What kind of home do you want to build for God? An average home? One that is like everyone else around? It so easy to assimilate to be like everyone else, isn't it? We judge our style of living according to others in our church or neighborhood.

But, God never intends us to assimilate. God does not want His people to conform, but to be separated from the norm (Leviticus 20:24,26; 2 Corinthians 6:17-18).

Last post I wrote of the vision to build an "exceeding magnificent" home for the Lord. The word "exceeding" in the Hebrew is "ma'al" and means "above, very high, the upper part." This word, "ma'al" is translated "above" 53 times and "upward" 59 times!

I think we should change gears in our brain from building an average home that meets the standard of everyone around us, and instead seek to build a home that is above the normal, above the mediocre, and above the status quo. We should seek to build a family that not only just functions, but is abundant in every area, giving glory and honor to God. We should build a home that is above the average, so we can reach out and show the way to those who are still in the average rut.

In the average home today, there are more TVs in the home than children. The "above the norm" home will have more children than TVs.
In the "above average" home the siblings will be friends rather than fighting with one another.
An "above the norm" home will be filled with the joy of hospitality.
The "above the norm" family will take time to pray and read God's Word together each day.
The "above the norm" family will spend more time in productiveness at home rather than running here and there to every extra-curricular activity.

Aim for the "above average," not "below average."

Love from Nancy

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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

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