awesome name represents. As we make this a family confession and testimony, it will remind us to conduct our lives in a way that will not bring dishonor to His glorious name.

How long are we to walk in His name? Forever and ever. This is my prayer for our family and the generations to come, that they will all continue to walk in the power of His name.

Pray daily, not only for your children, but for the generations to come. Your mothering is not only for today but to influence future generations.

Love from Nancy
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Micah 4:5 says, “Though all the peoples walk each in the name of his god (whatever captivates their attention), as for us, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”

Do you want this confession to be the testimony of your family? I want it to be our affirmation, “As for the Campbell family, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”

What a great affirmation for you and your children to speak out loud each morning, “As for us (put in your family name), we will walk in the name of the Lord our God.” Perhaps you could all say it together at breakfast time. At least, find the most appropriate time of each day to say it together, especially when daddy is with the family.

What a privilege to walk in the name of the Lord God. And what a responsibility to take His name upon our lives and our family, and all that His holy and awesome name represents. As we make this a family confession and testimony, it will remind us to conduct our lives in a way that will not bring dishonor to His glorious name.

How long are we to walk in His name? Forever and ever. This is my prayer for our family and the generations to come, that they will all continue to walk in the power of His name.

Pray daily, not only for your children, but for the generations to come. Your mothering is not only for today but to influence future generations.

Love from Nancy
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God hovers over motherhood. He is with you from the beginning to the end. Are you waiting to give birth to a baby soon? God will be with you in your birth. David confesses in Psalm 22:9, “Thou art He that took me out of the womb.” Many translations say, “You brought me safely from my mother’s womb.” Whether you are having your baby at home or in a hospital, put your trust in God. He is the one who brings the baby safely from the womb. He is hovering over you for the life of your baby.

When the baby is born there comes the very precious awareness of the presence of God in your home. It always comes with a new baby who is sent fresh from heaven. I reveled in this time when my babies came.

David continues, “Thou dist make me hope when I was upon my mother’s breasts.” As the little babe nurses at the continually available breasts of the mother, the baby learns that he can totally trust God. As the breast is always accessible, so he learns that God, Jehovah Shamah, will always be there for him.

Another Psalmist confesses the same thing as David, “Upon Thee I have leaned from birth; it was Thou who took me from the maternal womb. My praise is continually of thee” (Psalm 71:6 MLB). Put your trust in God who is watching over every aspect of your motherhood.

Love from Nancy
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In Obadiah verse 11, it talks about foreigners entering into the gates of Jerusalem. My, how we have to watch for the “foreign” sneaking through the gates of our home, don’t we?

The “foreign” is all around us. We live in the midst of it. God doesn’t want to take us out of it, but to be shining lights in the midst of it. Jesus prayed, “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil” (John 13:15).

But, although it is all around us, we must be on guard that none of the “foreign” enters our home. Our home is to be a sanctuary from evil--all that is opposite to God’s standard, His Word, and His heart.

The adversary looks for any opening he can find to intrude into your sanctuary. Guard your gates. Guard your home on all four sides. Guard with prayer. By intercession and prayer, put a hedge of protection around your home (Job 1:10).

Give no foothold for the enemy. Allow no estrangement in your marriage. Don’t allow any worldly spirit to come in through the media. Be ruthless against the enemy.

May we have the testimony of Nehemiah when he confessed, “I purged out everything foreign” (Nehemiah 13:30 NLT).

Love from Nancy

P.S. Read these Scriptures also: Deuteronomy 7:25-26; Palm 144: 7-8, 11-15; Lamentations 4:12; Ephesians 5:11; 6:10-13.
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Jacob said to Laban, “I will again feed and keep thy flock” (Genesis 30:31). For 20 long years Jacob shepherded Laban’s flock (Genesis 31:38), but he continued shepherding all his life.

Our mothering is also a shepherding role and even though we may continue mothering for 20 years or more, it doesn’t stop there. We are shepherd-mothers all our lives. This is our role.

What does it mean to shepherd? Two massive tasks—to feed and to keep.

The word “feed” is raah and means “to feed, pasture, rule, and care for our flock, but it also means to associate with as a friend.” The Hebrew literally means “to continue tending.” Like a literal shepherd, we don’t leave our flock. We are always with them—feeding (it’s hard to get out of the kitchen, isn’t it?), leading, and guiding them.

The word “keep” is shamar and means “to guard, keep safe, watch over and protect.” Once again, we are always near our flock. We can’t watch over them if we are not with them. And, of course, we not only protect their physical lives, but their souls and spirits.

A powerful full-time career. Embrace it and enjoy it today.

Love from Nancy
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Psalm 37:34 NLT says, “Don’t be impatient for the Lord to act! Travel steadily along his path.”

I don’t have visions and dreams (I would love to). I don’t live by my feelings. How then do I live out my walk with God? By plodding on from day to day.

I don’t have to be disturbed by my circumstances because God is bigger than all the challenges I face. I don’t have to be intimidated by my antagonists because God’s truth will eventually win the day.

I don’t have to be fazed by what is going on in the world for God is in control. He is the only Potentate, King of kings and Lord of lords. All presidents, prime ministers, and leaders of this world are all in His hand and He will have the last say.

Therefore, by faith, I walk steadily along God’s path. I don’t have to be high one day and low the next. I keep on plodding on faithfully from day to day, no matter what the day brings. I can patiently wait for God to move because His timing is better than mine.

Steady your soul today, dear mother. God is in control of your life and the life of your precious children.

Love from Nancy
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How much to do you believe in the power of God’s Word? I read this morning in Psalm 19:7-11 that His Word restores the soul, makes wise the simple, rejoices the heart, enlightens the eyes, gives us warning, and “in keeping of them there is great reward.”

I believe God’s Word has the power to fill up weaknesses in our own lives and our children’s lives. If you have a weakness in your life, search the Scriptures for God’s victory in this area. Meditate on and memorize these Scriptures. Constantly confess these Scriptures out loud. As you do, you will find that the weakness will turn into a strength in your life.

I also used this principle as I raised our children. When I saw an area of weakness in their lives, or an area where I knew God needed to work in their lives, I would search the Scriptures to find answers. I would then minister these Scriptures into their lives. It is not your words, but God’s Word that will change their lives.

I would encourage you to do this also in the training of your children. Write the applicable Scriptures up on your walls. Teach and explain the Scriptures you researched to you children. Use them as memory verses. Repeat and recite them over and over again.

You will be amazed at how the Word brings change into their lives and mold them into the image of God.

Love from Nancy
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Can I remind you today to make every decision in the light of building your marriage and your home? Ask yourself, “Is what I am doing, or what I plan to do going to fragment my home or build and strengthen it? Are the words I am speaking to my husband strengthening my marriage? Are the words I say to my children building them up?

In this hour of the weakening of families, we must make every decision in this light. The decisions we make not only build or pluck down our family life now, but also future generations.

You as a wife and mother have power to affect this nation. You can strengthen this nation and turn it more toward God as you strengthen your marriage and your family life. The decisions to build can sometimes be sacrificial, but they bring great fruitfulness. The decisions to take the easy or selfish route may seem fine for now, but in the end they wreck havoc on the family.

Think not only of the now, but of the future. Be a nation builder today.

Love from Nancy
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What does a mother of many children do when she has a new baby? How does she get to nurse her baby?

What a beautiful sight as I beheld all Serene’s children gathered around their new baby sister, Haven Rest. And not only all her children, but all the cousins too. They all wanted a turn to hold the baby, some getting put out because they hadn’t had a turn yet. Their eyes were filled with wonder and delight. The room was suffocating with children and Serene had to prize her precious baby away to feed her.

Oh the joy of new life. There is no greater wonder and blessing that can come into the home than a new precious life that comes freshly from the hand of God, “the descent from heaven of a new soul,” a child destined by God for specific purposes on this earth and who will live forever.

There is no greater gift to give children. There is nothing they would rather have than another baby sister or brother. And no matter how many children in the family, the wonder and excitement never fades.

This is the “life” of familiness. What sadness and deprivation when there is no new life. How sad that modern Christianity has been seduced by the enemy who hates life to limit their families. They not only limit children, but dynasties to come. They not only limit children, but the joy, laughter, wonder, delight and the divine visitation that comes with new life.

Love from Nancy
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I can remember times during the days of our marriage when my husband would come home tired and ready for his evening meal, but I had planned to go out to a meeting or activity. What should I do? Place his dinner in front of him, say Bye, and leave him to all the children? Or should I stay with him and the children for the evening?

The modern viewpoint would say, “Well, you’ve been with the children all day long. It’s about time he had his turn!”

But what decision will build into the marriage and the home? I think you’ve guessed it. It is so easy to build into so many other things in this life and forget our greatest building project.

That doesn’t mean, of course, that you will never go out. There are always special occasions. But we need to be sensitive and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit as to what is the best thing. Good things are often the enemy of the best!

Proverbs 14:1 says, “Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.” The New Century Version says it very clearly, “A wise woman strengthens her family, but a foolish woman destroys hers by what she does.”

As wives and mothers, we constantly have to make decisions. Make your decision to BUILD AND STRENGTHEN.

Love from Nancy
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Yesterday we talked of how God wants to be the God of our family. What are some of the ways we can make Him God in our home? How do we make Him preeminent? I will look forward to hearing your thoughts.

I believe that one of the ways we make God paramount in our family life is by taking time each morning and evening to read God’s Word and pray with our families. Is that too much to ask? I think it is the least that we can give God each day. If our lives are too busy and our schedule so tight that we can’t fit morning and evening devotions into our family life, then obviously other things are more important than God.

I know it takes reorganization. I know it takes effort on our part. In fact, I often say that making Family Devotions happen is 98% the wife’s part. It won’t happen if we don’t work to make it happen.

I believe we also have to watch going out too much in the evenings. It’s easy to get involved in many Christian activities, even good and worthwhile things, and yet they take away from building into our family and making God the Lord of our home. We are not to make the church the lord of our home. We are not to make “good” activities the lord of our Home. We are to make Him Lord IN OUR HOME!

Love from Nancy

P.S. I would encourage you to check out the following links:
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I have always loved the Scripture in Jeremiah 31:1 where God says, “I will be the God of all the families of Israel.” God is the originator of families. He loves families. And He wants to be the God of each individual family.

God cannot be God of the nation unless He is God of the families. It all starts with families. That means it starts with us. The most powerful thing we can do to bless our nation is strengthen our individual marriage and family.

The devil wants to weaken families. He tempts us with things that look good to lure us away from the home. Yes, even homeschooling mothers can often be more involved out of the home than in the home. I want to encourage you that the greatest thing you can do is to build your home. Put an end to everything that fragments your family life. Cancel everything that weakens your marriage and family structure at home (Proverbs 14:1). Know your purpose and stick to it.

Are you running your home from the periphery of your home, or from the heart of your home? Is God the preeminent One in your home, or someone to be called upon when you need Him?

Love from Nancy
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Are you currently facing an impossible situation? Can I encourage you to not look at the “impossible” situation, but to look to God? The word “impossible” means nothing to Him. It is not in His vocabulary.

What did Abraham do in the impossibly looking situation when God promised him a son? He was 100 years old and Sarah was ninety! It couldn’t happen naturally. Romans 4:20 ESV says, “No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God.”

I was challenged as I read this Scripture again. Abraham became strong in faith as he praised God. He would have become weak in faith if he had kept dwelling on the impossibility of the situation.

Praise God in your situation. Give glory to God that He is in control and He can do what man cannot do. Even when you feel full of doubt, keep giving glory to the Lord, and your faith will grow strong.

Love, Nancy
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What kind of “way” do we live in our families? God has provided a “new and living way” to live (Hebrews 10:20). But, the question is, do we really live the “new and living way” that has been provided for us through God sending His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and rise again?

Jesus’ death upon the cross was not only to save us from our sins, but to come into our lives by the power of His Holy Spirit and give us the power to live in victory, overcome evil, and the bondage of our self life (2 Corinthians 5:15; Galatians 1:4 and Colossians 1:27b).

You don’t have to live the old way any longer. You don’t have to let your flesh rule as you face all the interruptions, frustrations, and challenges of your mothering day. You have Christ living in you. You are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). You have a new way of living.

Live the new way today. Teach your children how to live the new way. No Christian family should be bound to the old fleshly way of living. That is an indictment to the cross of Christ and gives the victory to Satan. Let Christ rule in your heart today and let Him have the victory in your home.

Love from Nancy
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Paul asked the question in 1 Corinthians 4:7, “What do you have that you were not given? And if it was given to you, how can you brag?” (CEV). How we need to be reminded of this question. Truly, everything we have and everything we are as a person has been given to us by God. We cannot lay claim to one thing! We have no room for boasting.

What a difference this truth makes to our lives. We are cast upon God for our every breath. He is our Source, our Life, our Hope, and our Salvation. Every gift and talent we have has been given to us by God and therefore we are responsible to Him to use it for His glory (Matthew 25:14-30).

What about our children? We cannot claim them as our own, either. They are gifts from God, and therefore, once again, we are responsible to God for the way we train them and prepare their hearts to receive God’s direction for their lives. We cannot plan their path, or even bend them in a certain way, apart from God’s way. God has already put His chosen gifts and talents in them and planned their destiny before the foundation of the world. We can’t take any credit for their gifts. They are all given by God.

I look at my grown children (and some of them already have grown children of their own) and I see more than ever that God created each one uniquely. I cannot boast of their gifts and talents because they were indelibly placed within them by the hand of God.

You can trust God for your children because He has planned their lives.

Love from Nancy
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It’s our attitude that counts, isn’t it? What kind of an attitude do you wake up with this morning?

Don’t let your feelings control your attitude. Determine your attitude and your feelings will follow! That’s the victorious way to live!

I was challenged today by the attitude of Jesus. When He came from the glory of heaven to this earth to accomplish the Father’s will, He didn’t do it grudgingly, but He delighted to do the Father’s will, even though it meant giving His life. Psalm 40: 8 says, “I DELIGHT to do thy will, O my God.” His was the ultimate sacrifice, and yet He DELIGHTED to do His Father’s will.

You are in the Father’s will as you create a godly home and tenderly nurture the children God has given you. He is the One who has given you this task. What’s your attitude? Do you complain and groan? Or do you DELIGHT to do His will?

Change your attitude to DELIGHT today. Check out Deuteronomy 28:46-47 which tells us that God takes His blessing from us when we do not serve Him with “joyfulness, and with gladness of heart.”

Love from Nancy
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I mentioned yesterday that God always blesses before giving conception. So you know I am telling you the truth, here is just one of many Scriptures. Deuteronomy 7:13 says, “And He will love thee, and bless thee.” How does God show His love and blessing to us? The next words of this Scripture say, “And multiply thee: He will also bless the fruit of thy womb.”

The blessing that God delights to give more than anything else is the blessing of the fruit of the womb, and even multiplication.

Imagine a young couple receiving this blessing on their wedding day? Genesis 24:60, “And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her… Be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.”

Isn’t it amazing how we are so far removed from the Scriptures and the heart of God that this generation of Christians believe the opposite to God’s plan? How can it be that the majority of Christians are trying to stop the blessing of God?

Do you think it is time for us to return to God’s heart and His plan for us?

Love, Nancy
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