OnlySoLongAnother beautiful poem from Val Halloran:

Only so many messes,
Diapers and strollers won't stay.
Not very many lullaby songs
Til you've grown and gone your way.

Only a short time to teach you,
To know of God's love for you;
To trust Him and seek Him for everything,
To follow His call for you.

Too soon the day is coming
When toys are all stored away;
When our home that's been your shelter
Won't be the place you'll stay.

So I will savor these moments,
Even the trying times too,
Knowing that one of God's greatest gifts
Has been the pleasure of raising you.

2019, Val Halloran
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LifeChangeSecretThere is a Scripture that changed my life when learning to walk in victory as a young mother. It is found in Philemon 1:6: “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”

How can the fruit of the Holy Spirit be truly effectual in my life? By acknowledging that Jesus Christ lives in me by His Holy Spirit, and that every good thing that is in Jesus is therefore in me, if I will let Him live His life through me. When Jesus came into my life, He didn’t leave out His joy. When He came into your life, He didn’t leave out His joy. He comes as who He is, and He wants to reveal His life through you and me.

Remember, all these beautiful attributes are not only nouns, but also verbs! Love is a noun, but also a verb. Love doesn’t become effective until we verb it. We love, not because we feel like loving, or because the person is nice or doing what we want them to do, but because Christ wants to love through us.!

Joy is a noun, but also a verb, usually translated rejoice! The joy of the Lord doesn’t change just because you feel lousy. It’s still the same. It’s always there. Rejoice that you are a child of God. Rejoice that you have eternal life. Rejoice that God has blessed you with your precious children. Rejoice that you trust in a God who will never fail you. Rejoice even when everything looks hopeless. “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice!” (Philippians 4;4).

Did you know that apart from rejoice, joy also has two other verbs? They are “joyed” and “joying”? Have you heard those words before? They are in the King James Version of the Bible (2 Corinthians 7:13 and Colossians 2:5).

Why not do some joying in your home? Everyone is getting upset and tense? Forget your schedule and go out a-joying with your children. Think of something fun to do. Your marriage is getting a bit boring. Think of something creative to do and a-joying with your husband.

Peace is a noun, but the Bible makes it a verb. It tells us to extend peace, follow peace, love peace, make peace, ordain peace, preach peace, publish peace, pursue peace, seek peace and speak peace.

God wants to bring a bit of heaven to your home today. Yield yourself to Him so He can shine His attributes through you. Invite Him to fill you to overflowing so you will overflow with His love, His joy, His longsuffering, His patience, and His self-control.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Verbs for peace:
Isaiah 66:1, 2; Hebrews 12:14; Zechariah 8:19; Isaiah 27:5; Ephesians 2:15; Isaiah
26:12; Acts 10:36; Acts 2:17; Isaiah 52:7; Nahum 1:15; Psalm 34:14; 1 Peter 3:11; Esther 10:3; and Psalm 85:8.

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KingsDaughterThe following is written by a wonderful older woman, Connie Hultquist, about the “King’s daughter” of Psalm 45 who is “all glorious within.” Be blessed.

She is anointed with gladness above all her companions. As she sings and plays with her babies, the angels dance and sing about her (Matthew 18:10). She hears the Lord’s voice as she does her daily work.

She sets the table for supper. She shuts out her own household duties when she sees her mate coming home from work. She kisses him reverently and helps him with his coat and snowy shoes. She fixes his chair and gives him his mail. She sits on a chair beside him and asks him about his day. She speaks softly to the children and asks them to pick up their toys before supper.

She hears her husband praise her as he speaks to friends, “My wife stays at home with our children. Her prayers keep our family together. I love having my wife at home.”

This mother tells a story to the world. She is like Mary who entertained the angel with an obedient heart and gave birth supernaturally to God’s Son, Jesus. She is like Sarah who called her husband, lord, and gave birth to Isaac in her old age. She is like Hannah who gave birth to the prophet, Samuel.

The things of this world and all that glitters cannot compare to the spiritual treasures in this mother’s holy temple. She is a handmaiden for Christ, a covenant keeper. She is the King’s daughter and she is all glorious within.

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HSHWhat kind of an atmosphere should be in our homes? Jesus showed us when He told us how to pray. Read the Lord’s Prayer again in Matthew 6:9-13. The Luke 11:2 passage says: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth . . . ”

What a powerful statement: “as in heaven, so in earth.” Read this over and over. Let the amazingness of this truth sink into your mind and heart. Let it fill your being. Write it out in big letters and pin it up in your kitchen.

Can you believe it? God wants His will to be accomplished in our homes, just as it is in Heaven, His home. God wants the atmosphere of heaven to be the atmosphere of your home. God’s wants His presence to fill your home. This is His perfect will for you. This is the prayer Jesus wants you to pray for your home every day. Start praying it today.

What’s the atmosphere like in heaven? We haven’t been there yet, but we know it is filled with harmony and unity. We know it is filled with light and glory. We know it is filled with love and joy. We know that it is “righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

We know that it embraces children. When the disciples tried to shoo the little children away from Jesus, He rebuked them and said: “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Children are very much part of the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:13-16; and Luke 18:15 16).

We know that it involves eating together around the table for when Jesus spoke to His disciples, He told them about His table in His heavenly kingdom (Matthew 8:11; Luke 13:29; 22:29-30; and Revelation 19:9).

When I have spoken on this subject, I have sometimes asked this question, “What kind of atmosphere does God want you to have in your home?” Here are some of the responses women have given to me . . .

appreciation, acceptance,
cheerfulness, commitment, communication, compassion, consideration, contentment, courteousness,
encouragement, excitement and fun (in the home rather than having to find it outside the home),
eliminating unnecessary telephone calls,
faithfulness, forbearance, forgiveness, fruitfulness,
generousness, gentleness, godliness, goodness, God-centeredness, God’s Word, graciousness,
harmony, heavenliness, helpfulness, holiness, hospitality, humility,
longsuffering, love, loving discipline, laughter,
mercy, meekness, motherliness
opportunities for creativity, opportunities to dream and think great thoughts, order and routine without rigidity and legality,
patience, peace, praise and worship, prayer, purity, a place of refuge, pleasantness, politeness, positiveness, putting others first,
respect, rest, righteousness,
self-control, selflessness, serenity, servanthood, singing, submission, sweetness,
teachableness, tenderheartedness, thankfulness, thoughtfulness, truthfulness,
warmth, willingness,

“Help,” you cry out. “This is beyond me! How can I have the atmosphere of heaven when I often scream and yell at the children?” “I’m tired of being a servant and I’m angry with my husband and he does nothing to help me,” another mother sighs.

Don’t worry, dear mother, you can’t do it on your own, so stop trying. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 says: “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, THAT THE EXCELLENCY OF THE POWER MAY BE OF GOD, AND NOT OF US

God has shined in your heart so you can reveal His light to your children and to all you meet. You are just an “earthen vessel” with no power to do anything. It’s not your light, but God’s light that shines through you. It’s not your longsuffering, but God’s patience that flows through you. It’s not your love, but God’s love in you. Your love runs out easily, but God’s love never runs dry. Psalm 107:1 (Msg) says: “His love never runs out!”

Each new day you can come to Him and replenish from His inexhaustible well.

God wants to bring a bit of heaven to your home today. Yield yourself to Him so He can shine His attributes through you. Invite Him to come in and fill every room in your home. Invite Him to take His place at the table with you when you sit down to eat. Invite Him to fill you to overflowing so you will overflow with His love, His joy, His longsuffering, His patience, and His self-control.

And don’t forget to write these words and pin them up in your kitchen a daily reminder . . .

“As in God’s home, so in my home!”

Love from Nancy Campbell

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ObeyWordToday we discover that the word “obey” is in the Scriptures regarding marriage. This time it’s the Greek word “hupakouo.”

“hupo” meaning “to place under, to be under obedience.
“akouo” meaning “to hear, to obey, to hearken, give heed, yield.”

Where do we find it? 1 Peter 3:5, 6: “For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection (hupotasso) unto their own husbands: Even as Sarah obeyed (hupakouo) Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.”

So there it is. The Bible says that we are Sarah’s daughters when we “obey” our husbands.

In fact, this is how the women who lived ”once upon a time” adorned themselves. Actually, it was how they made themselves beautiful.

Beck translation: “This is how long ago the holy women who trusted in God used to make themselves BEAUTIFUL: they submitted to their husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him lord.”

NCV translation: In this same way the holy women who lived long ago and followed God, made themselves BEAUTIFUL, yielding to their own husbands.”

HCSB translation: “For in the past, the holy women who put their hope in God also BEAUTIFIED themselves in this way, submitting to their own husbands, just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord.”

The Bible calls it a beautiful thing. Peter was referring to women who lived long ago. Now we are even further into the future and even further (yes, f-u-r-t-h-e-r) away from God’s original pattern! Why do we think we know best? Why do we spurn God’s way? Why do even Christian women reject God’s pattern?

The word “hupakouo” is the same word used for “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1).

We learn more of what it means when we read other passages where this word is used. It’s the word that is used when Jesus “rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. But the men marveled, saying What manner of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey (hupakouo) him!” (Mathew 8:26, 27). Also Mark 4:41 and Luke 8:25). The winds didn’t resist Jesus. They obeyed Him.

It’s used when Jesus cast out unclean spirits: “For with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey (hupakouo) him.”

It’s used in Scriptures about obeying the gospel (Acts 6:7; Romans 6:17; 2 Philippians 2;123; Thessalonians 1:7-1-0; 3:14; Hebrews 5:9; and 11:8).

Because God ordained marriage as the glorious picture of Christ and the church, we should embrace the spirit of obedience. The paramount thing Jesus talked about in the gospels was to obey His commandments (John 14:15, 21, 23; and 15:19). How can we be part of Christ’s body if we do not obey His commandments? In the same way, as the church hears and obeys Jesus’ commandments, so we reveal this picture by hearing and obeying our husbands.

But we notice that our obedience is “as unto the Lord” (Ephesians 5;22). A wife does not obey her husband if he asks her to sin or do anything that is contrary to God’s Word. If it is contrary to Christ and His Word, it does not reveal the picture of the bride without “spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing” (Ephesians 5:26, 27).

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell


Picture: Sunny-side-up Eggs art print by Soosh


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HypoHupoRecently a reader posted a reply to one of my posts saying that the word “obey” for marriage was not in the Bible.

Well, it seems that most women don’t want that word to be in the Bible, but if we are those who want to live by truth, we had better check it out. Who wants to check it out with me?

Let’s begin with the word submit. Perhaps that is not as frightening as obey. The Greek word is “hupotasso.”
“hupo” means “to place under, to be under obedience.”
“tasso” is a military word meaning “to arrange in an orderly manner, to assign to a certain position, to appoint.”

Therefore, we see that it is a voluntary coming under the protection, covering, and leadership of the husband for the wife’s blessing.

Isn’t it amazing that in our culture of feminism it seems that even the majority of Christian women now reject any form of submission? And yet where does submission originate? In the Godhead. Our God is one God, but three persons, The Father, His Beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit. All have equal authority, and all are worshipped and adored. And yet in this total unity but diversity there is difference of authority. All have authority but the Father is head over the Son.

The Father sent His son into the world (John 3:34, 5:30; 17:18; 20:21; and 1 John 4:9, 14) and Jesus delighted to do the will of His Father (Psalm 40:6-8) and “obeyed” (Philippians 2:8). Not only does marriage reveal the glorious picture of Christ, and His church, His bride who delights to obey her heavenly bridegroom, but we also represent the Trinity. We are made in the likeness and image of God. And in our marriages, we have the privilege to reveal the relationship of the Trinity.

And why are so many adamant about behind “under” ?

“Hupo” is used in the story of the centurion who was in command of 100 men! He said to Jesus that he was “a man under authority” and yet he had soldiers under him. He recognized the authority in Jesus and told him He didn’t have to come to his house to heal his servant, but to just speak the word.

Although we come under the authority of our husbands, God has also given us authority to manage and rule our homes. We are not without authority, but we must exercise the authority God has given us in the sphere He has given to us, rather than seeking to usurp authority that doesn’t belong to us. Read Matthew 6:5-10.

We have a powerful warning in Jude as Jude 1:7 (ESV) states: “And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day.”

Jesus used the word “hupo” when He wept over Jerusalem. Matthew 23:37: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under (hupo) her wings, and ye would not!”

Do you notice the last three words, and with an exclamation mark? “You would not!” Why do we want to refuse “hupo” blessings? "Hupo" is a beautiful word of protection and covering.

God protected the Israelites in the wilderness with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. 1 Corinthians 10:1 tells us that they were all “under (hupo) the cloud.” What a blessing to be under the protection of the cloud, just as it is a privilege to be under the protection and covering of our husbands.

Mark 4:32 speaks of the grain of mustard seed that “groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under (hupo) the shadow of it.” How lovely it is to take respite from the hut sun under the shade of a big tree. It’s the "hupo" blessing!

Because Jesus Christ, the Son, was willing and obedient to go to the cross, God has exalted Him and “hath put all things under (hupo) his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all” (Ephesians 1:22,23). ” Read also 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, most important Scripture.

But I am getting lengthy although I haven’t finished yet. Tomorrow I’ll give you the specific “obey” word for marriage. Are you ready for it? Or are you too scared?

See you tomorrow.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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RUFlourishingDid you know that God's plan for you is to FLOURISH? And He has a special place where He wants you to flourish? Guess. Yes, it’s in your home. Psalm 128:3, 4 (TLB) says: “Your wife will be like fruitful vine, FLOURISHING within your home. And look at all those children! There they sit around your table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees. That is the Lord’s reward for those who fear Him.”

You may not feel as though you are FLOURISHING. Perhaps you feel like a WILTING plant. You feel "half dead"! Or maybe, like some plants, you are barely SURVIVING. You get through each day, but only just!

God has more for you, dear mother. He wants you to flourish and bloom. I believe we only come into the flourishing mode when we embrace our mothering role with all our hearts. No matter what the hardships and challenges, we face them with joy. We are not dreaming of some day when we will be finished with these mothering days. Instead, we live every moment to the full. Every moment is an abounding moment because Christ lives in us and His life is not wilting, but full of life and power (John 10:10).

Embrace your powerful calling of motherhood. Make every moment a God moment. Think of yourself as a flourishing plant—abounding, blooming, blossoming, enlarging, expanding, flowering, growing luxuriantly, increasing, and thriving (Isaiah 54:2-3)! This is God's plan for you.

God bless you today,

Nancy Campbell


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AllHappenHMHome is where we prepare our children to face life.
Home is where we prepare our children to have a relationship with God.
Home is where we prepare our children for their future marriage.
Home is where we prepare our children to raise their own children one day.
Home is where we prepare our children for their destiny.
Home is where we prepare our children to influence the nation.
Home is where we prepare our children for Heaven.

IT ALL HAPPENS IN THE HOME. Without this training in the home the nation will be impaired.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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ItsWonderfulPlaceHome is a place of . . .
Affection and Affirmation
Beauty (a lovely atmosphere for everyone to enjoy)
Giving (each treating the other better than themselves)
Keeping children safe
Making Memories
Quietude (sometimes)!
Responsibility (each one pulling their weight)
Serving one another
Valuing each child
Yeanling (a yeanling is a little lamb or newborn infant and home is where we love and embrace babies)
Zoe (the Greek word for LIFE--home should be filled with life and happiness, not legality!

It would be enough to take one of these and work on them for a few weeks, wouldn’t it? And yet we have 26 of them!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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GladHomeWithout mothers, society would come to a halt. We are the trainers of the up-coming nation. We are the perpetuators is the future generations. We determine the future of society. We keep the home fires burning which is the foundation of the nation. #mothers #mothering #motherhood #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #generationalmotherhood #aboverubies

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You can waste hours of time talking and gossiping on the telephone. Not only is it timewasting, but this is usually when your children get into trouble or be naughty because they realize the phone has taken mother’s attention away from them.

Too many women spend too much time on their iPhones. These iPhones prove how disciplined we really are. Use them to serve you, but don’t become a victim to them. Don’t be checking your iPhone when you should be giving time to your children, reading to them, enjoying them, and doing things that need to be accomplished in the home.

I think there needs to be an etiquette list for iPhones. Here is a list to start with. Let me know others you think of.

a) It is rude to check your iPhone when in conversation with other people. Put it away and give your attention to those you are speaking to.

b) It is rude to bring an iPhone to the table and be checking it and listening for every ding when it is the time to interact and fellowship with your family. Don’t allow any iPhones at your family meal table. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT RULE IN MY HOME!

c) It is rude to be glued to your iPhone when your children need your attention.

d) It is rude to go out for dinner and look at your iPhone instead of being engaged with your husband or family around the table. You see this all the time, don’t you? A family at a restaurant able and everyone looking at their iPhones and no one engaged in conversation. Let’s train our children the true way to live.

e) It is sacrilege to use your iPhone Bible app at church and get side-tracked with messages etc. Use great discipline here. Turn off messaging while you are in church. I think it is still the greatest thing to take your real Bible to church. If you are going to use your iPhone, discipline yourself to not look at one other thing other than the Scriptures you are checking. I have observed people checking social media in church! I have observed it while I have been speaking! I feel grieved. How does God feel?

3. T.V.
I would rather live life than watch it! Teach your children to “live” life rather than watch it go by. Remember that the day is for work, the evening is for relaxation. A good rule for your home is to never turn the TV on during the day. (It can be a timewaster in the evening too)!

Don’t be tempted to read a novel during the hours of the night only to wake up too tired to cope with your children during the day.

Thinking about yourself is a deadly timewaster. You can’t adequately nurture your children or bless others while you use all your emotional energy on yourself.

If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it. It is important to have long-range goals, and a goal for each day, even if you don’t accomplish it all.

Do what needs to be done, not just what you feel like doing. This develops character.

Tackle one job at a time and finish it completely. Then start another job. Clean one room at a time. You don’t have to get everything done in one day. Praise the Lord!

Stay focused. Don’t get sidetracked. Your first priority is to be a wife, a mother, and homemaker. Everything else comes second. Don’t be afraid to say No to extra things.

The more “stuff” you have in your home, the more you must clean. The more gadgets and ornaments you have, the more you must dust. The more toys your children own, the more you must pick up. They only need two or three at once. Put the others away. Continually de-junk your house. Keep only what you need.

When cleaning up, don’t carry one thing to another room and then come back for something else. Put everything for one room in a box, and then take one trip to that room. Save on unnecessary movements. Now, I’ve got to leave this computer and get on to cleaning up. Friday is my Cleaning Day. I’ll start downstairs and put everything I need to take upstairs in a box, instead of loads of trips up and down the stairs. Then when I start upstairs, I’ll put everything in the box to come down. Isn’t it amazing how things gradually get all over the house instead of where they’re meant to be?

Stay focused.

Have a great day,

Nancy Campbell

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StrengthEnergyAre you tired and running out of strength? Thank the Lord for His strength. He is the strength of your life. He is your Strength and your Song. He is your health. Get out your Strong’s Concordance and look up the word strength on the Psalms. Write them down. You will be so encouraged. David constantly addressed God as “my Strength.” #godisyourstrength #godismystrength #godismyhealth #godismyjoy #aboverubies

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ManMouseI love the way God created male and female, husband and wife. He created us as equal human beings but uniquely different. We are created physically and emotionally different and God has given each of us different functions . The husband is primarily the protector, provider, and priest of the home. As mothers, we are the nurturers, nourishers, and nest builders. We fit so perfectly together as one when we each embrace our respective roles. #marriage #ilovemarriage #nurturer #motherhood #mothering #ilovemotherhood #ilovemyhusband #providerandprotector #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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RachamGod creates us to bear His image. How amazing that as females we get to reveal God’s compassion and tender mercies in a very unique way. In creating us for motherhood, with a womb and breasts, we shew forth something of God’s compassionate heart. It is amazing that the Hebrew word “racham” is used interchangeably in the Bible for the womb of a woman and for God’s compassion. As you yield your womb to God you reveal the glory of God’s loving and compassionate heart.

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BestHomeStay, stay at home, my heart, and rest;
Home-keeping hearts are happiest,
For those that wander they know not where
Are full of trouble and full of care;
To stay at home is best.

Weary and homesick and distressed,
They wander east, they wander west,
And are baffled and beaten and blown about
By the winds of the wilderness of doubt;
To stay at home is best.

Then stay at home, my heart, and rest;
The bird is safest in its nest;
O’er all that flutter their wings and fly
A hawk is hovering in the sky;
To stay at home is best.

~ Henry Wadswoth Longellow

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HomenessHomeness is in every one of us. God put it there as He as designed us to love home which is also family. The words for home in the Hebrew and Greek are also used for family. We understand the power of homeness when we see the opposite, homeless. No one is meant to be homeless. God intends every person to live in a family. He sets the solitary in families.

When a child leaves their home to stay with friends it is common for them to be homesick. In fact, homesickness can be debilitating and can be painful for some children, even as they get older. We’ve all felt the sickening feeling of homesickness and understand that it is a vey real thing.

Sometimes we can feel homesick even when we are at home! I think that’s a homesickness for our eternal home. Home is very much tied to our lives.

Once again, because it is a God breathed thing, the devil hates it. The devil hates everything that is of God. He hates life, family, the home, the womb, and babies. The devil is having a heyday as he has successfully wooed thousands of women out of their homes, away from the God-ordained post, away from their children, and away from the nest where God wants to give them sanctuary and rest.

In Psalm 68:11, 12 God talks about the army of women in the home, but they have gone AWOL!

I believe it is time for women to come back to the home. It’s not coming back to nothingness. It’s coming back to the highest career in the nation.

It’s coming back to pour our lives into our children to teach and train them to be mighty for God. It is coming back to the home to have time to prepare meals where we can sit around the table together and fellowship as families. It’s coming back to the home to have time to establish a family meeting with God morning and evening. It’s coming back to the home where we have the opportunity to use all the gifts God has given to us to build godly families and create and make and sew and paint and write and accomplish all the artistic gifts God has put within us.

Creating a home is revealing the likeness of God. He already has a home, but He is still creating. Jesus told us He is preparing a place for us (John 14:1-3). His ultimate plan is to welcome us into His eternal home. When we turn away from home, thinking it is insignificant, we are turning away from God’s ultimate plan. Everything we do in this life is a type and a preparation for our eternal home.

It is time for mothers to make their homes a home, a place where everyone wants to be, and they are homesick when they are not there. He wants us to make delightful homes. The first home was called the Garden of Eden. Eden means “delight” which was the prototype for all homes to come.

The more time we spend away from home, the more we weaken the home. The more we build into our home and family, the more we strengthen it. In fact, it is a good idea when making decisions for your family to have this goal: whatever weakens the family, don’t do it; whatever strengthens the family, go for it.

Let’s get back to homeness, dear mothers. Strong homes make a strong nation.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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ChastenessYes, there is such a word. Check it in your dictionary. It means “to be morally pure in thought or conduct, modest, abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse.”

We read the word chaste in the Bible. The Greek word “hagnos” means “clean, pure from every fault and carnality, modest, moral excellence,” This is one of the attributes that older women are to teach the younger women (Titus 2:5).

Do we as older women have this quality about us? Are we showing it and teaching it to our daughters and the next generation? It is one of beautiful attributes of a Christlike character.

Perhaps we should ask ourselves some questions:

Am I clean in my mind? Chasteness begins in the mind. You will remember that Philippians 4:8 tells us to think on the things that are “pure.” That is the same word that is translated chaste.

Am I sexually pure and faithful to my marriage??

Am I chaste in my conduct and how I dress? Morally pure? Modest? It is sad that you could not describe much of the clothing in the Christian church today as “chasteness.”

1 John 3:2, 3: “We know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth (hagnizo – to keep clean and pure) himself, even as he is pure (hagnos).”

Let’s not take this lightly dear ladies but know that God has called us to chasteness and to reveal it to the next generation. Can we be true examples of this beautiful quality that God loves and longs to see in His daughters?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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NessWordsThere are lots of “ness” words that belong to the home. We listed a load of them in the post, LOVELY WORDS TO ADD TO YOUR VOCAB (check below if you missed it). In this post we talked about homeness, wombness, and femaleness. In yesterday’s post we talked about softness.

What about kindness? Proverbs 31:26 gives a description of the mother in the home: “In her tongue is the law of kindness.” Kindness personifies a woman. That’s a challenge, isn’t it? For when we resort to our fleshly ways, we lose the anointing of kindness. The Hebrew word is “chesed” which is one of the most wonderful revelations of God in the entire Bible. It’s closely related to “grace” in the New Testament. It’s God’s unfailing love even when we don’t deserve it. It reveals His mercy, forgiveness, loyalty, goodness, and kindness.

It’s more than kindness. Lovingkindness is a better word. It’s a kindness which involves two parties. It speaks of God’s covenant with Israel which is an everlasting covenant. His dealings with Israel show how He deals with us. Because of their waywardness and rebellion, God had to continually judge and punish His people. Because He is God, He cannot let go His justice and righteousness, and must execute judgment on sin. Eventually, He could not tolerate the evil of the Israelites any longer and scattered them to the four corners of the earth.

Nevertheless, God had made a covenant. He is lovingkindness (chesed). His lovingkindness will not let go. He will not wash His hands of Israel, nor of us. He judges, but never gives up. Rebellion cannot destroy His love. It is the essence of that lovely old hymn, “O love that will not let me go.”

After vomiting the Israelites out of the land because of their sin, God sent hundreds of promises through His prophets to tell them that He will one day bring them back to the land again. These prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes. We saw the miracle of Israel become a nation again on 14 May 1948 and now Jews are pouring back to the land from all over the world. This is God revealing Himself as chesed.

It is also related to the old English word “troth.” Have you heard this word before? At the end of their vows, the bridal couple says: “And thereto I give thee my troth." Our children used these original wedding vows on their wedding days. I was pleased that our eldest granddaughter also used the same vows. It was quite fun to hear her practicing to say "troth" on their wedding rehearsal night. It’s not an easy word to pronounce! It means that the couple confesses publicly that they will be faithful to their marriage covenant.

Because God is a God of lovingkindness and we are created in His image, He desires us to show forth this grace too.

Let’s practice being kind. Kind to our husband. Kind to our children. Kind to the people around us. Do you notice this Scriptures says that the virtuous woman reveals kindness through her tongue? Are your words kind? Did you speak kind and loving words to your husband today? Did you speak kind words to your children?

Let’s establish kindness in our homes today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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KeepSoftnessThere was a time when females were equated with softness, and men with toughness. I believe that females should also be strong. We need to be strong physically. Childbearing and caring for a family is not for wimps. We need to also be strong emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We must be strong to stand against all evil that the devil wants to bring to our marriages and families.

The Proverbs 31 woman is described as a strong woman: “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is above rubies.” The word “virtuous” is “chayil” and means “strength, valiant, and is usually used in the context of an army.”

But although we need to be strong, we must not lose our softness. It is one of the beautiful characteristics of being female. I love the way the Hebrew uses organs of the body to express emotions and affection. There are four different Hebrew words for “womb“ in the Bible. Let me share the meaning of just two of them.

“Racham” comes from the root word “to fondle.” It means “to cherish a babe in the womb, to love deeply, to be compassionate, to show tender mercy and pity.” This word is used interchangeably in the Bible for the womb of a woman and also to describe God’s compassion and mercy.

“Meah” comes from a root word meaning “to be soft.” It refers to the internal organs including the reproductive organs. It speaks of man’s emotions and also of God’s emotions.

The womb is more than a literal place to conceive and nurture a babe. It is the seat of our compassion and tenderness. As we embrace our womb and childbearing, we return again to a soft and tender spirit. Little babies keep our hearts soft and at the same time we reveal the compassionate and tender heart of God.

God has chosen His female creation to reveal His mercy and tenderness to the world--firstly to our children and then to a hurting world. No wonder 1 Timothy 2:15 says that we will be preserved through embracing childbearing. We are saved from becoming tough and hard. Motherhood keeps us soft, tender, and beautiful in our femaleness.

Be encouraged today,


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CherisMomentA lovely poem from Val Halloran who is now a grandmother. Val shares of how the years of mothering passed by so quickly. Take time to cherish your mothering days.

You know that you were my world,
You've said so now that you're grown.
I never ever wished for the day
That you would be on your own.
The thinking is foreign to me
That children take too much time,
That there could be something else in life
To be worth leaving you behind.

You filled my life with purpose,
With hope for what lay ahead.
My greatest wish was for you to go
Wherever your Savior led.
He gave me you as an arrow
To send where He would call.
Though so many times I faltered,
I longed to give you my all.

I'm so thankful for the privilege
That too short a time was mine.
I didn't know then as the years flew by,
Just how fast would pass the time.
But I was blessed to savor
The best life that God can give-
To be a wife and mother,
There was no better way to live.

And if you have some little ones
At home, but just on loan,
Cherish every moment left
For all too soon they're grown.

2019, Val Halloran

Painting by Sheri Dinardi

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