BatterRamThe truckers have become God’s battering ram in Ottawa, Canada. However, we need battering ram prayer meetings to back them up and support their effort.
The Scriptures in Ezekiel 4:2, 21, 22 specifically speak of the ancient weapon called the battering ram.
Unfortunately, in these Scriptures the battering rams were used by the enemy, Babylon, to smash down the gates and walls of Jerusalem.
Battering rams were made of strong tree trunks tipped at one end with iron. Evenly spaced along the trunk they made holes through the trunk to pass bars of wood or iron through the holes that become cross bars. This enabled 15 – 20 men each side of the trunk to pick it up in unison, and after backing up a few steps, to charge forward and ram the steel end of the tree trunk into the enemy’s gates and walls. This made the breeches in the walls for the armies to enter the city. They were very effective.
Battering rams are an excellent illustration of how effective unity and agreement are when it comes to charging the strong barred gates of those ancient cities. One man could not possibly lift up that heavy tree trunk, let alone charge it headlong into the walls and gates. It took maybe 15 – 20 each side, all in unison, all running together, all sharing the heavy load.
Matthew 16:16-18: “And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT.”
Peter’s statement of confession that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God was the iron tipped battering ram. However, it required more than one picking up the weight of that confession and charging the gates of hell with it.
Jesus said in Matthew 18:19: “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
“Two or three” is the minimum requirement for picking up a spiritual battering ram. Yet how much more effective is a larger number.
The truckers and other protestors in Canada and across the world need our churches and families to continually pick up the cause of bringing down the one world tyrannical vaccine mandates as well as all the other tyrannical, heavy, bulldozing of their leftist, socialist agenda.
We must pray that all protesters will stand their ground and not give in to all the fear tactics of these leftist dictators, presidents, prime ministers, governors, mayors, and all their cohorts who are trying to steal and rob the free West of all its hard-earned freedoms.
These truckers and other protestors are doing it hard as week by week they brave the freezing weather, harassed by police with threats to their families, stealing their gas, revoking their licenses, and now threats to freeze their bank accounts.
We must turn our homes and churches into battering ram prayer meetings. This battle is more than flesh and blood for we are indeed coming up against the very gates of hell.
Praise be to God, the gates of hell, no matter how strong they may be, are no match against the battering ram prayers that are made in the powerful name of Jesus Christ who is the victorious Son of God, who because of His death, burial, and resurrection has overcome His enemies.
God is using these ordinary working people to challenge the so-called intelligencia of the upper class who think that they and they alone have the right to bulldoze everyone else into their one world government that will own everything and everyone else will be under their control. And lookout if we dare protest or question their self-usurping, self-assuring authority.
The enemy of our liberty and freedoms may try to do their best to fool us into believing that they care for us and want to protect us while all the time they are robbing us of ownership of everything we presently own so that they will be the one ones who have all the say and the right to do as they please.
Behind all this global warming, carbon footprint deception they are trying their best to reduce the world’s population and vaccinations are part of their plan. It does not matter to them how many people must die in order for them to achieve their goals.
Through our battering ram prayer meetings our prayer answering God is raising up the people of low degree to resist and defeat the wisdom of this world.
1 Corinthians 1:27: “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.”
This is our time to call on the Lord like never before.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell
P.S. Freedom-loving Canadians are calling out to other nations to help them. They are asking that EVERYONE CALL THEIR CANADIAN EMBASSIES to register their horror at Justin Trudeau invoking the Emergencies Act against the peaceful and mainly Christian protests in Ottawa and across Canada. This Emergencies Acts has never been used before and now it being used on peaceful protestors to forcefully stop their protesting and not listen to their pleas for freedom and their livelihood.
We are in a war. It is freedom or tyranny. Please call. The Canadian Embassy number in USA is
1 844 880 6519. You can also email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Do it today.
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...By God's Spirit

MensArrowsWe are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. We must keep pushing back the enemy. Pushing back in the spirit of prayer against the tyranny. The fight continues in Ottawa. Pray for a great breakthrough for freedom. It's not by might, not by power but by God's Spirit (Zechariah 4:6).

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Pray this Scripture. Pray that the godly authority of the righteous will be raised up in the land and all evil put down.

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How much time do you give to building into the lives of your children?


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Are you doing something significant to build up your marriage today?

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Will you trust Him?

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Are you faithful to conduct Bible and prayer time with your family each day?

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RightWrong"Let God be true, and every man a liar"
(Romans 3:4).
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PrayTogetherPrayer is indeed a mighty spiritual weapon of war. God does not call us to something He will not answer.
In this most important hour of our history, we who are privileged to live and be a part of God’s church at war in our generation must be on high alert to what could be our greatest battle yet. Whether we know it or not, time is running out fast. Nations that were less than a few months ago as free as some states in our nation have, without a shot being fired, fallen to extreme hard-nosed tyrannical communistic style government, e.g. Australia and New Zealand, Canada, nd various European countries. These countries have enjoyed democratic liberty and freedom and yet have surrendered quickly to totalitarian police statism. If you are not vaccinated, your freedom is gone and you become their target.
This war cannot be won with natural weapons only. Most importantly, we must use the spiritual weapons God has given us to fight with. This war is not a natural war. It is a spiritual war. The weapons of our warfare and not carnal (fleshly, natural) but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Who would have thought that vaccinations would become the catalyst to usher in government control over our own bodies? It has certainly been proved over and over, even by those responsible for administering these vaccinations, masks etc. that they do not protect anyone from the so-called common viruses.
Therefore, we ask ourselves, why are governments making such a big thing of it? This morning (1 – 18 – 22) we were praying for England which has also been under heavy restrictions and mandates to vaccinate. We were asking God for these heavy restrictions to be removed as we need to travel again and resume speaking engagements in England and the rest of UK.
A few hours’ later, while driving in our car, we heard Bois Johnson, Prime Minister of England, lift all mandates and all Covid regulations, including mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports, mask wearing etc. Praise be to the Lord of Heaven and earth who has given the Prime Minister of England the courage to make this bold stand. This is indeed a great encouragement to our faith, and we will continue pray that all the leaders of the nations of these so-called free democracies will do likewise.
Earnest prayer is indeed a great weapon to break the chains of these evil deceptions.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell
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takeactionWe cannot sit idly by while this nation is being pushed into tyranny. This is the "land of the free and the home of the brave." Exercise your right to freedom.

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...does not cover a lifestyle of unrepented sin.

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1 Corinthians 10:7

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Love the person but not the sin.

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BibleFoodMake sure you read God's Word to your family before they leave the meal table. We must feed their bodies, but their spirits are even more important. Don't let them grow up big and tall physically and yet their inner man is shriveled and starving. (1 John 2:13, 14).
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RaisingChildAre you committed o reading God's Word to your family each day?

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KeepFightingPlease forgive me. It has been some time since I wrote my last post to you. I have had so many things in and around our home that needed urgent attention and I have been giving myself to them rather than sitting down and writing.
I am naturally more of a “hands-on” man and enjoy doing practical things rather than applying myself to pen and paper. This requires discipline for me. I still preach regularly at our Hilltop Fellowship as well as speaking to families at Above Rubies conferences. With my wife’s encouragement I try hard to stay active and healthy. I am coming up 82 years young this coming spring.
Having given my apologies, I want to get back to writing. I have so much on my heart to share with you and I must discipline myself to get it to you. I want to finish our series on the different battle weapons God calls His people. Completing that,
I have another series on my heart ready to begin.
It is my earnest heart’s desire to keep fighting on, especially in this strategic hour when God is calling us to our battle stations. I believe the battle between light and darkness has never been more serious and intense than what we as God’s people are facing right now.
This is not the time to allow lukewarmness, indifference, and casualness to creep in and rob us of the victories God will give to those who do not faint in the day of battle.
Proverbs 24:10: “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.”
Galatians 6:9: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in The work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
Because of the intense battle that is going on in our western countries, we are continuing, no matter what the cost, to hold three prayer meetings each week here on the Hilltop, plus in our morning and evening prayer times at our Family Devotions.
We have a Prayer Meeting at our home on Monday evenings, on Wednesday evenings at Sam and Serene’s home, and each Sunday morning for 30 minutes for all those who have a heart to pray for this nation and the world. As we continue to pray, I notice a greater intensity of heart and fire coming upon the prayer warriors.
At this time, our hearts are going out to the people in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and certain European countries. Some of these countries are facing massive lockdowns, restrictions, and police tyranny. Liberties are vehemently applied through physical force. Attendance at church is stifled in communist style, bullying tactics. The governments of these countries have surrendered to extreme socialist, anti-Christ, anti-democratic, anti-freedom, anti-liberty, and new world order demands.
The number is growing of good people wanting to escape by seeking asylum in the USA or other countries. Our hearts ache for all these people. Because of vaccination requirements many cannot leave even though they want to.
To those who say that these vaccinations are okay because they follow the science, “the proof is in the pudding,” as multitudes are dying, or their immune systems compromised similar to AIDS victims.
Blood clotting, respiratory problems, and a host of life-threatening abnormalities are happening every day. I was just reading last night of over 50,000 deaths caused by this vaccination in the USA alone, let alone worldwide.
Is this subject divisive? You bet it is. Should we stop speaking about it? No, never! We must take a strong stand against this murderous weapon of death and destruction.
Bill Gates proclaimed it boldly on YouTube in this declaration to the leaders of the most powerful nations that in order to reduce the overgrowth of the world population, vaccinations are the answer. Satan is definitely driving this whole thing.
The answer is to stand up for truth, speak up, and pray up.
We are our “brother’s keeper” (Genesis 4:9).
We are all called to be watchmen and sound a warning to our neighbors and friends. If we love one another, we will speak the truth in love, even if it pains us to do so.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell
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FamWithoutPrayerFathers, make sure you are covering your homes and families with earnest prayer.

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T. Jefferson

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Filling the world with God's light.

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