No apologies to the liberal media, please! We must not cave in! Never! Ever! There is too much at stake.

It is very disappointing when celebrities cave in during the heat of the battle over the homosexual marriage equality debate. I was very proud of the way Dr. Ben Carson stood up against the liberal agenda at the Prayer Breakfast, but was disappointed when he, for whatever reason, backed down over the homosexual issue and apologized for certain statements he made.

Tim Tebow was told his career would basically be over if he accepted the invitation to speak at a certain church that took a strong stand against homosexual marriage. Unfortunately he caved in. It goes to prove that even the best of men will fail when the battle gets too hot. Please pray for these men. They need our prayers as they face the roaring lions.

May God give us men who will not back down, but stand up like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego who steadfastly refused to back down and cave in, even when facing the hottest and most scorching fiery furnace that any man ever had to face.

America is languishing for men who will stand up for their convictions, no matter what the world thinks of them. They undoubtedly will label us bigots, demagogues, homophobiacs and every other name they can think of. But, so what! Let them call us what they may, but we will not bend, bow, back down, or cave in to godly moral convictions. So what if they smear our reputation, blacken our name, cast us out, dismiss us from our employment, or throw us in prison. We must not back down, Never! Ever!

We must remember that Jesus Christ did not cave in and make any apologies when he faced the extreme heat of the battle in order to rescue our souls from sin and hell. Let us realize that our stand is not only for our cause, but rather for the cause of Christ. We must never ever cave in or apologize for our stand for the cause of Christ.

Jesus said in Mark 8:38, "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation: of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

Be encouraged. Colin


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