Hebrews 11 tells us about the great men of faith. I am always inspired by Hebrews 11:34 where it says that "out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in the fight." Even the great warriors of faith didn't start out strong. They began in weakness, but they became stronger with each battle they fought.

Do you sometimes feel weak as you face your battles in life? Don't give up. And don't  spurn the battles, for each battle is going to make you stronger as you learn to trust the Lord to fight for you.

J. B. Phillip's says, "From being weaklings they became strong men and mighty warriors."

The Amplified version says, "Out of frailty and weakness won strength and became stalwart, even mighty and resistless in battle, routing alien hosts."

Be encouraged. Your battles will make you stronger.

Love from Nancy

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When in Belgium I talked with a Dutch lady about what they call Family Devotions in Dutch. She said that growing up in her home in The Netherlands they called it "FINISHING UP THE MEAL." I had never heard that expression before. However, as I thought about, it I realized that it was actually a very good name. We have not finished our meal if we only feed the body. We have to feed the inner man, too. If we leave the table before feeding the spirits of our children with God's living Word, we leave the table only half finished!

Do you finish up the meal at your table?

Love from Nancy

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Isaiah 2:22 says, "Cease from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?"

Isn't it strange how we as mere man seem to trust in man, the created, rather than in God, the Creator and Sovereign Lord of the universe. May God help us to be women who know how to trust God.

Love from Nancy

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I am sure that everyone on the mailing list in USA should now have their magazines. If your magazine hasn't arrived yet, email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your mailing address.

I know you will love this new issue of Above Rubies. Many have written and said it the best they have ever read. It has so many powerful testimonies that you will want to share with others.

The marriage restoration testimony, BRING HIM HOME by Connie Hultquist is one of the most incredible testimonies I have ever read. Share it with those whose marriages are struggling.

There are two very powerful testimonies about abortion, that I pray will be used to stop many babies from being aborted. And I love the feature about Serving the Lord as a FAMILY, don't you? And of course every other story.

If you need extra magazines to share with friends and family and anyone you meet, don't hesitate to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your mailing address and state how many you need.

And if you are new to Above Rubies and don't yet receive the Above Rubies Magazine, you can subscribe by going to this link: Above Rubies Magazine subscription. You will be mightily blessed and encouraged.

Love from Nancy

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In all my life I never been so aware of the battle between the forces of darkness and light. It's hard to believe that even little babies are a target! Yes, sweet innocent beautiful babies, created in the image of God! It seems there are now more "Christians" that are AGAINST babies than FOR babies! How can this be? It is against all natural instinct!

I have just come back from three weeks speaking in Europe and UK and I faced this spirit head on, even inside the walls of the church! I only have to speak or write the words, "Children are a blessing" and there is immediate negative reaction! This reaction does not come from God, so where does it come from?

There are only two kingdoms in this world, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Satan's kingdom is a kingdom of deception for he is the father of lies (John 8:44). Satan's kingdom hates life. He comes to "steal, kill, and destroy" (John 10:10). But, God's kingdom is a kingdom of truth and life. God is the creator and lover of babies.

And now we face further distortion of God's creation and truth with the pushing for gay marriage. They even want to fool us with the words, "Marriage Equality"! May God save us. We cringe at the sins of Sodom of Gomorrah and now confront them head on in our western modern western society.

It is time to raise the banner of God's truth. It is time to speak out, for there may come a time when our mouths will be silenced. We dare not give in to deception, compromise, mediocrity, lukewarmness, and tolerance to sin. We must decide to which kingdom we belong--God's kingdom of truth and life, or the kingdom of darkness that hates life and seeks to eliminate it in whatever way possible.

"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16).

Love from Nancy

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 28, 2013

"Respect and honor your husband. Let him be the leader. Look at him and give him attention when he speaks to you. He will thrive when you respect him."

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 27, 2013

"The more children God gives to you, the more blessings come to your home. You are blessed, grandparents are blessed, the nation is blessed, future generations are blessed, and eternity is blessed."

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 26, 2013

"You are a nation builder. You build and strengthen the nation as you embrace motherhood. It is mothers who determine the destiny of the nation.

When mothers vacate the home and childbearing the nation weakens. When mothers come back to the home with a vision to raise godly children the nation strengthens again."


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Today's Message from Nancy - March 25, 2013

"Release your husband to fulfill his role. He is ultimately responsible to protect you and provide for you. God didn't create two Adams. He created an Adam and an Eve."


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Today's Message from Nancy - March 22, 2013

“Husbands are desperate for love and encouragement. Maybe your husband did not receive all the encouragement he needed as a child and his confidence tank is not yet filled up. You can fill up that lack in your husband."

Proverbs 12:25 TLB says, “A word of encouragement does wonders.”

"Look out! When you start encouraging your husband, wonders will happen!”


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Today's Message from Nancy - March 21, 2013

"I am walking in the power of the cross of Jesus which is greater than my feelings, greater than my circumstances, and greater than the temptations of this world."

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 20, 2013

"In the midst of lots of noise

I will never lose my poise,

Although my work may never cease

I refuse to lose my peace!"

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 19, 2013

“Mother, you are not wasting your life in your home.

God says that children are at the very center of life in the kingdom of God. When you take time to hold a little child on your lap, you wield a mighty power.

You are in the perfect will of God. You are not only doing something that is good, you are doing what is BEST.

You are in the very center of God’s heart."

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 18, 2013

"Hallelujah! As a mother and home-maker I am in the most high-powered career in the nation, and I am employed by God Himself!"

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 15, 2013

"Encourage your husband today. Speak loving and encouraging words to him--your words either build or destroy your marriage.

Smile at him each time you look at him. Concentrate on his good points and be big enough to overlook the negatives--you didn't notice them when you fell in love."

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 14, 2013

"I will not be moved by trials,

I will not be moved by doubt,

I will not be moved by those who would steer

me away from God’s ultimate truth!"

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 13, 2013

“Many of our children have accomplished things that we could never have dreamed of! They have achieved things that were beyond our abilities!

Your children, too, are filled with divine talents that God has put into their lives. Don’t let them go undiscovered. Look for them. Encourage their hidden traits. Bring them to the surface.

Delight in their special abilities, rather than expecting them to be like everyone else in the family!"

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 12, 2013

"When the truth of God's Word is strong in the home, it will once again be alive in the streets."

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 11. 2013

“Encouragement is the rich soil in which we grow our children to their full potential.”

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Today's Message from Nancy - March 8. 2013

"Embrace your calling of motherhood. You live in the glory of who you were created to be when you are nurturing and nourishing your children."

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ