No apologies to the liberal media, please! We must not cave in! Never! Ever! There is too much at stake.

It is very disappointing when celebrities cave in during the heat of the battle over the homosexual marriage equality debate. I was very proud of the way Dr. Ben Carson stood up against the liberal agenda at the Prayer Breakfast, but was disappointed when he, for whatever reason, backed down over the homosexual issue and apologized for certain statements he made.

Tim Tebow was told his career would basically be over if he accepted the invitation to speak at a certain church that took a strong stand against homosexual marriage. Unfortunately he caved in. It goes to prove that even the best of men will fail when the battle gets too hot. Please pray for these men. They need our prayers as they face the roaring lions.

May God give us men who will not back down, but stand up like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego who steadfastly refused to back down and cave in, even when facing the hottest and most scorching fiery furnace that any man ever had to face.

America is languishing for men who will stand up for their convictions, no matter what the world thinks of them. They undoubtedly will label us bigots, demagogues, homophobiacs and every other name they can think of. But, so what! Let them call us what they may, but we will not bend, bow, back down, or cave in to godly moral convictions. So what if they smear our reputation, blacken our name, cast us out, dismiss us from our employment, or throw us in prison. We must not back down, Never! Ever!

We must remember that Jesus Christ did not cave in and make any apologies when he faced the extreme heat of the battle in order to rescue our souls from sin and hell. Let us realize that our stand is not only for our cause, but rather for the cause of Christ. We must never ever cave in or apologize for our stand for the cause of Christ.

Jesus said in Mark 8:38, "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation: of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

Be encouraged. Colin

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Before I continue with the theme I began before going overseas of BIBLICAL FATHERHOOD, I have to share what is on my heart with you today.

My heart has been very stirred coming back to the USA to find the Supreme Court debating on whether or not to allow homosexuals to have the same marriage status as heterosexuals. Since time began, marriage has been a covenant between man and woman. The liberal media, as always, a biased arm of left wing politics have been declaring with gleeful and blatant lies that the nation is approving that homosexuals should be permitted the same marital status as a man and woman.

Seeing that the homosexuals only number approximately 10 percent of the population, one cannot help but wonder why the rest of us 90 percent should in any way have to put up with this left wing agenda shoved upon us and rammed down our throats! While the homosexuals are quick to label the 90 percent as unloving bigots who are intolerant and judgmental, the truth is that these ten percenters believe the 90 percenters should change their traditional Christian values on marriage to accommodate their own bigoted opinions.

I say a thousand Nos to their clamoring and inconsiderate pressure on us who believe that the marriage act was ordained as holy by God and to be between a man and a woman!

Genesis 2:18, "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone ; I will make him a helpmeet for him... And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman, and brought her unto the man."

Be encouraged. Colin.

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It is good to be home again. For three weeks Nancy and I ministered extensively in eight different countries, encouraging motherhood and fatherhood. I felt it was a most profitable time and the majority of people were very receptive.

Unfortunately, Europe is on a serious downward slide away from God and is in desperate need for another reformation of God's truth being applied to the human heart.


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John 2:17, "The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up." I believe it is high time Christian men stood up against the blatant depravity by homosexuals to desecrate all that is holy. We must not be ashamed to speak this truth in love, everywhere. Jesus Christ Himself showed righteous indignation from time to time, especially when holy things were being deliberately desecrated.

There should be no question about the fact that marriage is a holy institution, created and ordained by our Holy God (Genesis 2:22-24). It is only right that all Christians should be also filled with righteous indignation when we are told by our government that homosexuals have the right to be married in our churches that have been consecrated to God, and therefore should be regarded as holy ground.

Jesus Christ was filled with righteous anger when He went into the temple and found them buying and selling merchandise on holy ground. He was so angered that He made a whip and used it, at the same time turning over the tables and shouting, "Take these things hence: make not my Father's house a house of merchandise" (John 2:13-17). In the other Gospels  He adds, "Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves" (Mark 11:17).

If Jesus did these things to those merchants in God's house, what would He have done to homosexuals demanding to be married in God's holy temple? Would Jerusalem have become another Sodom and Gomorrah?

The pastor or priest who would dare to use the sacred name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in blessing a homosexual marriage union is in danger of the ground opening up and swallowing him. How dare they tempt the Holy One of Israel? This behavior is blatant depravity of God's holiness.

Of course, God loves the world, including homosexuals. He loved them enough to give His life for them. But, He calls them to repent as He does all sinners, in order that they may be saved and set free.

Be encouraged. Colin


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It is good to be home again. For three weeks Nancy and I ministered extensively in eight different countries, encouraging motherhood and fatherhood. I felt it was a most profitable time and the majority of people were very receptive.

Unfortunately, Europe is on a serious downward slide away from God and is in desperate need for another reformation of God's truth being applied to the human heart.


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Colin's Quote for Today - March 28, 2013

"Parents who homeschool have considered what's in the box of public education and they dare to be different. State schooling conforms to humanistic society and the box is getting dirtier by the day."

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 27, 2013

“We want God to walk with us, but do we want to walk with God?”


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Colin's Quote for Today - March 26, 2013

"The "box" represents the ways of human wisdom. People who think outside the box have taken time to think wisely about what is in the box.

If what's in the box takes us away from the time-tested truths of God's Word and the godly foundations of our national constitution, it would be wise to get out of the box as quickly as possible."

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 25, 2013

“Every day, remind your wife that she is doing the greatest job in the world. Remind her that you need her at home, the family needs her at home, and the nation needs her at home.”


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Colin's Quote for Today - March 22, 2913

"God is looking for men who are not afraid to think outside the box, men who are wise enough to realize that thinking within the box is often the wrong way to think."


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Colin's Quote for Today - March 21, 2013

"The men who dare to be different will not be known to be different unless they speak up!"

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 20, 2013

"Truth is of little value until someone puts arms, legs, tongue, and pen to it. It is only when truth is lived and spoken that it has the power to break the false and scatter the darkness."

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 19, 2013

"We cannot be passionate lovers of God without being passionate lovers of His truth."

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 18, 2013


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Colin's Quote for Today - March 15, 2013

"Faithfulness is proved by time."

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 14, 2013

God's Word--ancient words made new each day by the Holy Spirit.

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 13, 2013

"The best learners are the best listeners."

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 12, 2013

"If you have got any truth in you, for goodness sake, SAY IT! Don't hide truth behind closed doors!"

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 11, 2013

"People are going to church but not going to church to pray."

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Colin's Quote for Today - March 8, 2013

"Casualness causes casualties."

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