BestFamI recently wrote you a post called YOU CAN CHANGE PEOPLE’S LIVES. Scroll down to read it. It’s all about how we should greet people and how our words can change lives. I loved reading some of the testimonies on the thread and, in case you missed seeing them, I would like to share them with you so you can be blessed too.

“Our children are grown, and we are all going different directions everyday, but my husband started a family text to greet each other every morning or say goodnight. He always says something like "Good Morning, you wonderful people. I have the best family in the world!" We feel "washed" every time! So now we all express those kind of things to one another in the morning or randomly through the day.”

Another lovely testimony: “I love this! I have wonderful story I'd like to share. One time I led worship at a women's retreat and one of the things we brought into the teaching time was the meaning of each other's names. Mine, Katherine, means “pure one.“ Before my flight from TN back to AZ, I called my husband to let him know I was on the plane, but when he answered the phone, he, NOT KNOWING how we were greeting each other at the retreat with our name meanings, said to me, "Well good morning, Pure One!"

“It was such a God designed moment and so on point that I thought my retreat coordinator friend had called him and told him to greet me that way, but she had not. He had been teaching our children that morning about names and what they meant, and I happened to call during the teaching time; hence, his greeting me as he did.”

Another reader wrote: “When I was in third grade my wise teacher had all the children in her classroom write down something we liked about each other, and then made a list of the compliments for each student. It still makes me smile to remember those compliments. Today, after seeing this, I asked my small children what they loved and appreciated about each other, and this conversation turned their attitudes from squabbling and bickering to gratefulness and care for each other. Amazing! Thank you for this timely reminder, Nancy!

“I love this! I greet my twins many mornings by saying, “Good morning, mommy’s love and joy”!”

“I always call my children "my lovelies "

I love this last one, because I often call my husband Lovely. It may seem strange to you, but I never call him by his name of Colin unless I am speaking about him. When talking to him directly I call him Darling or My Lovely etc. Because he is closer to me than anyone else and is my dearest husband, it seems too common to call him the name everyone else calls him. In over 57 years I have always used an endearing name for him.

My husband is also so wonderful at blessing everyone each morning. At the end of our Family Devotions, he will always say, “May you have the greatest day of your life.” Or “May this be the best day you have ever lived so far!”

One time he went through the alphabet and used a different adjective of the alphabet each day. For example, “May you all be ANOINTED of the Holy Spirit today.” Or at the end of the alphabet, “May you all be ZEALOUS for God today.”

Remember, every time you open your mouth, speak life. Speak hope. Speak encouragement. Speak positive affirmation. Speak wisdom. Speak health. Oh yes you can keep sickness out of your home by speaking health and wholeness.

Fill your home with encouraging and healing words.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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