The expected red wave was certainly not what we hoped for. At this moment the senate seems to hold very little hope and light for supporting the conservative agenda. I hope I am wrong. The House of Representatives appears to now be in our control. Thank you, God.
We must pray that they will be able to pass legislation on behalf of the truth and bring justice and judgment between lies versus truth, salt versus corruption, and light versus darkness.
We must pray for a unity amongst all republican leaders, a unity that is not based on compromise and lies but solid truth, a unity based on what is constitutional and right for America. This requires leaders who will exercise integrity and backbone.
Where is the heart of God among the women of America who voted to kick back against Roe v. Wade being overturned. Many women voted for the democrat agenda because its main platform was woman’s rights. I doubt they considered the morals of murdering the baby in the womb, even to kill the baby after birth. Would this not call the Judge of the whole earth to discipline this nation with severe judgment, especially after the 40 years of fighting for it to be overturned by the Supreme Court.
As a nation we should not take the mercy of God for granted. The leftist agenda is slamming a fist into the face of God because it legislates against holiness. It is not only abortion, but now they include the mutilation of the human body to bring about sex changes, as well as other degrading moral legislation.
We stand on the brink of severe discipline from our holy God. May the Lord have mercy upon us for I sense judgment is at the door and it will not be nice.
This is indeed a war between good and evil and light and darkness. If ever there was a time to intercede and pray for America to turn back to God, it is surely now.
We must pray for individuals, families, and churches that they will repent and turn back to God.
We must pray that God will bring down those who plan evil—whether through vaccinations where the main purpose is to cull the human population by the death of millions,or legislation to change our DNA,or legislation to defy the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade,and many other evils that are espoused by the New World Order and World Economic Forum and our pro-socialist government where the people have no say.
Who wants to live in a world that is overrun by perverts and those who practice all types of sexual immorality? The liars and deceivers are seeking to overrun the righteous. They denounce our conservative values with a vengeance. They want to be elected even if it means they must cheat and steal to make it happen. This they will do if we do not pray and have a revival of spiritual backbone.
We cannot and must not be suckers to their lies and deceptions any longer.
By the grace of God we must push back against their clever frauds that are demonically inspired.
We must resist with all the powerful truth that comes like a two-edged sword out of the mouth of the Captain of our Salvation whose kingdom will never end.
“If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).
So, where Oh, where do we go from here? There is nowhere else to go but to the Lord with every fiber of our being.