Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


ApronDo you like to wear an apron? I'm one of those people who need to wear an apron when I'm preparing food or I soon stain my clothes. I love pretty aprons but mine don't stay pretty for very long as they soon become stained and look well-used.

Whether you wear an apron for cooking and cleaning or not, we all need to put on a special apron each day. 1 Peter 5:5 in the William's translation says: "You must all put on the servant's apron of humility to another, because God opposes the haughty but bestows His unmerited favor on the humble."

We should make a conscious effort to put on this apron each morning. It’s not always easy to wear, is it? But this is the apron that will make you look the most beautiful – and it is precious in God’s sight too.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. The picture is of my granddaughter Meadow in an apron.

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HappyHealthyHomeNever give up. Keep faithfully building each new day to make your home a happy and healthy sanctuary for your husband and children.

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ResistDevilThe greatest temptation from the enemy of our souls is in our minds. This is where he loves to attack us most, or should I say, even torment us. It is in our minds that he brings thoughts of doubt, deception, despondency, rejection, anger, self-pity, and even despair. If we are not aware of his tactics and do not resist them, they will become bigger in our minds and he wins the victory.

I noticed an interesting Scripture in Daniel 7:25. It speaks about the coming anti-Christ (but this same spirit is already in the world) and it says: "He shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High." The words "wear out" in the Hebrew mean "to afflict mentally." These words are only used in a mental sense. This is Satan's strategy. To wear us out in our minds with unbelieving and deceiving thoughts. If you are in confusion and overwhelmed in your mind, you can't function emotionally or physically.

Therefore, you must be on the alert. You don't have to let the enemy wear you out! This is not God's plan. You can't stop these thoughts coming to your mind, but you don't have to receive them! You don't have to dwell on them for one minute! Resist them in the name of Jesus. Throw them out of your mind. They don't belong in your redeemed mind.

1 Peter 1:13 says: "Gird up the loins of your mind." In Bible days the men wore long tunics and when doing physical exercise pulled up their tunic and tucked it in their belt so they would not be hindered. In the same way, we have to get rid of any thoughts in our minds that hinder us from walking in the victory which Jesus Christ paid the price on the cross to give us.

And be encouraged again today with 2 Corinthians 5:4, 5: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ."

May you have a victorious day triumphing over the wiles of the devil. You do not have to let him wear you out.

~ Nancy Campbell

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GatekeeperMy daughter, Serene's little boy, Shepherd, is the gatekeeper of their land. Because they have to keep their cows from getting to the neighbors, they have two gates to get to their home. One is about 500 feet from their home and the other about 100 feet.

Each time someone comes to the home Shepherd has to bike or run to the gates and open and shut them for the people coming in or going out. It is so great to be able to call up and give the message, "Tell the gatekeeper to be waiting at the gate." He has a very important job.

You also have a very important job as the gatekeeper of your home. Guard your gates carefully. Then enemy tries to sneak in when you are not watching. Open your gates to everything that is lovely and wholesome. Close your gates to all that is doubtful, dark, deceptive, and evil.

You are the one who determines what comes inside your home. Be a faithful gatekeeper today.

Blessings to you and your home,

Nancy Campbell

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FlourishTodayGod's will for you is to flourish in your home. Here's some ways to flourish in your home:

F Flavor your home with joy, sweetness, and happiness (what a nice flavor)!
L Love every moment of your mothering (rather than dreaming of when these days will be over).
O Offer your life as a living sacrifice (knowing that you save your life by losing it (Mark 11:35 and Romans 12:1-2).
U Unify your home by speaking peace into every situation.
R Revel in the joy of mothering and nurturing the precious gifts God has given to you (knowing that your Employer is God
I Intentionally make positive things happen in your home (don't let the day lead you around in circles, but instead purposefully direct your day by the leading of the Holy Spirit).
S Sanctify your home daily with prayer, praises, and the washing of God's Word (Ephesians 5: 26).
H Heap hugs and kisses on your husband and children daily.

God bless you in your home today.
Nancy Campbell

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BloomPlantedDid you know that God's plan for you is to FLOURISH? And where does He want you to flourish? In your home. Psalm 128:3-4 (TLB): “Your wife will be like fruitful vine, FLOURISHING within your home. And look at all those children! There they sit around your table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees. That is the Lord’s reward for those who fear Him.”

Perhaps you feel like a WILTING plant. You feel "half dead"! Or maybe, like some plants, you are barely SURVIVING. You get through each day, but only just!

God has more for you, dear mother. He wants you to flourish and bloom.

I believe we come into the flourishing mode when we embrace our mothering role with all our heart. We know that we are in God's perfect will. No matter what the hardships and challenges, we face them with joy. We are not dreaming of some day when we will be through these mothering days. Instead, we live every moment to the full. Every moment is an abounding moment because Christ lives in us and His life is not wilting, but full of life and power (John 10:10).

Embrace your powerful calling of motherhood and make every moment a God moment. Think of yourself as a flourishing plant--abounding, blooming, blossoming, enlarging, expanding, flowering, growing luxuriantly, increasing, and thriving (Isaiah 54:2-3)! This is God's plan for you.

God bless you today,

Nancy Campbell

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ForGodsGloryJesus came to glorify God on this earth (John 17:4). Although Jesus is no longer on earth in bodily form, He still has the same passion to glorify His Father on the earth. But now He wants to do it, not only in Jerusalem and Israel where He came in person, but throughout the whole earth. Now He wants to do it through YOU.

If you are born again, Christ dwells in you. He lives in you to glorify the Father right where you are living. Of course, that means in your home--in your kitchen, mothering your children, and coping with all the challenges that each new day brings.

Make this your passion today, to glorify your Father in your home today. When you have this vision before you, it changes your attitude about every task you have to do, little or big. No matter how insignificant or how difficult the task, everything you do is sacred when Christ dwells within you. And everything takes on a new and heavenly aspect when you have the vision to glorify your Father.

In His love, Nancy Campbell

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i love being amiableWhat is your disposition toward your husband? I was struck by another phrase in Way's translation of Titus 2:4 which exhorts wives "to be amiable and submissive to their own husbands." To be amiable makes for a happy and loving atmosphere.

The dictionary meaning is "good-natured and friendly." This is a good translation of the Greek word that is used in this Scripture which is "philandros." It means "to be affectionate and friendly."

This is the attitude God wants us to have as wives. Why is it then that we get so prickly, irritated, and impatient, especially with our husband?

Ask God to take away your prickliness. Ask Him to fill you with His amiableness. Get into the habit of reacting with an amiableness rather than impatience.

The psalmist rejoiced in Psalm 84:1: "How amiable are thy tabernacles (dwelling places), O LORD of hosts." Fill your home with an amiable spirit. Think of ways to be good-natured, friendly, and affectionate to your husband. That means taking time to stop what you are doing and touch him, hug him, and kiss him when he is near you.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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SpecialDomainI love the Arthur S. Way's translation of Titus 2:3-5 where it tells the older women their responsibilities: "They should be teachers of virtue, qualified to school in self-control the young women, to teach them to love their husbands and their children, to be discreet and chaste, to recognize that their sphere is home, to be amiable and submissive to their own husbands, so that no slander may assail the Word of God."

I also love the phrase, "to recognize that their sphere is home." God has given a special sphere to us as mothers. It is the place where He wants us to rule and reign as queens. It is the place where He plans for us to nurture and raise our children. It is the place where we teach and train children to come forth into the world to bring God's love, truth, and the revelation of who He is. It is where He wants us to build a sanctuary for Him. This place is our home.

Thank the Lord for the gift of your home today. Thank Him for this special sphere He has given to you where you are free to fulfill your destiny--to be the greatest wife to your husband and the greatest mother to your children. Thank Him for this powerful sphere from which you can change the world.

May God inspire and bless you today.

Nancy Campbell

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ResistA friend shared with me an incident that happened at a ladies meeting. A mother arrived with a new baby and everyone was oohing and aahing over the baby. A mother of three was also delighting in the baby when she suddenly pushed away from the baby and said, "I must resist! I must resist!"

Her nine-year-old daughter also began saying, "Mom, resist! Mom, resist!" This was too much for my friend to see a mother teaching her young daughter to resist babies and she answered, "How can you resist what the Father calls a blessing?"

The whole room went quiet! The truth was revealed!

How far have we gotten away from God's mindset?

~ Nancy Campbell

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LoveIsAnActMy friend, Heather Bryant shared this with me:

"This morning at church I sat behind a divorced couple. The man has Alzheimer's and has forgotten they are divorced. They were lovingly sitting next to each other. At some point she got up and got coffee for the both of them. He attentively and sweetly helped her take off her sweater. It struck me how easy it was that they were now together. The man's terrible disease had unaffectedly wiped away past wrongs. His wife may remember, but since he had forgotten, there was nothing to fight about anymore, nothing to divide. Nothing. It makes me cry. It makes my heart break. because it is so simple."

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MothersLightMother, you are the light of your home and the light of the nation.

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MansWisdomRecently I talked to a young man who is attending college. He shared how his professors advocate delaying marriage and childbearing until they establish themselves and their career. This is how all young people are educated today. Girls are urged to make sure they get settled in a career so that they will have a means of support "in case their marriage fails."

Talking to another young lady who attends college she said, "Don't you know that we can now freeze our eggs so we can enjoy our career and have babies later in life when we are ready?"

"Yes," I replied. "I have read about this." In fact, Facebook and Apple now offer female employees a health benefit in order to freeze their eggs so they can focus on their career. However, I am appalled, but she thinks it is "the norm"!

It is dangerous to send a young person to college if they are not cemented in godly convictions and a biblical worldview. If they don't know what they believe and are rooted in God's eternal truths, they will soon be indoctrinated with lies from Satan.

The ideology of humanism and feminism looks "wise" to those who do not know the truth. This is Satan's trick. He coats his lies with a semblance of wisdom. They sound a good idea to the natural mind. This is how he first tempted Eve in the garden? How could you tempt someone who walked and talked with God every day? Only by making things "seem" good and wise (Genesis 3:6).

1 Corinthians 1:20, 25 says: "Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? . . . Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men." Isaiah 44:25 says that He "Turns wise men backward, and makes their knowledge foolishness."

Let's seek after God's wisdom for ourselves and our children.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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BowStandI was reading again in Daniel 3 the familiar story of how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to the golden image. They were the only ones who refused to bow. It is amazing that everyone else in Babylon had become a victim and slave to do what they were told. They were indoctrinated and brainwashed that this was the right thing to do. It says that "all the people, the nations, and the languages fell down and worshipped the golden image" (v. 7).

Although we are not forced to bow to images of false gods today, we still face the same challenges. We are educated and propagandized to bow down to the gods of humanism and false gods that are opposite to the God of the Bible. Because they are educated by liberal teachers and college professors, even Christians bow to these false gods. The deceptions are so ingrained in their minds they think they are normal.

May God save us from being deceived by false gods. May we as parents be watchful enough to save our children from being victimized by the deceptive gods of this society. May we have the courage of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to stand against the grain. Don’t you love their unwavering confession before the king? "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that WE WILL NOT serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up" (verses 17 and 18).

We know the story of how God delivered them from the fiery furnace, but MORE THAN THAT, their courage to stand against the false god "changed the king's word" (v. 28). They turned the heart of the king of the nation because they would not give in!

Are you bowing to the status quo of this humanis society? Or are you standing against the deception?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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DoingGreatWorkDo you feel as though you have too much work to do today? When can you get time to rest? Can I encourage you with the words of Jesus? He said: "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work" (John 4:34). Jesus also said: "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work" (John 9:4). Read also John 5:17, 36; 6:27, 38; and 17:4.

Did you notice He uses the words "work" and "works"? Jesus didn't come to earth for a vacation, but to work and to fulfill the purpose for which God sent Him.

God has also given you a great work to accomplish. When He sends you a little baby, He gives this baby to you to nurse and train for Him. He doesn't give you this baby to give to someone else to look after. As your children grow, He gives you the powerful work of teaching, training, and preparing them for God's purposes on this earth. It is a mighty work. It is God's work. You couldn't be doing any greater work. It is work that goes into the eternal realm.

But it is "work." The word actually means "toil and labor." Colossians 3:23 reminds us to do our work "heartily."

As we joyfully embrace our work from God, we also teach our children that they are also on this earth to work the works of God. Jesus was only 12 years old when He said: "Did you not now that I must be about my Father's business?" (Luke 29).

God bless you today.

Nancy Campbell

Interesting article about how much mothers work in the home, although I am sure this is not your lifestyle:

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DevineAppointmentsAt our Family Devotions this morning we read how Daniel was praying and confessing his sin and the sin of the people of Israel before the LORD God. It then tells us that at the time of the evening offering the Angel Gabriel came and "touched" him and began to speak with him (Daniel 9:20, 21).

God delights to speak to us, but He had certain times when He specifically revealed himself to His people. It was at the time of the morning and evening sacrifice and burning of incense (as we note in this passage in Daniel).

It was at the time of the evening sacrifice that God came to Elijah on Mount Carmel and revealed Himself as the God in Israel and "the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God: the LORD, he is the God" (1 Kings 18:36-39).

It was at the time of burning the incense when the angel came to Zacharias to tell him that God would give them a son who would prepare the way for the Savior of the world (Luke 1:8-17). It doesn't say whether it was at the time of the morning or evening incense burning, but it was one or the other. As the priest sprinkled the incense on the burning coals from the altar and the fragrant sweet aroma rose up to God, all the people prayed outside. The altar of incense speaks of prayer, praise, and intercession.

Do you want God to touch you? Do you want Him to come and touch each one of your children? How important it is then for us to gather our family each morning and evening (according to the prototype God gave us) to offer praise and intercession to Him and hear His Word. We should give God every opportunity to come to us as a family.

Don't miss these opportunities for God to come and speak to you and your children.

God bless you today.

Nancy Campbell

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CareerDear mother, You are in the most important career in the nation!


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twinsI was happy and sad to read all the comments to my post below, DOUBLE BLESSING. Sad because so many shared that they also received the same comment about having a baby or twins of "Double trouble." But I was also so happy to read how all these wonderful mothers rejected this comment and shared how their twins have been such a double blessing in their lives.

When I had my twins many years ago (they will be 50 this year), I used to say, "There's only one thing better than having a baby and that's having two babies!"

I also love the lines:

There's two to wash, two to dry;
There's two who argue, two who cry;
There's two to kiss, two to hug;
And best of all, there's two to love!"

Blessings from Nancy

To enjoy looking at more beautiful pictures of DOUBLE BLESSINGS, go to:

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DoubleBlessingWhen talking to a friend recently she shared with me that she was delighted to meet a mother with 13 month old twins at the grocery store.

"You are doubly blessed," she said to the young mother.

The mother looked at her incredulously. "You are the first person who has ever said that to me," the mother replied."Everyone who sees my beautiful babies says, "Double trouble!"

How sad that our society is indoctrinated with lies about the blessing of children.

~ Nancy Campbell

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GodsDesignI read this morning in Deuteronomy 32:4 that "God is the Rock, his work is perfect." God's creation is glorious and perfect. The way He created male and female is perfect. Each one of us are awesomely, wonderfully, intricately, and marvelously created (Psalm 139:14, 15).

Why would we ever think of violating God's perfect plan? And yet right now we face an appalling time in history when God's perfect plan for marriage between a male and female is being thrown back at our Creator. Many are waving their fist in the face of God Himself.

When God speaks about marriage in Genesis 2:24 He says: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

When God spoke these words there was no father and mother in existence! Before fatherhood and motherhood were ever experienced God spoke His divine and eternal plan into the earth. God wants children raised by a father and a mother. Many gay couples are seeking to adopt children, but this is opposite of God's ordained plan.

Proverbs 14:12 says: "There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Let's stand strong for God's perfect plan.

God bless you today, Nancy Campbell

(Further Scriptures to go with this post below).


All God's works (all His doings and all His creation, which includes each one of us) are Perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4).

There are also:
Awesome (Psalm 66:3).
Great (Psalm 92:5; 111:2; Revelation 15:3).
Holy (Psalm 145: 17).
Honorable (Psalm 111:3)
Just (Psalm 111:7; Daniel 4:37; Revelation 15:3).
Marvelous (1 Chronicles 16:12, 24; Psalm 9:1; 105:5; 139:14; Revelation 15:3).
Powerful (Psalm 111:6).
Righteous (Daniel 9:14).
True (Psalm 33:4; 111:7; Daniel 4:37; Revelation 15:3).
Wise (Psalm 104:24).
Wonderful (Job 37:14, 16; Psalm 40:5; 71:17; 75:1; 78:4, 11, 32; 105:2; 107:8, 21, 24, 31; 111:4; 145:5).

Give thanks to Him today for His perfect plan and design for your body and for your life. Praise Him as David did: "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well" (Psalm 139:14).

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Above Rubies Address

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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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